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reply to post by AlienView
If they were like, listen guys we have been here before, we share similar history albeit we were around the stage you were 4,000 years ago, this is what we did and how we turned out so cool, check out this holographic powerpoint presentation that will be transmitted directly in your brain which you can eat afterwards to see more about your potential paths of development, here are some free energy devices, we will do a basic scan real quick and just a moment....beep... ok we have a mapping of all humans that are causing earth to be a bad place and we suggest terminating them so their genetic qualities cannot reproduce mmkay, here are some spaceships so you can send some crews out to the inter galactic federation hub where the party is always popping off, 25/8 793 days a mondrodian, congratulations on having intelligence, neat stuff, you might want to consider becoming robots, or might want to stick with the squishy route and see where that takes you, alright, later bros. WE will be back in 100 moon cycles to check on your progress, lets see if you are big boys and girls enough to get the pot stirred yourself.edit on 24-2-2014 by ImaFungi because: (no reason given)
This is one of the funniest things I've read on this forum in a long time....... cheers !!!!
generally the most evolutionary successful are not very friendly. Aligators and sharks for example.
also humanity we are apparently the pinnacle of evolution. how do we treat lest advanced animals or even fellow humans?
reply to post by AlienView
If they were like, listen guys we have been here before, we share similar history albeit we were around the stage you were 4,000 years ago, this is what we did and how we turned out so cool, check out this holographic powerpoint presentation that will be transmitted directly in your brain which you can eat afterwards to see more about your potential paths of development, here are some free energy devices, we will do a basic scan real quick and just a moment....beep... ok we have a mapping of all humans that are causing earth to be a bad place and we suggest terminating them so their genetic qualities cannot reproduce mmkay, here are some spaceships so you can send some crews out to the inter galactic federation hub where the party is always popping off, 25/8 793 days a mondrodian, congratulations on having intelligence, neat stuff, you might want to consider becoming robots, or might want to stick with the squishy route and see where that takes you, alright, later bros. WE will be back in 100 moon cycles to check on your progress, lets see if you are big boys and girls enough to get the pot stirred yourself.edit on 24-2-2014 by ImaFungi because: (no reason given)
That said, I wouldn't be opposed to a cultural exchange type of program between them and us. Hell, I'd volunteer for that.
Why would they feel the need to take over the Earth in the first place? Anything they could get here they could get on a plethora of uninhabited worlds.
Their 'invasion' would be concerned with their needs. What do they need from us? They are clearly trying to get power in this world through the abduction and hybrid programs. Apparently they cannot live here themselves because they are not biologically suited to this world so they are creating hybrids who can live here. Their agenda is to use these hybrids - through mental control - to get what they want from this world. This is the level on which the invasion is happening.
reply to post by EnPassant
Their 'invasion' would be concerned with their needs. What do they need from us? They are clearly trying to get power in this world through the abduction and hybrid programs. Apparently they cannot live here themselves because they are not biologically suited to this world so they are creating hybrids who can live here. Their agenda is to use these hybrids - through mental control - to get what they want from this world. This is the level on which the invasion is happening.
It is possible and I have speculated that they might find our physical dexterity and ability to construct machinery such as computers useful in their agenda of universal conquest - quite literally to conquer and control this material universe where we are now. But we must also remember that the UFO phenomena suddenly became widespread after WWII and the detonation of the first atomic bombs. Humans might suddenly have gotten the attention of their alien neighbors - They may simply want control of humanity as a safety protocol to protect themselves from a race of beings [humans] that have a history of many thousands of years of bloody war and violence. If you were an advanced highly intelligent species of being would you want a belligerent race of warmongers with nuclear weapons in your universe?
Why would they feel the need to take over the Earth in the first place? Anything they could get here they could get on a plethora of uninhabited worlds.
But they need slaves to dig out the uranium or whatever it is they want.
Perhaps their interest in nuclear power is twofold; they want it from us and they don't want us to blow ourselves up because that would make it harder for them to get it.
JadeStarIf you can travel the distances between stars you don't need 'slaves'.
The evidence suggests that these aliens are spirits as human beings are but the evidence also suggests that some of them are living biological lives in physical bodies, as some human spirits are. It seems easier to get us, with all our technology in place, to do it for them.
You can speculate that they are so advanced they have no need for us but the evidence suggests that they have a great interest in us and it is not altruistic. They are in this for what they can get out of it. They do need us.
You have come a long way Human. From the early days of your history when the primitive humanoids built the first shelter to protect them from the elements the human species began the long trek that leads us aliens to communicate with and hopefully inspire your still somewhat primitive minds. We do this human not just for your benefit, though you will benefit, but also because 'we' need you for our agenda for 'universal control' of the universe and the elements of which it is composed. We seek mastery of all of physical existence and your manual dexterity is important for the construction of the machinery [ie. advanced capability computers] that we will use in the coming eons of universal conquest. Remember humanoids we are not interested in controlling the social/political aspects of your species, most of which is trite and based upon the unfortunate warlike and egotistical nature of your species. But, rather what we need from you is your help in mastering control of all of the material aspects of existence.
Join us humanoids. Give up on your idiotic attempts to conquer each other and join us in our plans for mastering the universe.
-Alien Commander Omd I [Human/Alien channel] [aka: AlienView-Tao, AlienView, UniversalAlien]