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Parents forced to government "education" class, or government punishes children.

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posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I teach elementary / middle school, and I can tell you from experience that parent (or more accurately, family) support makes a huge difference in a student's potential for success. I think encouraging family members to be supportive (i.e. reading together, helping with homework, etc) is a fantastic idea and schools should be finding ways to do that whenever possible. It will help students perform better in school.

That said, this bill sounds like a horrible and really creepy idea.

EDIT: I should have read the whole OP. My bad. I didn't know my options. Disregard all of this - I'm off to buy ferrets!
edit on 22-2-2014 by magicrat because: ferrets!

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 05:31 PM

reply to post by AthlonSavage

reply to post by FirePiston

So the both of you like this idea.

Do you think that a government-run program would be of benefit? How?

The government as "final say" in how to raise your own child would remove the individual responsibility of the parent.

But convince me.

Sell me on this idea.

How is it good?

Is taking all of our guns away right because a select few use them in a criminal manner? At least with this they are finally going after the source.
edit on 22-2-2014 by FirePiston because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 05:34 PM


New York state Sen. Ruben Diaz Jr. introduced a bill that would require parents of elementary school children to attend a minimum of four parent support classes. If parents don't go, 6th graders won't move onto 7th grade.

Leslie Venokur, the co-founder of Big City Moms, called the idea "crazy" and "insane." She said that what is most concerning that the education commissioner and Board of Regents would develop the parenting guidelines. She said the Regents should "stick to what they're good at which is teaching kids and staying away from the parents."

The bill states one of the courses would be related to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse of children.

Employers would be required to provide one day a year of paid leave so working parents can attend classes.

Some parents and non-parents we spoke with think it is a good idea.

Well, ATS? What do you think? Is forcing parents to attend a government-run parent support class a good idea?

Or is it a way to force parents to behave a certain way so that their children can advance?

I think this is a nightmare. Government says do "this", or we punish your children!

But hey, we no longer live in the land of the free any longer. This is nanny-state, police-state, bullying tactics.

As always, read, ignore, reply, buy an angry pack of ferrets and let them loose at a yoga class for lawyers, it's always up to you.

There is a conspiracy going on so huge, so gigantic, and is engineered in just a way that we cannot talk about it. The perfect crime. Talking about it gets you banned.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by FirePiston

But the government-run program won't be looking at individuals. There are programs already in place for that.

This is indoctrination so that parents are forced to abide by government dictates in order for their child(ren) to advance.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 05:42 PM
What is really needed is to guarantee that children in school has well eduacated teachers with decent degrees. There needs to be devotion to teaching the kids not just for the salary it brings but having a teachers who are in their "hearts" devoted what they do and do well.
When people see that school teachers are top notch professionals it gives pride to all, parents, kids and those who do the teaching, also to the society in all.
In my country we are proud of our teachers who all have masters degree even in preschools, they do excellent job on teaching our kids and by the seeing that eduacation really works it also makes us parents be more involved in our kids schoolwork.

If system would be worse i would also consider home schooling

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 05:42 PM

reply to post by FirePiston

But the government-run program won't be looking at individuals. There are programs already in place for that.

This is indoctrination so that parents are forced to abide by government dictates in order for their child(ren) to advance.

When you have inner city schools that pass kids to the next grade, regardless if they actually pass... How can they hold them back when the next group has to advance also? How will their school(s) get funding if they do not produce any results? They have to graduate these kids to make room for the next batch. If they do not coddle and give them a pass than that opens up a whole new can of worms that any school administration cares not to deal with. The evidence is more substantial than the evidence there is that we have a moon orbiting our Earth. Have you noticed every gangbanger criminal killed, they show a picture of them in their graduation outfit and cap? We have to earn ours. If they really did graduate on a standard level like everyone else has to, they would not lead the life they do.

edit on 22-2-2014 by FirePiston because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-2-2014 by FirePiston because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-2-2014 by FirePiston because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-2-2014 by FirePiston because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by dollukka

There must be other ways to provide that information than blackmailing.

Propose the better way? You do realise a form of effective punishment is required. Bad parents and children wont be persuaded to stop with a slap on wrist.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by FirePiston

I think this is forcing parents to adopt the "common-core" standard and forcing parents to adhere to a government mandated standard.

In real life, not everyone gets a trophy.

In school, the students shouldn't either.

Some will fail. That is a result of the parents and the school system.

The parents have to take ownership of their children and not place the blame on poor schools or poor teachers.

But government has NO place in this equation.

(in my humble opinion)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

The bill states one of the courses would be related to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse of children.

Those issues aren´t directly school related.. if there are issues like these and if these issues consider those who are in benefits and if this issue is so big, you can make them read them and have a some sort of exam of those before getting any benefits.. im just saying there has to be other ways than punishing kids for their stupid parents is not the right way to do it.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:02 PM

reply to post by FirePiston

I think this is forcing parents to adopt the "common-core" standard and forcing parents to adhere to a government mandated standard.

In real life, not everyone gets a trophy.

In school, the students shouldn't either.

Some will fail. That is a result of the parents and the school system.

The parents have to take ownership of their children and not place the blame on poor schools or poor teachers.

But government has NO place in this equation.

(in my humble opinion)

That is the thing. The parents of this culture do one of two things.. They are either not there, or they raise their kids in a manner inconsistent with any civilized civilization. All that it equals into is an incompatibility to live in a standard and keep that standard with the rest of the people of this world. There are certain things that you just do not and cannot do!

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I think this is yet another great reason to sign our kids out of public school. Good for you Beez! As you well know, homeschooling isn't easy but, the right thing rarely is. I hope they continue to drive intelligent people away from public education.

Also, failure to comply may result in an IRS audit and revocation of food stamps and/or health insurance subsidies.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:04 PM
It's New York, this is standard operating procedure for them. This is the place where cops can cop a feel and "frisk" you whenever they like, big soda pops cause political hysteria and guns, guns! are from the devil. Surely people who can put up with that can handle a little more government intrusion.

Ask old Bloomberg, they like it.

Yeah I get this is the whole state but it's just an expansion from NYC and everyone knows NYC loves big nanny.

As for me I just call it evil, nanny state, big brother Stalinism. Yep it's wrong.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I have a few issues with this. And the least of them is allowing a bill proposed by a Pentacostal Minister to decide what proper parenting is in my household.

Diaz keeps repeating like a mantra that he can't understand why any good parent would oppose this because its free, It won't cost us a dime. Really? Then where does the financing come from? I already pay exorbitant property taxes, the majority of which already go to our public school. No matter what Rev. Diaz says,
SOMEBODY is going to have to pay for this and that somebody will be the already stressed property owners in the school districts.

“In order to help the children, I’m asking … I’m saying parents should take some kind of training or education that won’t cost a penny,” Diaz said. Diaz wants to ensure that, “bad parents,” are equipped with skills that could make them caretakers, but when asked why it would be fair to force parents who already have a vested interest in their child’s life into these mandatory classes, the senator said, “Good parents will not disregard an opportunity to expand and enhance their parental skills.” - See more at:

When asked about "good parents" who are opposed to the legislation his rebuttal was

“There is always possibility of whatever,” Diaz responded when asked what if a, “good parent,” opposed his legislation. But what would happen if one of those “good parents” decided not to attend these mandatory classes? Senator Diaz basically said there are laws we have to follow that nobody likes. “Listen, there are laws in the nation, or in the state, that some people don’t like, but they are there,” Diaz said. “You think that I like to park my car every day, or move my car, or get a ticket? There are things people don’t like to do, but they have to do it because the law says that’s the law.” - See more at:

Maybe I'm just biased and think Diaz is an imbecile because he voted for the SAFE Act and then a week later at a press conference stated that the law won't do a thing to stop gun crime in NY. I just can't try behind any legislation based more on his religious proclivities than the wants and needs of his constituency.

And one last thought, who decides what a good or bad parent is? Rev. Diaz? The state senate? A random poll of registered voters? When you let people legislate definitions of who or what is good or bad we are already halfway down the slippery slope with no chance of climbing back up.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:17 PM
And what would they teach the parents about physical, emotional, and sexual abuse? If they have been abusive to their children the damage is done by 6th grade. Maybe those suggesting this should take a child development class. I doubt many would complain that their tax dollars would pay for a day off work to attend such a course.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:18 PM

It's New York, this is standard operating procedure for them. This is the place where cops can cop a feel and "frisk" you whenever they like, big soda pops cause political hysteria and guns, guns! are from the devil. Surely people who can put up with that can handle a little more government intrusion.

Ask old Bloomberg, they like it.

Yeah I get this is the whole state but it's just an expansion from NYC and everyone knows NYC loves big nanny.

As for me I just call it evil, nanny state, big brother Stalinism. Yep it's wrong.

It bugs the hell out of me that there's
An entire state north of Rockland
County yet were still held hostage by NYC and Long Island politicians. Go democracy!
edit on 22-2-2014 by peter vlar because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:27 PM
The lucky kids will be those with parents who have the wisdom to realize America's school system is obsolete and its government mandated curriculum is worthless -- kids with parents who have the courage and patience to help guide them down individualized entrepreneurial paths, which are powered by the Internet's educational tools and resources.

"In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards." -- Mark Twain

edit on 22-2-2014 by seasoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:28 PM

reply to post by beezzer

Some parents are terrible, and need a kick up the backside of some kind. Terrible parents generally raise terrible kids, most of all are bullies. Im all for this bill

Do you seriously think that forcing terrible parents to attend a government-run class will somehow change them into good parents? And firepiston, do you seriously think crime statistics will go down if these terrible parents attend a class?


If you believe this I would submit that you are either completely delusional or so brainwashed by the government that you will do anything they say, gleefully following big Brother's every pronouncement with heartfelt gratitude.

Here's what they are going to "teach" in this class.

1. The government is always right, no matter what. Further, your children will be taught not only our "official" version of history and politics, we will teach your kids to spy on you if you express any dissent against school policy at home. Such spying is mandatory.

2. We will teach your kids the proper songs of adulation for our present leader. Today it would be "How I love Obama!" but if the parties change, it will have something altogether good to say about the GOP administration.

3. Your kids will be taught that of a six year old classmate decides he wants to be a girl (instead of an astronaut or a cowboy) he has the right to use the girl's bathroom as a "transgendered person" and further, we will administer his hormone therapy at school. If he insists on being a boy, he will be taught to urinate while sitting because standing while doing so is unfair to girls.

4. If your child is of Caucasian extraction he will be placed at the bottom of the class because he has had an unfair advantage over children of color so this will even the playing field. If your child is any sort of minority you can dream up, he won't be held accountable and won't need to do any real work or show any real progress because we're going to graduate him regardless for the same reasons.

5. Drugs of any sort are, of course forbidden at school, with the exception of Ritlin and other similar drugs designed to calm your ADHD child, which will be provided and administered by the school as the school sees fit and billed to the parents.

6. Any food sent to school with your child is subject to inspection by school personnel for verification of nutritional value. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are considered racist and will not be allowed.

7. If your child eats a piece of bread so as to form the outline of a firearm he will be immediately expelled with no chance for readmission to this or any other school district.

Have a nice day.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:38 PM
I'm just trying to imaging the size of the new building full of 6th grade classrooms the admin will have to build to hold all the students who's parents don't show.
Hubby and I went to the high school parent-teacher conference night this week. We were there for almost two hours (honestly a lot of it socializing with bored teachers) and we saw TWO other parents. Parking lot was pretty much empty of all but the teachers' cars.

But mandatory parent classes? Nope, no, nein, nunca.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Do you seriously think that forcing terrible parents to attend a government-run class will somehow change them into good parents? And firepiston, do you seriously think crime statistics will go down if these terrible parents attend a class?


emotional reactions are dramatic and don't help solve anything, it depends on how its run

edit on 22-2-2014 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

emotional reactions are dramatic and don't help solve anything, it depends on how its run

Considering how our government has been doing things, I do not believe there is any reason to call Schuyler's reaction emotional.......

It is time for the government to get the hell out of our lives!!! PERIOD!!

Besides, where are the studies that are childrens behavioral problems are due to the government and Progressives doing away with disciplining them instead of coddling them?

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