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I experienced something

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posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 10:44 PM
When I joined ATS, I never thought i'd post in this forum,
but something happened.

After a girl i've been interested in for the longest time (we went to school together),
left my house last Friday, the pillow she was laying on was left on my bed sideways,
it's a big pillow , it's heavy enough that when you leave it on it's side, it stays up,
and you kinda need to beat it down to make it comfortable enough to sleep on.
Anyway , it was laying on it's side, and completely rolled 2'5 ft off my bed and
landed on the floor, like if someone steps off a bed and drags the pillow with
their foot. I first thought it was my cat, but my door was closed, and so were my
windows, I checked underneath my bed to make sure it wasn't her, but nothing.
I was alone and something kicked my pillow off my bed. I consider myself a very
sceptical person, so hallucinations wouldn't account for me picking up my pillow off
the floor and her recollection of leaving my pillow like that. My bed is sizable enough
that when I leave a pillow in the middle of it I can't brush , or knock it off with a passing glance,
It was in the middle, it flew off, it just did and I don't know what to make of this.

I've had one other weird experience in my house, I saw what people would call
a 'shadow person'. God, I feel so silly even writing this, but, it's what I saw,
it wasn't out of the corner of my eye, I read somewhere about some Swedish scientists
that had discovered when you put something peripheral in a person's vision the
eye mistakes it for a 'figure' or another person,
this wasn't that, I turned in my swivel chair and staired face to face with
a very human like ...I don't know what to say! Figure, entity, whatever!
It was just there, it was like a shadow, but darker, but standing two foot in front of
my wall, we just looked at eachother for about 2 seconds (It felt like a lifetime but
when I try to intellectiualise it I can only account for this experience lasting a couple of seconds)
It just disappeared. It didn't leave, it just vanished, like blanking out, it just went away.

I don't know what to make of this, I don't believe in an afterlife, or a God, but
my Father has told me about seeing an apperition of his own father in our house ,
his mother and sister saw it too. (All seperate incidences)

I'm properly freaked out, If it can kick a pillow God knows what else it will do,
I spent the night with a beer in one hand and a traditional Zulu spear I got
from a close African friend I have in the other. I don't know how i'd fight
something I can't even see, but I was scared enough to arm myself.

This is pure speculation but I think of Carl Jung, and his theory of people
physically manifesting objects or entities with their own minds,
whatever it is I don't want it to happen again, when I was younger
I always wanted to experience something out of the ordinary, now that it's
happened, it scared the # out of me and I don't won't to deal this.

Please help me find a rational explanation to what I expreinced, and
more than anything please tell me i'm crazy so I can write this off
to a delusion, it won't help , I know what I saw, but at least i'd feel
more comfortable thinking i've lost the plot. (Multiple experiences,
third party confirmation, Schizo don't explain that)

edit on 21-2-2014 by DelegateZero88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2014 by DelegateZero88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2014 by DelegateZero88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-2-2014 by DelegateZero88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by DelegateZero88

Now that you've had this experience, you know that there is more to life than just this physical reality. Take it as a lesson... I have had about one of each experience, such as an OBE, seeing a ghost, experiencing the Night Crusher, a telepathic message, psychic foreknowledge, an audible message, etc. So I KNOW there is more... but there is no logical explanation that I know of. The only one I can give you is in my footnote.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 11:52 PM
I've had to deal with the thing known as a shadow person. It used to whisper a lot at night time, because I guess when I was a child I was mute so it kept me company for a long time and told me stories till I could actually speak and make friends. And when it told me to keep quiet about it to my parent's I did so, not out of fear but because of trust. I told them eventually just not until I was moving out of their house because I thought it lived there at the time.

It was the only thing that could understand what I was going through when I started getting older.
It understood my rage, hate, fear, regret, sorrow and every secret I kept throughout my lifetime. I don't know what purpose or intention it has in mind but I know that if it wanted me gone it could've done so when I was younger and defenceless. It lurks around me no matter where I go or travel. When I lived in America for half a year it still followed me. It doesn't cause me any problem's or deprive me of any sleep. However it has a tendency to play prank's on friend's and family when I visit their house sometimes, it only does very small thing's like turning light's off or on. After I leave it comes with me. If I stay at friend's or family's places for month's it will just stop playing with them after about 2 to 3 day's.

It's always best to think rationally first and if you must, go and seek someone to help out with it. I wouldn't know any of these practices or people to recommend or whatnot because I don't have a problem with it since it's not dangerous, harmful or disturbing to me but in you're case it may be different. I'd be interested in why it's there, if you know the reason you've figured out half the problem.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by DelegateZero88

From my experience, they are demons (fallen angels, watchers). The first time I saw it or them, was a shadow person manifestation. Then followed multiple cases of sleep paralysis over the last few years. They tend to run from Jesus' name, if you believe and call on Him. For those who dont believe, the problem can develop into possession. Ive seen it happen.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 01:53 AM
Other than possibly ghosts or mischievous entities, I had wondered if living friends can go to sleep and without being very aware they are even doing it, visit friends and even on occassion move objects while in the astral plane. If the op knows of a girl who has been visiting, maybe she made another visit without even being aware she was visiting. When she got up out of bed, she moved a pillow and scared you. If you ask her if she had any dreams where she was in your bed and she said yes, you might have your answer but that might imply there is a lot more to this world than many will acknowledge. Many people do not remember their dreams and like to deny even what they see.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 01:55 AM
So most people who have had these experiences will tell you, once you acknowledge it, you may start having more experiences. If you close it off more than likely you won't have any more problems. Although, once you have experienced something it is hard to not to want to try to find out more.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 03:42 AM
You can think of it as a manifestation or seeing something outside the normal dimensional 3D plane of existence that you inhabit or just a being that have miss placed itself and noticed "ops I am not supposed to be here".

Do not worry about it. If you tell yourself it is your imagination and see it as non existing then your third eye will make sure that you do not notice it and you can continue to live in Platos Cave, until you are ready to explore the outside of Platos Cave.


PS not all are ready for the supernatural to be apart of their existence and there is nothing wrong with slowly learning to accept that things are not what they seem to be.
edit on 22-2-2014 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 03:55 AM

reply to post by DelegateZero88

Now that you've had this experience, you know that there is more to life than just this physical reality. Take it as a lesson... I have had about one of each experience, such as an OBE, seeing a ghost, experiencing the Night Crusher, a telepathic message, psychic foreknowledge, an audible message, etc. So I KNOW there is more... but there is no logical explanation that I know of. The only one I can give you is in my footnote.

Do you mind if I ask you about the Night Crusher since I have not experienced that one? How was that experience and what where your state of mind after it?

The reason I am asking is that I am tying to figure out if the experience can be classified as an amygdala fear overload experience. Did you feel strangely calm and relaxed afterwards?

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 04:32 AM
The Zulu spear you mentioned is a possibility.. if it was used in combat and killed someone there could be an energy there with it.. At least this is a popular theory these days, that plus it would not be the first time an object like that was said to have caused similar occurrences..
I hope you get the issue solved..

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 05:21 AM


reply to post by DelegateZero88

Now that you've had this experience, you know that there is more to life than just this physical reality. Take it as a lesson... I have had about one of each experience, such as an OBE, seeing a ghost, experiencing the Night Crusher, a telepathic message, psychic foreknowledge, an audible message, etc. So I KNOW there is more... but there is no logical explanation that I know of. The only one I can give you is in my footnote.

Do you mind if I ask you about the Night Crusher since I have not experienced that one? How was that experience and what where your state of mind after it?

The reason I am asking is that I am tying to figure out if the experience can be classified as an amygdala fear overload experience. Did you feel strangely calm and relaxed afterwards?

Ok... I'll try. I woke up being crushed - there is no other word for it. It was not paralysis, although I couldn't move against the force/weight enveloping me. All I could say was, "God, my Father" and immediately it lifted. I saw something like a roundish but flat black shadow/shape move away down the side of the bed (that was flat against the wall). The only feelings I remember were the relief of it going away, and confusion about what had just happened. I later found an article in a magazine where it was called the 'Night Crusher' and apparently it is commonly experienced by those who were sexually abused as children, which I was, but I was already in my late 50's and had never had this happen before. A year or so later, my youngest daughter also had a very similar experience, and I was able to soothe her (via text messages!!) so she could go back to sleep, because it usually only happens once. I also wonder if this could be one of the causes of unexplained deaths in apparently healthy people?

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by alienreality

As far as I know the spear has never been used in combat, I've examined it pretty well
and there's no evidence of any gore on it , even in the minute scratches, but I will ask him
the next time I see him. I'd post a picture of it but I don't know how to.

I did some research into the history of my city, and in the early 1900's there was a TB
outbreak that killed a lot of people, in my area it's almost certain that people are living
on unmarked mass graves they used to get rid of the bodies in a hurry.

In the late 1800's my city was the hub of a lot of gold mines, so a lot of miners
died som pretty horrible deaths around here. I don't know what to make of all that,
I don't believe in ghosts, but , I know this sounds weird, I think that human beings
might be able to leave some kind of imprint on time, and that gets replayed
in some manner we don't yet understand.
edit on 22-2-2014 by DelegateZero88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by Maigret

I don't want to live in "Plato's cave" , I have to be honest, I'm very tempted to
try some form of communication with whatever's happening, but i've been
warned by a colleague I spoke with about it, who has experienced similar things,
that if I give them, it , whatever, attention things could get worse. I want to know
what's going on, even play around with it, but i'm not shy to admit i'm scared and don't
want to invite harm onto myself.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:38 AM

reply to post by Maigret

I don't want to live in "Plato's cave" , I have to be honest, I'm very tempted to
try some form of communication with whatever's happening, but i've been
warned by a colleague I spoke with about it, who has experienced similar things,
that if I give them, it , whatever, attention things could get worse. I want to know
what's going on, even play around with it, but i'm not shy to admit i'm scared and don't
want to invite harm onto myself.

Oh, it most likely WILL get worse if you give it more attention. I used to be interested in exploring the paranormal - I tried to get some evp's (electronic voice phenomena) once, and started having lots of experiences - to the point that it became not fun at all anymore. After having a very weird night with some male spirit that was very attached to my then-8-year-old daughter, I decided to give the whole thing up. I still haven't decided if that night was just some kind of dream or what, but it lasted most of the night, and it freaked me the hell out.

It has died down quite a bit, but we still have a few strange things happen every once in a while. Just a couple of days ago, I got out a pair of Converse shoes for my daughter in the morning and put them in front of her bed, so she would have them ready to put on (she's really groggy in the mornings, so I try to help her out). I went downstairs while she went to the bathroom to get ready for school. She came downstairs without her shoes on, so I told her to go back up and put them on. She went upstairs, then yelled out that there was only one shoe on the floor. I knew I had put them both on the floor (why would I just put one shoe down?). I went up to her room, and we searched the room for 10 minutes, never finding the other shoe. After she got home from school that afternoon, she was laying on her bed, and she found the other shoe under her pillow. Now, how the heck did that happen! I know she didn't do it as a trick - that's just not her style.

We've had other items disappearing then reappearing in odd places. It's almost like "someone" is trying to get and maintain our attention. I just laugh these events off and move on - I refuse to give it more attention, because I'm afraid it will get worse.

Oh, and I am not some loosey goosey gullible weirdo - I am an upper middle class, college educated, perfectly sane woman who is married to a man with a PhD in Chemistry. I was always a skeptic, but my mother has had strange experiences, so out of boredom, I decided to explore... not anymore!

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:41 AM

I don't know what to make of this, I don't believe in an afterlife, or a God, ....

Might be time to reexamine that. Be open to every possibility ... Afterlife spirits messing around ... Other dimensional beings crossing over ... who knows. Be open to possibilities ... you never know ....

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:43 AM

it most likely WILL get worse if you give it more attention.

There is a line in the Mothman movie that always stuck with me .... 'They notice that you notice'. If you pay attention to the spooks, they'll notice that you give them more attention when they act up ... so they'll act up. I thought it was the best line in the movie and I never forgot it.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 01:49 PM
Those who do not believe what so many people have long been saying the've experienced often leaves a person who has just experienced the paranormal in a very strange place. When your belief system has basically been proven to be wrong through your personal experience, one must revise their map of the world. And who do people in such a position call upon? Those whom they disbelieved and thought to be crazy in the first place.

But enough of that I suppose. I think the main question that needs to be answered in your case is "where" this entity or entities came from. Did your previous experience happen before this woman came into your life? If so, then the most likely explanation is that the entity was already present in your home. I tend to typically associate "shadow people" with evil, but by listening to the experiences of others, this may not necessarily be the case. I suppose they could be human spirits, or non-human spirits. That is something that is important to find out as well, as the methods for ridding yourself of the entity may differ accordingly.

I do not wish to portray myself as an expert by any means, because I am not. There are too many people in the paranormal field who are charlatans, and who wish to portray themselves as knowledgeable, when in truth they don't know what they're doing and they make the situation worse.

So you must determine whether this entity was brought into your home, or whether it has been there all along. My gut tells me that had it been there all along, and if you've been there for a while, things would have started happening sooner. Not necessarily, but generally. Try to think back to ANYTHING that was odd or weird that you did around the time of your first encounter. Did you visit someplace where something could have followed you home? I think this happens more than people realize, although I wouldn't say it is "common" necessarily.

My point is that if you wish to rid yourself of the activity, you must learn all you can. If you have a true medium in your area, perhaps they can tell you what is going on. I don't believe in psychics myself, but I do know there are people who can pick up on energies in a location, and translate them into useful data for the afflicted party. Some mediums experience a higher degree of activity from spirits whom are present at a location, while others only get subtle "vibes." And I would estimate that for every true medium, there are a large number of frauds. Or of people who cannot differentiate between what they are themselves feeling, and what is coming from an external source.

In my opinion it is quite rare for something to have remained in a house for a long time without showing signs of its presence. So if you've lived there for years, and you just started having encounters and weird stuff happen, then maybe the source is elsewhere. The girl you speak may or may not be connected. So I don't really know what you should do, except that you should get someone who knows about these things to help you. That is usually the only way to rid yourself of such entities, depending on their origin and characteristics.

As for paranormal activity being caused by natural phenomena, this is partly true, although "ghosts" ARE natural phenomena, which have just remained unexplained by science. There IS an afterlife of some kind, for certain. I am a Christian myself, which means I believe that Jesus was God in the flesh, and I do not believe that ghosts or spirits conflict with such beliefs, or that all spirits or ghosts are demons in disguise. Some probably are, as evil does exist in my opinion, but I do think that some spirits were once human.

Anyway, certain frequencies of radiation for instance can cause physical effects. Infrasound very well can cause slight visual anomalies...But none of these can fully account for what people are experiencing. And I HATE it when people try to claim hallucinations with anything. Yes, people do hallucinate, but the majority of people do not. It is not all that common. YOU know you weren't hallucinating, but trying to convince someone else is impossible. Since you didn't believe beforehand, perhaps you know what I mean.

Well good luck with your situation. You could always just "live" with it. If it isn't too bad of course. You would be surprised at the number of people who do this, because they don't know where to turn. I would say it is the MOST COMMON course of action. The second most common course of action imo is simply moving away. Those are the two things most people do, and probably in third place would be those who actually get the spirits to leave...either via persuasion or force, or other methods.

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 05:08 PM



reply to post by DelegateZero88

Now that you've had this experience, you know that there is more to life than just this physical reality. Take it as a lesson... I have had about one of each experience, such as an OBE, seeing a ghost, experiencing the Night Crusher, a telepathic message, psychic foreknowledge, an audible message, etc. So I KNOW there is more... but there is no logical explanation that I know of. The only one I can give you is in my footnote.

Do you mind if I ask you about the Night Crusher since I have not experienced that one? How was that experience and what where your state of mind after it?

The reason I am asking is that I am tying to figure out if the experience can be classified as an amygdala fear overload experience. Did you feel strangely calm and relaxed afterwards?

Ok... I'll try. I woke up being crushed - there is no other word for it. It was not paralysis, although I couldn't move against the force/weight enveloping me. All I could say was, "God, my Father" and immediately it lifted. I saw something like a roundish but flat black shadow/shape move away down the side of the bed (that was flat against the wall). The only feelings I remember were the relief of it going away, and confusion about what had just happened. I later found an article in a magazine where it was called the 'Night Crusher' and apparently it is commonly experienced by those who were sexually abused as children, which I was, but I was already in my late 50's and had never had this happen before. A year or so later, my youngest daughter also had a very similar experience, and I was able to soothe her (via text messages!!) so she could go back to sleep, because it usually only happens once. I also wonder if this could be one of the causes of unexplained deaths in apparently healthy people?

Now this is synchronicity - I came across this article this morning, which is about my last sentence in this post and unexplained deaths of young people - all with underlying heart conditions, and what would aggravate that more than this sort of experience? :

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by JiggyPotamus

The shadow thing happened around last year September,
when I started a new job, I was going to a lot of different construction
sites so trying to think of a specific place it could have followed me from
isn't that simple. That happened while the girl was on the other side of the country,
while the pillow being thrown happened last Friday, so I don't think she's directly
related to this. When I think back, when I was a teen , as I was falling
asleep I heard a deep male voice shout " HELLO!", like not as a greeting
but to get my attention, it shocked the hell of out me at the time,
but I put it down to hypnagogia but now i'm not so sure anymore, so I don't know when this all started,
the last week has been very confusing for me.Hypnagogia

I don't believe in mediums either, the ones i've seen charge extortionate
prices to play with people's emotions , I think i'll stay away from that.

I do have access to witchdoctors, but they seem like snake oil salesmen,
taking money from sick people who can't afford healthcare, and some
are into some really shady things, like using human parts in 'medicines'
and spells. Yes, that actually happens, it's very underground and not
spoken about very much, but every few years some arrests are made
and it does the rounds in the media. I think i'll avoid them too.

I wouldn't know who else to turn to. If it's harmless I wouldn't want to
kick it out, but if it's malevolent, i'd need to do something.
Like I said, I've been quite sceptical about this kinda thing, so i'm
new to this field, i'm going to have to do a lot of research and read through
other people's experiences to determine my next step. Thanks for your reply

edit on 22-2-2014 by DelegateZero88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2014 @ 06:21 PM

reply to post by Maigret

I don't want to live in "Plato's cave" , I have to be honest, I'm very tempted to
try some form of communication with whatever's happening, but i've been
warned by a colleague I spoke with about it, who has experienced similar things,
that if I give them, it , whatever, attention things could get worse. I want to know
what's going on, even play around with it, but i'm not shy to admit i'm scared and don't
want to invite harm onto myself.

I would recommend meditation/reiki/binaural beats or any other light/chi tool since it will give you what you need on all levels to handle anything that comes your way. Choose the tool that makes you the most comfortable and it is supposed to be easy not forced from my point of view.

posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 07:37 AM
I've had these kinds of things happen to me and around me my whole life. I used to get upset by them, but then I did some deep research and discovered just how difficult it is for a conscious discarnate human being to make anything happen within the Material Realm (this is the realm you and I live in, it's made up of material things). It's really, really hard for them to get the whole event to turn out right, and that's why it doesn't happen much. It's also why when something like that does happen, it's something that a 3 yr old child can accomplish without even thinking about it.

Seriously, if I was hanging out at your house, and I knocked a pillow off your bed, would that scare you? Would that make you think that I could hurt you? How about if I turned your overhead light off and on a bunch of times? Would that make you afraid of me? How about if I knocked the pillow off the bed, turned the lights on and off and slammed the bedroom door? You'd probably kick my ass before I got to slamming the door. Let's face it, doing those things are pretty freakin' easy, and not very intimidating if done by a material person (made of flesh and bones).

So, why do people get freaked out when a person who isn't even made out of flesh and bones is able to put everything they have into clicking on a light switch? Hell, I can do that all day long and there's no one on Earth that'd be afraid of me because of my enormous power to click on a light switch.

We end up afraid of what we don't understand. 300 years ago, I could've become a mystical legend by simple flicking a Bic lighter. 1,000 years ago, I could've been burned alive for wearing glasses. The jerks who spend their time and effort learning how to turn on lights and push pillows off beds after they've lost their material bodies to age (or whatever it was that killed them off) are the same jerks who caused their friends and families grief while they were still alive. Some of them are more clever than others, and more driven to be a pest than others, so they get better at making stuff happen within the Material Realm than others. Still, none of them are actually more powerful within the Material Realm than any one of us already are.

The best of them can move chairs. My 5 yr old grandson can move a chair. They can breathe a sigh in your ear. A newborn baby can breathe a sigh in your ear. They can pick up things and knock things over. A dog can do that. They can manipulate sound waves. We can initiate sound waves. The most terrifying of them can cause scratches, welts and friction burns. The average housewife can inflict a lot more damage than that on a spouse who's really screwed up without even getting winded.

The only power that these idiots have over any one of us is our own fear, and the cultural programming that established that fear and reinforces it with movies, TV shows, books and folklore. Hell, we freak out if they are able to make it sound as if they've scuffed their feet, and if you don't think that they know this, then you must think that all people become morons as soon as they die.

If someone stopped by to bust your balls (which totally seems likely, given the fact that a girl you've liked for a long time was in your bed just a short time before that incident) then it might've been someone you know. After all, the timing was pretty obvious, as was the choice of the pillow that she was resting on. If I was a passed friend of yours, I definitely would've done something to goof on you as soon as she left. Not before she left, since I wouldn't have wanted to ruin the evening for you, but definitely after she left.

Guys have always busted each others' balls after one of them "scores" (to whatever degree it might've been). If you have a pal that's already passed, then say hi to him. Maybe it was your dad or granddad? It was someone who cares about you, and they expected to get a rise out of you. Just laugh and tell them you'll get even when you're on their side of the fence. Believe me, it's great to know that you don't lose your friends just because they've gone on ahead of you. As I get older, I have more and more friends and family over there, and it becomes more and more obvious that no one really ever leaves.

Have fun with it all. You don't need to seek it out from strangers (that's like cruising bars on this side of the fence) but you don't have to run and hide when a friend stops by either. They're just people, and they can barely affect anything in this realm. There's nothing to really be afraid of.
edit on 2/23/2014 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

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