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reply to post by DelegateZero88
Now that you've had this experience, you know that there is more to life than just this physical reality. Take it as a lesson... I have had about one of each experience, such as an OBE, seeing a ghost, experiencing the Night Crusher, a telepathic message, psychic foreknowledge, an audible message, etc. So I KNOW there is more... but there is no logical explanation that I know of. The only one I can give you is in my footnote.
reply to post by DelegateZero88
Now that you've had this experience, you know that there is more to life than just this physical reality. Take it as a lesson... I have had about one of each experience, such as an OBE, seeing a ghost, experiencing the Night Crusher, a telepathic message, psychic foreknowledge, an audible message, etc. So I KNOW there is more... but there is no logical explanation that I know of. The only one I can give you is in my footnote.
Do you mind if I ask you about the Night Crusher since I have not experienced that one? How was that experience and what where your state of mind after it?
The reason I am asking is that I am tying to figure out if the experience can be classified as an amygdala fear overload experience. Did you feel strangely calm and relaxed afterwards?
reply to post by Maigret
I don't want to live in "Plato's cave" , I have to be honest, I'm very tempted to
try some form of communication with whatever's happening, but i've been
warned by a colleague I spoke with about it, who has experienced similar things,
that if I give them, it , whatever, attention things could get worse. I want to know
what's going on, even play around with it, but i'm not shy to admit i'm scared and don't
want to invite harm onto myself.
I don't know what to make of this, I don't believe in an afterlife, or a God, ....
it most likely WILL get worse if you give it more attention.
reply to post by DelegateZero88
Now that you've had this experience, you know that there is more to life than just this physical reality. Take it as a lesson... I have had about one of each experience, such as an OBE, seeing a ghost, experiencing the Night Crusher, a telepathic message, psychic foreknowledge, an audible message, etc. So I KNOW there is more... but there is no logical explanation that I know of. The only one I can give you is in my footnote.
Do you mind if I ask you about the Night Crusher since I have not experienced that one? How was that experience and what where your state of mind after it?
The reason I am asking is that I am tying to figure out if the experience can be classified as an amygdala fear overload experience. Did you feel strangely calm and relaxed afterwards?
Ok... I'll try. I woke up being crushed - there is no other word for it. It was not paralysis, although I couldn't move against the force/weight enveloping me. All I could say was, "God, my Father" and immediately it lifted. I saw something like a roundish but flat black shadow/shape move away down the side of the bed (that was flat against the wall). The only feelings I remember were the relief of it going away, and confusion about what had just happened. I later found an article in a magazine where it was called the 'Night Crusher' and apparently it is commonly experienced by those who were sexually abused as children, which I was, but I was already in my late 50's and had never had this happen before. A year or so later, my youngest daughter also had a very similar experience, and I was able to soothe her (via text messages!!) so she could go back to sleep, because it usually only happens once. I also wonder if this could be one of the causes of unexplained deaths in apparently healthy people?
reply to post by Maigret
I don't want to live in "Plato's cave" , I have to be honest, I'm very tempted to
try some form of communication with whatever's happening, but i've been
warned by a colleague I spoke with about it, who has experienced similar things,
that if I give them, it , whatever, attention things could get worse. I want to know
what's going on, even play around with it, but i'm not shy to admit i'm scared and don't
want to invite harm onto myself.