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Are the aliens benevolent?

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posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 02:46 PM
If aliens are like humans for sure you'd better watch out!
They would study us and then exterminate us, or perhapas transform us into a colony for food?

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Liquid
Consider abductions from 'the greys'...

In almost all abduction cases I have heard of, abductees (from those that could recall something about the experience) report some kind of medical procedures being performed. - Most likely trying to create some kind of hybrids - purpose unknown.

Anyway - I believe that they focus on their mission, and if neccessary will cause harm to humans. So yes, I think they do care, but compared to the importance of their mission *to them*, one persons abduction experience is of little concern.

I've heard that they are trying to make hybrids as well. There's a quote in the Bible that says Satan and his followers will try to destroy God's perfect seed - the human. I won't go into a lot of details but that's what I heard when I was checking out information about 2012, Nephillim, and Planet X.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 07:09 PM
aliens are benevolent. - are they here to help us? no.

if they were it would create weakness's on both sides.

therefore they're just here.

but hey, who knows, they could be here for our beer?!

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 08:45 PM
I'm not going to comment on whether abductions are real or not, because I don't know. Perhaps a small percentage are real, and the majority are psychotic breaks or delusions.

Re Benevoilance:

1) Attaching concepts of morality or ethics to non-humans is tricky at best, and implies they have the same values.

2) By our standards, most aliens would be malevoilant. Abductions and forced medical testing, and messing with subjects' reproductive rights, is wrong however you measure it.

3) You can use the animal argument, that we eat and cage animals, but only if you are willing to assume that we are effectively animals and that we are second class citizens of the universe.

From what I can tell, many aliens have no interest in working with us, or keeping their existence secret, or broadcasting their existence to us. We simply do not rate to their way of thinking.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:55 AM
Two points to make:

1. There is no proof of ANY aliens
2. Guessing the intentions of something there is no proof for is logically futile

Seriously folks, let's work on proving they exist, THEN we can figure out their motives.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:00 PM
Well, lets look at the evidence...

Many credible sightings near defense and research installations
Attempts to evade rather than contact any aircraft sent to intercept
An apparent desire for secrecy based on such evasion
Abductees allegedly taken against their will and treated like lab animals
No known contact with world leaders

Suffice to say, assuming we are being visited by aliens, it doesn't seem they want to be friendly. The only good news is that at least we haven't been attacked, etc., so it doesn't appear they are expressly hostile either... Based solely on the evidence of testimony, etc., it appears the visitors see us more like animals than fellow sentients....which is probably a good thing, for as we've seen with our own species...technologically advanced beings eventually conquer less advanced ones (and often violently) probably good they don't perhaps see us as a threat....

Or, maybe it's not too hard to get a craft here, but mounting an invasion would have more logistical problems... Who knows?

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 03:14 PM
God is A NEUTRAL BEING, so the composite of that makup lies in us, that condition is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. All shades of colors are in the all encompassing light.

There is no darkness only light..

Light takes on many different shades.

Sees things right down the middle. No bias just observation. Ask yourselves what would you see from the outside in when you go unseen. What would you see behind closed doors of our governments, probably notrocities. But God sees past that, it is only a condition of man, but stages beyond man are limits beyond time.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by menguard]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Well, lets look at the evidence...

Many credible sightings near defense and research installations

Just to provide some counter point:

First, I don't think there's any evidence of specific 'craft'. Sightings that I'm aware, consist of a light in the sky and possibly a radar trace. I believe there's one or two where the lights seemed to be in formation, but nothing about a solid object with a distinct shape. Unfortunately, we haven't been allowed to see any convincing gun camera footage.

Attempts to evade rather than contact any aircraft sent to intercept

Where we might term something an 'evasion', the same results might be seen with very distant lights perceived as being near, or reflections on clouds or bodies of water where the light will always appear to be 'fleeing'.

Chase planes sent up and finding nothing, even with changes in radar traces don't really tell us anything. So it might be premature to conclude that anything is evading us.

Note we have similar sightings of 'ghost lights' on the ground. Is the origin of both the same? Since not all UFO researchers believe in 'ghosts', most of them would consider those earthly 'ghost' lights illusions or reflections. Why the disparity?

An apparent desire for secrecy based on such evasion

Begs the question.

Abductees allegedly taken against their will and treated like lab animals

I'd suggest, enticing as it is, it's a big jump between anything sighted flying through the sky and stories of people being picked up and experimented upon. Though there's some strong circumstantial evidence, we still haven't seemed to pin anything down.

No known contact with world leaders

Suffice to say, assuming we are being visited by aliens, it doesn't seem they want to be friendly. The only good news is that at least we haven't been attacked, etc., so it doesn't appear they are expressly hostile either... Based solely on the evidence of testimony, etc., it appears the visitors see us more like animals than fellow sentients....which is probably a good thing, for as we've seen with our own species...technologically advanced beings eventually conquer less advanced ones (and often violently) probably good they don't perhaps see us as a threat....

Or, maybe it's not too hard to get a craft here, but mounting an invasion would have more logistical problems... Who knows?

Part of the problem is that we're seeing a lot of phenomena, and trying to categorize them within a framework of a single explanation. I.e., extraterrestrial influence or action.

But within the data resides a subset which includes prosaic explanation, and there's really no way to exclude those. So we have a lot of confusing and confounding information. Much of it is what Vallee termed 'jealous phenomena'; it can't be photographed reliably and it can't be 'influenced'.

Finally, we have people's perception of things. Even during normal events, the perception is often at odds with the actual events. Time distorts, point of view differs. Some people have what they call 'fantasy prone' personalities.

If I were going to make a guess, it would be that any outside observers would be wise to make their visits 'virtually', and any presence would be unlikely to be in large numbers, making it problematic to 'invade'.

As far as the original question, just going by human motives and examples, territoriality and conquest seem to go hand-in-hand with behavior that ends up being hostile to the invaded party. In fact, there are only a very small set of behaviors that one might expect from a 'visitor' that would be deemed 'non-hostile'. The mere act of observation would probably be deemed harmful in some way. (radiation, unintentional effects of examination)

Good question.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Lightning

To say there is only one life form out there is redundant, but contacts vary within the perception of the human embodiement. I have had nothing but good, yet strange episodes outside the dialogue of time.

My input is that I recieved contact consciously because I know who I am, a being of light, taking on many different vehicles to learn about the all there is out there.

Humanity is a chain of the oneness out there so what are they afraid of?

We consciously formulate our earth WITH the combined consciousness of our thoughts, which later formulate physical manifestations of our spirit energy. This would be a telepathic link to the One mind we inhabit.

We are the GODS everybody has been waiting for, we are the ones in between the WOLF AND THE SHEEP, we are the gatekeepers, opening one gate for the sheep to exit and one gate for the wolves to exit.

Look into our wildlife their is a balance there too, but if aliens like humans step in and start declining (wild life populations) who will we be able to inhabit into next.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by menguard]

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