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Hey 3d artists, I need some help!!!

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posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 11:21 PM
I'm just trying to get a feel for things now, I saw that the zspheres are the way to go for that, for now, 'Bob' is my testing dummy
Here's Bob now with some ridges around his eyes and on the bridge of his nose

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 12:21 AM
That is coming along quite nicely! I wish I could afford the Zbrush. I use lesser apps to model. Rhinoceros, Hexagon, and Carrara 8 Pro.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by groingrinder

I 'acquired' it, talk to DeadSeraph, he can assist you

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:02 PM

reply to post by groingrinder

I 'acquired' it, talk to DeadSeraph, he can assist you

I can't do that. I cannot afford to get busted in the 3d world. The sites where I work have zero tolerance for that. But thank you for thinking of me. I appreciate it.

posted on Feb, 24 2014 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

Great thing about Zbrush is that it's one payment. You get all future updates for free.

This site seems to be selling it for $199. Not sure if legit? hmmm
edit on 24-2-2014 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 07:48 AM

Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by groingrinder

Great thing about Zbrush is that it's one payment. You get all future updates for free.

This site seems to be selling it for $199. Not sure if legit? hmmm
edit on 24-2-2014 by Lucid Lunacy because: (no reason given)

No.. it's not legit, ZBrush can only be purchased from

You guessed it ZBrush....

You know I see this sort of crap all the time, "Hey can't afford it, just acquire it" "who's it really hurting?" and this is what's killing some of the smaller 3D packages..just ask Newtek... and the reasons Luxology needed to merge with theFoundry.. It's insane.. if you can't afford it, don't use it, that's the motto, and to the person who said they couldn't afford to get caught,damn straight, you can't afford to get caught, the 3D community (at least the pros) are a very small group in number and do not take lightly to "acquiring" software.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by vkey08

Oh well. Not all of us have $800 lying around to spring for a software package that we are learning in college. Want a sane policy? Look no further then autodesk. Students can utilize the software fully, for free, for the duration of their studies. The only restrictions on that system are that students are not allowed to make any money off of whatever they create in autodesk programs. It's a sane policy, and allows me to do my homework at home without having to resort to unsavory methods or work arounds to get my assignments done.

If I was making money off the software or intended to, then yes, I would purchase a license. Pretty idiotic not to. But for anyone who is wanting to learn the ropes, it's virtually impossible to learn without having the software to use, and most college students don't have an extra $800 to shell out for a zbrush license. If you tally up licenses from all the software you need to be familiar with to land a job in 3d you are looking at thousands and thousands of dollars. Not all of us are freelancers who are already making money off the industry. Not all of us are rich or come from wealthy families either. Some of us are students and in the process of learning and honing our skills so that we can one day land jobs where companies who ALREADY HAVE licenses will pay us to use that very software. How are you supposed to build up a portfolio to land that job or acquire the skills necessary to work with the software if you don't have access to it because of stupid licensing policies?

The lifeblood of any software company is it's users, and if you don't have new people learning your software it will go the way of the dodo. 3d art is not exclusively for the wealthy. Autodesk has realized this and implemented intelligent license agreements for students.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by vkey08

No.. it's not legit, ZBrush can only be purchased from

You guessed it ZBrush....

Correction. Pixologic.

And you can buy it on Amazon. Plus various other sellers after you click that link from Amazon.

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Well thank GOD! You had me holding my breath waiting to find out it you learned anything!

You had me about ready to make a paper airplane with a note attached explaining it all to you!

edit on 28-2-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

nope I got it and learning on it

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by DeadSeraph

You know, This is what I think concerning this kind of thing. When I was in college, I was standing in line to talk to the financial people, and the line was long so I was looking over the balcony toward the bookstore and the scores of people there, and a kid came up beside me and was in the same line I was and looked with me toward the bookstore, and... damn near in tears he said, all the software I need for my classes is going to run me over 5,000 dollars.

I was shocked, and also grateful I wasn't taking any technical courses that year, no way could I have afforded that. I too would have been darn near in tears over it....

I use photoshop... every single day for one thing or another. I learned how for free, just messing around with it for nothing, but then after I got to know what it does and how to use it a little better, I started in on the why...and I made the purchase.

I think business like adobe etc should make student versions available, have them be without all the features (like older versions don't have all the features as the newer versions) because I guarantee that people will make the purchase if the program is something they need, because when you need something, you also need all the most advanced features on it.

If I had never had the opportunity to learn Photoshop for free, I never would have bought it. (Or technically my boss would have never bought it because I was jumping up and down in his office saying we need this

edit on 1-3-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

I know, back when I started taking classes about 3-4 years ago, the VA purchased me the software I'm using in classes back then, it cost about $25.00, dunno why all this stuff has got to be so dang expensive

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 11:16 PM

Well, here's my first attempt at a Grey after watching a basic tutorial on how to manipulate objects in zbrush

That's some good progress there, from my perspective. Since Sculptris is supposed to be good for getting used to the ZBrush interface, i got it some time ago, and it took me three days of frustration to discover that I couldn't do anything with it at all. I concluded from that that ZBrush would be a complete and total waste of my time and effort. No point in getting it if I can't make it do anything.

Same for Bryce. I got it, and it took three days of frustration (that seems to be my limit of patience) to discover that I couldn't do anything with it at all. Wonky interface. Nothing there to tell me what this or that is supposed to do, just a bunch of irrelevant pictures on buttons that don't tel me anything at all. Trial and error just made me want to "fix" my computer with a really big hammer, so I gave up.

Now, I KNOW these programs can "do things", because I've seen that other people can use them to make things - it's just that I'm utterly incapable of doing anything with them - can't even figure out how to make a basic egg shape, much less anything more complex.

SO - the progress you made here in just a day is nothing short of the mastery of a Black Art to me. Congrats!

It's frustrating, really - I get these ideas, sit down at the computer and crack my knuckles... and that's about as far as it gets. I stare at the computer, it stares at me, I click some stuff, and the computer still just stares at me, and I finally give up and wait for someone else to make the models i need, and they never do. Not over YEARS of checking and re-checking the internets. No interest, I guess.


Again, congrats - but keep that creepy alien outta MY room! I have a computer, and I ain't afraid to whack stuff with it - gotta get some use out of it!

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

LOL Thank you

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