posted on May, 25 2003 @ 07:12 PM
Then let us observe these so-called NWO strongholds.
Now the purpose of this post is to accuratley state and label the supposed NWO strongholds and bases throughout the world. The list of strongholds
maybe long as there are many places that are supspected as being under their control. Allow me start with at least some of the Military bases in the
USA. (I will not name them all, as many people have intended to do. I don't neccasarily believe that every base in America is an asset to the NWO as
many other people have claimed.)
So I will only name the most popular or the most obvious military bases within the United States. Here are some of those supposed NWO Strongholds:
Maxwell Airforce Base
Nellis Air Force Base
Fort Hood
Camp Hero
Fort Collins
Madigan Military Hospital-Fort Lewis, Washington
Los Alamos, New Mexico
Bethseda Hospital
Fort Detrick
Other non-Military strongholds within and without the United States:
Dever International Airport
The Vatican
Karachi, Pakistan
Quetta, Paskistan
Peshwar, Pakistan
Islamabad, Pakistan
Kashmir Region of Pakistan
Baku, Azerbaijan
Regions of the Ural Mountain range in Russia
Many if areas if not all areas of Switzerland(Capital Geneva)
London, England
Paris, France
Bonn, Germany
Brussels, Belgium
Boston, United States of America
New York City, United States of America
Washington, DC Capital of United States of America
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hollywood, California
Hollywood, Florida
Dallas, Texas
Eugene, Oregon
Fort Collins, Colorado
Rennes-Le-Chateau, France
Cordoba, Spain
Rome, Italy
Venice, Italy
Genoa, Italy
Troyes, France
The Caucasus Mountain Range
Luxor, Eygpt
Ismailia, Eygpt
The Island of Zanzibar off the coast of Tanzania
Mombasa, Kenya
Johannesburg, South Africa
The Zanbezi Valley in Zimbabwe
Oxford, England
Edinburgh, Scotland
Alexandria, Virginia
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
I would list more but it is getting mundane. Let me list some places, be they banks, business, lodges, or churches. Here are some examples:
Rosslyn Church, near Edinburgh Scotland
Bank of Hamburg
Bank of Amsterdam
Bank of Sweeden
Bank of England
Canongate Kilwinning No 2 Lodge in Edinburgh
National Geographical Soceity
Lonrho Company
Shell Oil
The Zoological Soceity
The Sierra Club
The Friends of Earth
J.P. Morgan Banking Group
Rio Tinto Inc.
The Anglo-American Company
The Minorco Company
De Beers
Barclays Bank
Imperial Chemical Industries
Gorilla Park in Uganda
Akagera Park, Uganda
Zimbabwe Department of National Parks and Wildlife Management
Radio Free Kabul
Capricorn Africa Society
Volcans Park in Rawanda
Virunga Park in Zaire
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature
Fidelity Mutual Fund
Defense Systems Ltd.
The World Bank
The International Bank of Settlements
S.G. Warburg
British Airways
Coca Cola
General Motors
Cadbury Schweppes
Brown and Root
HSBS--Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank
Midland Bank
Mellon Bank
The Bank of Montreal
The Bank of Nova Scotia
Sandline International
World Trade Organization
World Health Organization
The International Red Cross
Alliance AG
International Advisory Council
BP Oil Company
Armor Holdings
British Privy Council
Transparency International
The United States Federal Reserve
The Anti Defamation League
B'nai B'rith
Most if not all Militia Groups within the US
Once again this is dragging on so I will rest for now. If anyone has anything to add, please be my guest.
[Edited on 26-5-2003 by Abraham Virtue]