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Mom With Cancer Banned From School Because of Her…Smell

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posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 06:50 AM
I just found this from looking at another article from another thread and I'm utterly SICKENED BY IT

A New Mexico mom suffering from cancer and trying to spend as much time with her children as possible said she was told by a school principal she could no longer enter the building.

Kerri Mascareno said her child’s principal banned her from the school because of the way she smells, a reaction to her chemotherapy treatment.

Why? Because of the way she smells.

Kerri Mascareno with Stage 4 breast cancer is taking chemotherapy pills to shrink the size of her tumor so she can undergo surgery to have it removed, KOB-TV reported.

Several online forums feature cancer patients who have described a chemical smell coming from their own bodies as a side effect of chemotherapy.

And WHY was she banned?

The mom said employees of the school complained that they had become “vitally ill” over the smell.

I hope NONE of these people who complained about this poor woman have to endure what she's going thru to survive. People make me sick, I hope the world ends soon. We are a cancer on this earth, and stories like this make me despise humanity more and more everyday.


story as well

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 07:27 AM
I know personally that this smell is very strong and pungent, my aunt used to have the same issue with taking the medication. But that doesn't justify the actions of the head master. If he understood like he claimed to then he would of allowed the woman to keep visiting the school. I'm sure the lady is aware of the smell, but in the bigger picture the smell is trivial - a disturbance to idiots who don't have the empathy or even time to understand what this lady is going through. Not only does she smell, but shes dying of cancer - And on top of all that, the head master has stopped her visiting her children...Great work guys
Destroy a woman that's on the edge of life, good going.

The world would be a nice place if people stepped back a few seconds and put their selves in the persons shoes, see their life from their perspective - Not your desired comfort level

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by HomerinNC

I think this is awful that they banned her from the school, however, I have always hated chemotherapy, I think it is vile.

Anyone know if there is a possibility that the chemicals from the therapy could be escaping sweat glands and making people actually physically sick because of the chemicals? That would make this a different story.

Whilst the principle should be condemned for their actions, if the staff were actually sick then this could be a basis for a re-think on cancer treatments.

Obviously I am no doctor and I do not know if the chemical escaping sweat glands and becoming air-borne is viable. If it's releasing a smell then I would assume yes.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by HomerinNC

So basically, the school is teaching the students that it is okay to bully, exclude someone because they are different.

And people wonder why I home-school. . . .

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 08:49 AM
This is disgusting and infuriating! From your link I found the contact info for the superintendent and the principal as well. It's in the comments section of those article if anyone is outraged enough to let these bozos know about it! I really feel for the woman, and for her child as well. My mom was skin and bones because of cancer, and every time we went out we would overhear people making mean and snide remarks. That little girl is hearing all of these things, and she is probably really hurting that people are being so cruel about her sick mother. Just an awful disgusting shame.

edit on 2/20/2014 by 12m8keall2c because: [personal contact info removed]

edit on 20-2-2014 by MojaveBurning because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 09:04 AM
I'm torn on this one. As a side note my mother died from cancer so I have sympathies for her situation. The biggest concern I have is wether she is disrupting the other students in the school. Added distractions can have a negative effect on the students concentration. This is a tough one to pick sides for me.

Did anyone notice if this was a public or private school?

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 09:19 AM

reply to post by HomerinNC

So basically, the school is teaching the students that it is okay to bully, exclude someone because they are different.

And people wonder why I home-school. . . .
Exactly. And they are not considering the feelings of the children,who are going through enough without this added on top. Now the other kids have a reason to taunt them. My god, Iam so angry.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by iRoyalty

My mom has had breast cancer twice and underwent IV chemotherapy each time. The first time she took a chemo call Adriamycin AKA Red Devil. She did indeed smell like chemicals and it was not a pleasant smell. Not so unpleasant as to make one nauseous from it... In general, I would say it rivaled the Charlie perfume she wore in the 1980's in its unpleasantness (yuck). We are a very close family, and for all of our hugging, snuggling with us kids ( I was 11 and my brother was 6) on the sofa, sleeping with my dad, we never got sick from any by-product seeping thru her pores.

The second time she had breast cancer and took chemo, it was (at the time) a new experimental chemo called Taxol. I was 16 or 17 this time around, and I have to say I don't recall any smell at all during that treatment. But again, I can't recall any of us ever feeling sick after being near her, even right after a treatment. Neither can I remember the smell (during the Adriamycin treatments) ever being so bad as to make one retch or anything. She still went to the store, to church, to our school functions and it never seemed that anyone else noticed or was bothered by it. And most of these people had no idea the lady sitting next to them was wearing a wig and missing most of the left side of her torso, let alone that she was taking chemotherapy. But after watching what it did to her body both times, I must agree with you that it is quite vile stuff. But it certainly saved her life...twice.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 09:21 AM

reply to post by iRoyalty

My mom has had breast cancer twice and underwent IV chemotherapy each time. The first time she took a chemo call Adriamycin AKA Red Devil. She did indeed smell like chemicals and it was not a pleasant smell. Not so unpleasant as to make one nauseous from it... In general, I would say it rivaled the Charlie perfume she wore in the 1980's in its unpleasantness (yuck). We are a very close family, and for all of our hugging, snuggling with us kids ( I was 11 and my brother was 6) on the sofa, sleeping with my dad, we never got sick from any by-product seeping thru her pores.

The second time she had breast cancer and took chemo, it was (at the time) a new experimental chemo called Taxol. I was 16 or 17 this time around, and I have to say I don't recall any smell at all during that treatment. But again, I can't recall any of us ever feeling sick after being near her, even right after a treatment. Neither can I remember the smell (during the Adriamycin treatments) ever being so bad as to make one retch or anything. She still went to the store, to church, to our school functions and it never seemed that anyone else noticed or was bothered by it. And most of these people had no idea the lady sitting next to them was wearing a wig and missing most of the left side of her torso, let alone that she was taking chemotherapy. But after watching what it did to her body both times, I must agree with you that it is quite vile stuff. But it certainly saved her life...twice.

There we are then, it sounds like the headteacher was being an a*se!

I am sad to hear your mother contracted it twice, but I'm glad she made it through both times. It is a horrible burden to bear let alone being 'banned' from public places!
edit on 20-2-2014 by iRoyalty because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by HomerinNC

While this is hard braking for the mother, I see in two ways and lets be realistic

First this no just about the staff, but the children that are not of this mothers own that can be side tracked by the body odor of this lady's treatment.

Second, if the mother wants to spend as much time with her children she have all the right in the world to do so, she could home school the children with help from some good Samaritan.

Like I say its no just about the mother and her children but all those other children in the school.

edit on 20-2-2014 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 09:53 AM

reply to post by HomerinNC

While this is hard braking for the mother, I see in two ways and lets be realistic

First this no just about the staff, but the children that are not of this mothers own that can be side tracked by the body odor of this lady's treatment.

Second, if the mother wants to spend as much time with her children she have all the right in the world to do so, she could home school the children with help from some good Samaritan.

Like I say its no just about the mother and her children but all those other children in the school.

edit on 20-2-2014 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

i see the smell as a way to teach the children about the things that may come with life in a way that would make more of a impact through the sense of smell. it would work a lot better than just words. i feel that it would help them not be scared. now i would object if the children wanted to show solidarity with her and her children, like when they shave their head so their friends don't feel alone and started running all stinky.

sure ask the mom that's worried about breast cancer that she may have a problem with, take in the burden of making sure her kids get the proper education that is required to meet the states guide lines, by home schooling.

edit on 20-2-2014 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by iRoyalty

Depending on the type of cancer, and the lady's prognosis, this school could be running afoul of the ADA laws.

Certain types of cancer, along with a terminal/one-year-to-live type of prognosis can be qualified as a disability, allowing the person to be officially disabled and entitling them to disability payments and everything like that.

IF this woman is officially disabled, then banning her from a public school would seem to me to be violating the rights of the lady under the ADA laws.

What I don't get is why this lady is at the school all the time. I can't watch the video, as I'm at work. All I saw in the article is that if she wants to eat Thanksgiving lunch with her daughter, they have to eat alone in the principal's office. This may not run afoul of ADA law since they are allowing her to come eat at the school, only in a different location.

Since the woman is not an employee of the school (or at least it didn't say she was in the article), I see no reason for her to be there, other than for drop-off, pick-up and the occasional school party. IF that's not enough time to spend with her kids, maybe she should pull them out and home school them. If she is hovering over her children at school, it could be detrimental to her children; how can they concentrate properly at school with their very sick mom right by their side - a constant reminder that they could lose their mom at any moment? I don't recall my mom hanging around our school when she was sick - that's kinda weird. Like I said, she came to all of our school functions and no one ever mentioned the chemical smell emitting from her - but she also didn't linger around the school.

At my son's school, they severely limit visitors and the visitor had better have a good reason to be there. This is all done to protect the kids and the staff and I think it's a good policy in this day and age. They certainly do not let parents follow their kids around all day and go to class with them - although I don't doubt there are plenty of helicopter moms out there who would love nothing more than to do just that.

Also, I saw that the article said she taking the chemo in order to shrink the tumor so that it can be removed surgically. That it can be removed is a good sign. It also said she has stage four breast cancer. Nowhere in the article did it say that she is terminal, although her chances aren't great at stage four. But, there IS a chance for her to survive. She should concentrate on taking care of herself so she can beat the odds and get to see her children grow up. That's the greatest gift she could give them. sum up my thoughts... The school needs to quit being douchey and maybe mom needs to back off at school.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by DustbowlDebutante

Very good summary, there is always too sides to a disagreement and a disagreement doesn't become and argument unless both sides have legitimate points.

You should always have an open mind to the other side of things, no matter how black and white they seem.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 10:10 AM


People make me sick, I hope the world ends soon. We are a cancer on this earth, and stories like this make me despise humanity more and more everyday.

I couldn't agree more. We're the cancer on this earth and as we evolve instead of getting more civilized we become more savage and heartless pr*cks. Disgusting reality !!!

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by hounddoghowlie

Yes that would be a good way to help children understand about life, but remember the rest of the children also have parents and we in this country just do not push certain things on children that are not of our own, parents still have the right to chose what their children should be exposed or not and with parents consent

As a mother I will be sympathetic to this particular case but I will have to weight the impact or the exposure I would like my children to have.

As a former teacher I will be very sad if this mother could not spend her time with her children the way she wants to, but at the same time I would be concern also about the well being of the children in the school that are not of this mothers own.

I know it can seem cruel no to allow this mother to be with her children, but I am sure is other ways to handle her situation.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 12:55 PM
My opinion rests on what they meant by vitally ill. If it involves nausea and total distraction from work, the decision is clear. Schools are about learning, and all of the kids matter.
I'm quite sure alternative arrangements could have been made.

edit on 20-2-2014 by EllaMarina because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 01:06 PM
The story in the link only refers to the mother been banned from entering the school, if I am correct and only taking my own experiences as a former teacher, is nothing that the school can do when it comes to the mother dropping her children at school and picking them up either, because most schools have drop in and pick up policies, (parents do not have to get off their cars to do this) but the issue that is not cover on the story is why the mother have to enter the school, perhaps is more to the mothers desire to spend time with her children that is not been discussed.

Some schools have policies of allowing parents to spend time with their children for lunch and also in the classroom by appointment.

And as for her thanksgiving dinner, it doesn't specify if she could have lunch with her children in the Principals office or she just wanted to join the children in the lunch room.

something is missing from the whole story.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

I've been on chemo drugs before but not for cancer and got the smell on my skin from even a lighter dose than a cancer patient. Actually ruined a nice couch because it absorbed the odor. It doesn't smell good and is a very odd odor. To me, it smelled kind of like a chemical cross between cayenne and paprika that's gone stale. It was pretty strong but never did anyone feel "vitally ill" around me.

That said, I'd like to have a talk with the school about banishing a parent from a school for such a trivial thing such as odor especially when that mom has cancer. A really firm, quiet, and straight in the eyes so everything is crystal clear kind of talk. And if any of the staff happens to be wearing cologne or perfume, which is optional, I'd point out how deeply offensive to my nose that is and point out the difference. One can be controlled without risk of death, the other can't.

She can't control it. The school should suck it up and quit being shallow ninnies.
edit on 20/2/14 by WhiteAlice because: clarified last line in first paragraph.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

I can actually relate after spending 15 years working in a University Hospital.
The chemical smells that originate through the skin and openings of the body are absolutely horrendous. It can be a combinations of chemicals, feces, body odor, rotten meat, bad breath...and if youve ever smelled it...cadavers (dead bodies).

So on that basis, I can see there is a real issue here because it is real. But in as much as it's is an issue somewhat unique...the school should find an equally unique was to accomodate the parent. Perhaps, in a certain location, entrance or room.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by marg6043

I was thinking the same as you. Why isn't she homeschooling then?

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