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uncovering coverups?

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posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 05:31 AM
The most frustrating thing i find about openly discussing conspiracy theories on any subjects in say for example over a beer in a bar or at a party with friends,is the amount of people that will instantly dismiss any argument over for example the "UFO" coverup as being fake and they dont exsist because our goverments tell us they dont! and obviously are goverments are right and wouldnt lie to us!!
I try and encourage these people to think "outside the box" and look at the reasons and possibilitys why a goverment would conceale information from the public and yet they still seem to think no goverment would decieve its voting public!
I recentley argued with a good friend about the exsistence of ET'S and whether or not are goverments had,had contact with them or we had been visited by them? He was under the strong belief this had not happened because if so are goverments would have informed us of it,he also got quite upset when he argued that all known ufo pics were fakes and i showed him evidence that i have collected over the years of UFO's that couldnt be explained away as military aircraft or hoaxed photos! he simply couldnt believe that there was all this stuff out there he hadnt heard of! The most shocking look came over his face when i showed him the photos of the downed ufo in russia which if im correct has still not been proven to be fake?
Whats worrying is the amount of people who take for granted that mainstream goverment de-bunking is correct and is "Golden" proof that there is no evidence,simplying falling in line with the "nothing to see here,move along please" attitude!
If this information could be "pushed" (for want of a better word) more into mainstream 'viewed' areas im positive that more people like my friend would feel like they were being kept in the dark and lied to by their goverments?
Surely a crashed ship posiibly of alien orogin that cant be proven to be a hoax should be kept right up in the public limelight and shelved away and only looked at by researchers such as ourselves?
How you would achieve this is off course a different matter?

Any ideas?


posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 07:14 PM
Most people really just believe what they are fed on a daily basis. They do there regular job, read the mainstream newspaper, watch the mainstream news & sitcoms. They don't pickup stones to see what's underneath because they believe all stones have been picked already & it's in a book.

The biggest problem with UFO's is most are not really UFO's. Thus it's easy to dismiss them all as such for most people. Those of us who have at least glimpsed something that is not part of the mainstream knowledge database are looking because we know there is more behind the curtain then we are aware of.

I have not seen the downed russian UFO do you have a link or can I get a pic?

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 04:10 AM

theres a link mate!


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