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CIA report: Israel will fall in 20 years

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posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by AnAbsoluteCreation

I am no fan of Zionist state but Israel will stay for long long time.

Put it this way, hardcore fundamentalist and evangelical Christians In America support ideals of Zionism. Their support is religious in nature, since their theology teaches that the return of the Jewish people to Palestine is a necessary pre-condition for the second coming of Christ.

This viewpoint is referred to as Christian Zionism, and is controversial in its own right. It predicts what is essentially the destruction of Judaism, with all Jews either converting to Christianity or being destroyed during the battle of Armageddon.

ATS is a full house to be honest and its pretty hard to convince those paper-thumpers ...
edit on 20-2-2014 by mekhanics because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 07:13 PM

This news will sadly make so many people so happy.

(beezzer starts digging a DEEP hole!)

Meh, don't worry much.

If there is one thing that is constant, it is change. There are way too many variables to be able to predict what will happen within 20 years. This is akin to a psychic reading predicting that Israel will fall in 20 years. The prediction is very safe for 20 years or then, those making the prediction or responsible for it will be long gone.

I say BS. Now if the CIA reported that they thought it would fall within the next year or 2, I might take that to heart.

No offense to the CIA but they are likened to weather forecasters...they have problems predicting a few days out. What the heck makes anyone think they can predict 20 years out with any accuracy whatsoever.

We do not know what we do not know. Such is man's hubris...

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 07:42 PM

There has been a 'war of the womb' going on over there for a long while. Muslims have been told to outbreed the Jews. Arafat called it the 'war of the womb'. Birthrates being what they are, at some point Israel will disappear and become 'Palestine'. I have no doubt.

ATS Thread - Outbreeding the Enemy
and it is not only there all over the world the natives to the area are being outbred by the incoming mob

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 08:31 PM
Even if Israel falls, the corruption it did to the soul of humanity (worship of money to the point of self-destruction/devolution of humanity) can no longer be undone, unless by some unimaginable cataclysm.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 08:32 PM


No offense to the CIA but they are likened to weather forecasters...they have problems predicting a few days out. What the heck makes anyone think they can predict 20 years out with any accuracy whatsoever.

We do not know what we do not know. Such is man's hubris...

Weather is far more difficult to predict that human nature.

I'm not surprised if such prediction turns out to be accurate.
edit on 20-2-2014 by ahnggk because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 10:35 PM


To the issue, you honestly don't think that Israel should be allowed to be their own country?

I'm somewhat speechless in the face of such animosity towards the Jewish State.

Serious question beez, I guess it may seem inappropriate to ask, but are you Jewish yourself? I don't care one way or another, but I think many Jews have a clear bias on the issue.

Now just imagine of a nation that declares itself "the Christian state" Maybe japan could be "the Shinto state", or New Zealand "the Catholic state", "the Mormon state" etc etc

It's absurd, that someone can acquire citizenship to a nation based solely on RELIGION. Do you not see that as very strange??? And if you don't think the religion-based-sovereign state is totally ok, then I guess you think the foundation of the USA is quite silly since we separate church and state clearly.

The fact that Israel focuses so much on Jewishness (whatever that may mean) I find odd.... I mean honestly, I don't give a damn about anyone's religion...

You know, if Israel would focus half as much on being a self-sufficient and working for real peace in the region, they might not garner nearly as much ill will. Problem is the leaders of Israel (and many of it's citizens) have a serious SUPERIORITY complex.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by mekhanics

This is the very reason why I think the bible itself is a conspiracy written by Jewish factions to set themselves up for their future.

Makes sense.


posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 04:18 AM
Its always only a matter of time before any racist, oppressive regime thats carrying out war crimes comes to an end. Israel will be no different. God willing, the Palestinians will one day occupy Israeli homes and settlements.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 04:33 AM

8675309jenny .

Now just imagine of a nation that declares itself "the Christian state" Maybe japan could be "the Shinto state", or New Zealand "the Catholic state", "the Mormon state" etc etc

It's absurd, that someone can acquire citizenship to a nation based solely on RELIGION.
I don't think its solely based on religion. I read somewhere that an ATHEIST who can prove his Jewish ancestry is a legitimete candidate for Israeli citizenship. But a religious Jew who converts to a different religion would be denied citizenship. Israel is NOT a religious state. It has a nearly 30% atheist/secular population, holds gay pride parades and harbors many brothels, even in the holy city Jerusalem...thus breaking Jewish laws. ''Jewishness'', as defined by Israel is based exclusively on descent and lineage, not piety and religion.
edit on 21-2-2014 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by rigel4

I'm an Israeli not living in Israel anymore, I can say that the general public opinion in Israel is that the state already failed, and anyone like me with a foreign passport are seeking to live their lives elsewhere, and understandably enough. Israelis usually have a lot of grudge towards the country and the lifestyle of it.

It is not just the wars and the occupation, it's the constant economic situation which makes life to seem like a naturally ongoing struggle, it's the stress and impatience of the people, the government which is more anti-social than the American one, the sense of fear, preached by the media that any day now we could be wiped out, hence we have to do everything now and as fast as possible. It's a country founded by a holocaust, supported by the Rothschild's, and established itself in wars. That is why the country is so successful in coming with new technologies, there is so much effort putting into fast success and innovation, sometimes for the purpose of living life elsewhere.

It's a sick country to be honest, it took me time to see it and admit it, but the country and most of the people are mentally sick. Not because they are not good people, there are many great people living in Israel, both Jewish and Muslims, but their minds got totally altered by the situations, circumstances. I try not to have this grudge towards "my" country, there are a lot of beauties in the place, but I believe a solution should be reached for soon, for the sake of all. The answer is love and unity.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 06:17 AM
I don't know why people would wish for Israel's demise. Apartheid in SA was rubbish to begin with and should never have happened, but now look at the state of the country, violent crime is far higher now than at any point during Apartheid, poverty is still rampant, infrastructure falling apart and certain SA world leading sectors such as in many medical fields, have gone to waste and all you hear after 20 years is "it will take time", I bet you it will still be the same excuse in 100 years!

The point is, people look at Israel for the reason for all the trouble in the region, which is ignorant of the geopolitics and regional regimes, tribes, religions and ethnicities in play. That region has always and will always be a hotbed for trouble, if Israel falls, the region will become a wasteland with the only exceptions being the untouchable Saudi Arabia and the semi-untouchable Oman, Qatar and UAE. Anyone who thinks Israel will fall in some kind of quiet process of cultural assimilation, much like they are trying to do with many Western countries, is out of their minds. Israel is fiercely nationalist and any fall will be violent and be met with fierce resistance that will shatter the region and descend it in to chaos.

If you want that, then I take it you people care little for Human life and for peace.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by SecretFace

Although I agree with you to a certain extent I would point out that Palestine was a successful country prior to Israel being set up, so quite why it should degenerate into a wasteland is not set in concrete. Its irrelevant whether Israel is fiercely nationalist the rest of the world isn't today and nationalist policies will probably become more and more criticised and boycotted. Israel will never know peace whilst there are so many forcibly expelled Palestinians wanting their homeland back. The other problem with Israel is that it isn't self-sufficient after 66 years and if funding were withdrawn or other countries found their public not wanting to fund it any longer it would be a huge problem for that country.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 08:26 AM

reply to post by SecretFace

Although I agree with you to a certain extent I would point out that Palestine was a successful country prior to Israel being set up, so quite why it should degenerate into a wasteland is not set in concrete. Its irrelevant whether Israel is fiercely nationalist the rest of the world isn't today and nationalist policies will probably become more and more criticised and boycotted. Israel will never know peace whilst there are so many forcibly expelled Palestinians wanting their homeland back. The other problem with Israel is that it isn't self-sufficient after 66 years and if funding were withdrawn or other countries found their public not wanting to fund it any longer it would be a huge problem for that country.

The rest of the world isnt nationalistic? What world is this, pray tell?

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 11:35 AM

reply to post by rigel4

I'm an Israeli not living in Israel anymore, I can say that the general public opinion in Israel is that the state already failed, and anyone like me with a foreign passport are seeking to live their lives elsewhere, and understandably enough. Israelis usually have a lot of grudge towards the country and the lifestyle of it.

It is not just the wars and the occupation, it's the constant economic situation which makes life to seem like a naturally ongoing struggle, it's the stress and impatience of the people, the government which is more anti-social than the American one, the sense of fear, preached by the media that any day now we could be wiped out, hence we have to do everything now and as fast as possible. It's a country founded by a holocaust, supported by the Rothschild's, and established itself in wars. That is why the country is so successful in coming with new technologies, there is so much effort putting into fast success and innovation, sometimes for the purpose of living life elsewhere.

It's a sick country to be honest, it took me time to see it and admit it, but the country and most of the people are mentally sick. Not because they are not good people, there are many great people living in Israel, both Jewish and Muslims, but their minds got totally altered by the situations, circumstances. I try not to have this grudge towards "my" country, there are a lot of beauties in the place, but I believe a solution should be reached for soon, for the sake of all. The answer is love and unity.

Thank you for your honest and informative reply..

If anyone still doubts the report on the op then read the reply above.. straight
from the horses mouth so to speak.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 11:45 AM


The rest of the world isnt nationalistic? What world is this, pray tell?

Come here to the UK we are about as nationalistic as a stone. Most of us (including me) haven’t even bothered to learn the national anthem.

Don’t get me wrong in a emergency we all band together, but unlike places like the USA were I see people worshiping the flag and reciting the pledge of allegiance like good little government drones we in the UK just don’t give a crap.

edit on 21-2-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 12:01 PM

Just been reading this most Interesting Article about the fall of Israel.. apparently the CIA
are predicting the demise of Israel within the next 20 years.

It s difficult to see how the apartheid state will fall without a serious war in the region.
The report compares Israel to South Africa before the apartheid state voluntarily gave up power.

I honestly hope Israel does fall and does so peacefully, but if recent history is anything to go by, then they will
more than likely start a serious war in it's death throws.

Funny you should mention apartheid state...sounds more like the US than Israel. At the rate of these last several years..the U.S. is falling far faster than Israel ever will..Unlike the pathological liar in the white hoise, Bibi has his countries best interest at heart.. As for us, haha, we are so deep in debt with no end in sight, cover ups, lies, drones, rogue agencies all competing for power at our expense..i could go on and on..but you know what i mean. As far as 20 years..we will get there long before Israel ever does...Heck, we have one foot on the banana peel ,while the other is flailing in the air !

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 12:26 PM



The rest of the world isnt nationalistic? What world is this, pray tell?

Come here to the UK we are about as nationalistic as a stone. Most of us (including me) haven’t even bothered to learn the national anthem.

Don’t get me wrong in a emergency we all band together, but unlike places like the USA were I see people worshiping the flag and reciting the pledge of allegiance like good little government drones we in the UK just don’t give a crap.

edit on 21-2-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

I wish it was like that, too.

i go through the motions so as to preserve business ties. But I really could care less about the national anthem or the pledge of allegiance.

I pledge allegiance to me, my family, and my dogs. The rest can have what is left over.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by rigel4

Sounds like our friendly neighborhood analysts at the C.I.A are attempting to bring about the mother of all battles aka World War Three considering that's about the only way I can see Israel's total demise. And after all they do have a place called Armageddon.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 01:07 PM

reply to post by rigel4

Sounds like our friendly neighborhood analysts at the C.I.A are attempting to bring about the mother of all battles aka World War Three considering that's about the only way I can see Israel's total demise. And after all they do have a place called Armageddon.

Bible and Armageddon be dammed.. that's what all the trouble is about.
Christians are as much to blame for Israels behavior as the Regime itself.

posted on Feb, 21 2014 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by rigel4

Christianity has a lot more to answer for than the middle east situation . But I would say that organised religion in general is to blame.

edit on 21-2-2014 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

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