posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 05:14 PM
I really do not foresee this happening. First of all WIFI is a two way street allowing both downloading and uploading. How on earth (literally) are
you going to upload data to a satellite using your WIFI antenna you already have when these signals hardly propagate a few hundred feet inside your
own house to your router you have now? Even with parabolic dish antennas on the satellite there is no way your puny signal is going to be picked up by
Second, WIFI has regulatory limitations set by the FCC enforcing the transmission to a specified power level. That sort of power level, albeit the
same as what is in your router now; would in no way make the distance from a satellite down to earth and into your computer. Even assuming there were
no FCC or other agency at play regulating the space communications the idea of running high power back to earth using the same WIFI frequencies we
already use now is just asking for spectrum bottlenecking.
Even if they were able to provide a powerful enough signal to get back on earth with all other issues aside there is still the issue of the user being
able to upload back to the bird in the sky unless the soul purpose is *only* to be able to download and browse data, and how on earth would that work
when you can not request a URL or anything else (remember no upload..)?
Another thing that bothers me are the people I see here and ones who have replied on other sites talking about this is the radiation exposure from the
signal being beamed down. Anyone that does 5 minutes of research will realize those frequencies are non-ionizing radiation and never proven by a
scientifically peer reviewed study to cause health problems. In fact we already have tons of satellites in the sky beaming down ultra/extremely high
frequency data to earth at much greater power than something like this would even require and I don't see that causing everyone cancer and tumors, at
least no more so than before we had them floating around above our planet.
Thirdly, there is a very strong inverse square law proponent in effect here which means at that distance the relative radiation received by both your
computing devices and your own body would be so weak you would only have to worry about the other things around your house causing you high RF
exposure, not that satellite in the sky.
Remember just because it is called the big scary word "radiation" does not mean anything. Your flashlight radiates light for example.
Just my two cents.