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Help! How should I bury cursed Mayan stones?

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posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 03:12 PM

reply to post by violet

Yes, my mom's family still owns the property where they were found. The original house was demolished and a new one built. However, she found them in the back yard, so we think that is where we will rebury them.

Ok that's good her family still owns this property.

Good story. I enjoyed reading it and it's peaked my curiosity on the Mayan masks I have. I wouldn't mind knowing what they are replicas of, if anything.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by someoneinnyc

I have unearthed a lot of stones here, left here by ancient people as a sign of respect to the land. None of the stuff I found has much value, so they belong here with the land where they were left as an offering. I take them out and show people them once in a while, then bring them home....back to the land where they were left. I have no problems of bad luck. I know a lot of people who seem almost afraid of touching these things, subconsciously thinking they are burial artifacts. The indians told me they were stuff left at a ceremonial site, and they should never be sold. I asked one of the elders I could give some of them to the Indian kids, he said they were time capsules and he didn't seem there would be a problem with that. As to which Indian kids I do not know, I am still trying to find something which would identify the creators of these things. Next year I am going to dig and find out if I can discover who these were created by. I know they were given to this spot and the majority of them need to stay here. I threw one into Lake Superior, I had them with me one day and it just seemed that I had to throw one in the it belonged there. I was thinking, should I do what I feel is right or hold onto it...I threw it in, it needed to go there. I felt as if I had just done someone a big favor by doing that.

I had to study a lot to understand what I was seeing. I had to contact the indians also. They informed me of a lot of what I know. They have a natural sense about these things. The educated ones seem to be loosing their sense of this for some reason, believing in what is written instead of what is right in front of their eyes. These educated ones seem to only see what they are conditioned to see. I didn't think that they could be converted away from their natural awareness. I suppose if you seperate yourself from nature for too long, you forget how to see nature. If you believe in what TPTB say is the only reality, you miss out on much of the world. You do not need a fancy park to enjoy nature, nature is all over the place. They want us to believe only a place with perfect trees is nice, all planted in rows and pruned. Nature is beautiful in it's imperfection.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 03:23 PM

You think that they have given your family bad luck, but what if they were actually doing the opposite this whole time? The unfortunate things that have happened to your family over the years could have been much worse if it weren't for the items protecting you and your family.
reply to post by Inconceivable

Wow, I hadn't thought of that! I suppose it's very possible. Am I being too influenced by one psychic's interpretation? Perhaps. That particular psychic, the one who specifically said that my family cursed and needed to put back a collection of small objects, has been right about many other things, so I give her warning some weight. 'm not talking about lame predictions like 'you will get a new job next year.' I've been to bad psychics and good ones and she is the real deal. In fact, she is now primarily a spiritual practitioner who does energy healing spiritual guidance. She stopped doing outright psychic readings many years ago. I only get a good vibe from her and trust that she is not misleading.

In any event, I will take to heart what you suggest and sit with the stones with more reflection and see what they say. I do have an affinity with crystals and understand how to read them. These stones and pottery are not crystal but if they carry an energy that needs to be heard, I should spend more time trying to read them directly rather than indirectly. I'll have to do this this summer when I meet up with my mom in Texas. Right now, the stone are with her and I don't want to risk shipping them.

Thank you!

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 03:36 PM
I think I saw this on the Brady bunch....but seriously I don't really believe items can be cursed. And if things could be cursed how come things can be blessed with luck?

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

The indians told me they were stuff left at a ceremonial site, and they should never be sold.

It does not feel right to sell these objects my mom found. Giving them to a museum might be ok. Just keeping them in the house might be ok too. I'm just worried what might happen to them in the future if they are not reburied and the house is sold or there is a break in. I'll think on it more when I have an opportunity to be with the stones in person this summer before making a final decision.

My mom plans to spend some time in her home town so I might try to get her to take them to a university or museum before I arrive.

Thank you for share the story of the object that asked to be thrown into the lake. It's a gift to be able to read objects like that and fortunate to be encouraged to do so. I will need to rely with more confidence in my gifts to read objects before deciding how to deal with these stones. I need reflect on whether I am reading through any aversion and fear instead of confidence and respect.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by violet

Do you know if the masks you bought had ever been used in a burial ritual? Do you know where they came from? If they had been made for resale or for burial ritual but never used, then there should be no problem with your purchase. I doubt you have anything to worry about with the masks. Don't creep yourself out!

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by someoneinnyc

Mayans (and the previous Olmecs) didn't live in Texas.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by someoneinnyc

"Not Fiction"

I know all about rocks containing all sorts of energy.
But why are these stones cursed?
If a higher beeing would have these cruel intentions for you i think it would
catch you from another angle than a rock.

I'd like to think of rocks as a hard on the outside, soft on the inside type of creatures.

But hey... This might be one of those evil stone types that we all see once or twice during a lifetime.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by pirhanna

OMG No they didn't and I'm claiming that they did. People travel with objects. Have you ever bought something in one country and brought home?

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by someoneinnyc

dont destroy them, either take them to a priest CATHOLIC, and have him exorcize then, or give them to one of your enemies.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by someoneinnyc

- Hey, Mayan bro Kantoo!
Could you bring these rocks on our journey to texas?

- yeah, sure man! I'll just put 'em in my pocket since we are WALKING the 3300 miles!

(this conversation never took place)

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 08:53 PM
What I would suggest is that you take them to some museum and let them take photos of them. Then at least if there are signs or markings on them, then they will not be lost forever.

You dont have to leave them at the museum, but they will know what angles and what needs to be photographed for it to be of use to scholars studying this kind of thing.

I think I saw this on the Brady bunch....but seriously I don't really believe items can be cursed. And if things could be cursed how come things can be blessed with luck?
Many belief systems think that some items hold onto energy and store it like a battery. It is probably the energy of the 'owner' of these items or the energy of someone who puts their will on them for a particular ritualistic purpose. The intention can be positive or negative.

Saint's bones spring to mind as an example, or amulets perhaps. There are also many stories of some antique items having residual energy or ghosts attached to them.
edit on 16 Feb 2014 by qmantoo because: quote

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by someoneinnyc

Ok...Im not going to make any fun here of this. Im just gonna jump in with some basic advice.

There are way too many particulars and points here to address, so lets just tell you to mail them back to the area where they came from or close to it. Find a tribal leader or shaman and get them away from you and outta your life.

Good luck and God speed....

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 11:51 PM
I suggest you suspend them in a plastic container.
So that they do not touch the sides of the container at any place.
Then fill the container with kosher salt,pack the salt tight in that container.
Then place the lid on the container.
Then dig your hole in the ground deep and wide.Fill the hole half way
with the kosher salt.Place the container in the hole and fill it with the kosher salt.
Make sure the container only touched the kosher salt and not the dirt.Then
cover the kosher salt with the remaining dirt.Pack it as tight as you can.
Then pour kosher salt around the object.
edit on 16-2-2014 by grayghost because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2014 by grayghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by someoneinnyc

Use a spade, dig a hole place them inside and cover it over.

If in doubt consult the internet,. There must a something to show you how to dig a hole there somewhere.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 06:33 AM
Cursed stones... I don't even have the energy anymore. I just can't. I think being on ATS is starting to take a toll on me.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by someoneinnyc

Your first mistake was going to a psychic. They are anything but psychic. GREAT con artists though.

There is nothing wrong with the stones. Your grandfather just felt that things like that belonged where they were found.

You can MAKE bad things happen if you over think it BTW.

And I am not being critical of you btw, we can all have this tendency to over think.
edit on 17-2-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by grayghost

Hadn't thought of using kosher salt. I know it's used to ward off evil spirits. Great idea! Thanks!

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Xaphan

That's funny because that is exactly how I felt when I connected the dots last year! "You've got to be kidding me!" was my first reaction. Mind you, I did not connect the psychics warning from years ago to my mom's collection of stone until last year. I had given most of the back to her a few years ago at her request. However, I kept one as decoration on a medicine bundle I had made long ago. I had misplaced the medicine bundle years ago and figured it would turn up someday. Sure enough after I moved last year and was unpacking all kinds of crazy stuff, I found it and then it hit me... "You've got to be kidding me!" I even started laughing.

I gave back that last stone to my mom when she came to visit. Then she mailed the collection to her brother who still lives in the house where they were found. He is hanging onto them until she can visit in person this summer.

Look, I used to be a nihilistic atheist, now I'm making water offerings and prostrating to Buddhas! Life is Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and I'm just going along with it because when I didn't I was pretty miserable.

I've learned to follow my instincts no matter how crazy they are. Things seem to work so much better when I do. So, I'm going to bury my mom's cursed Mayan stones because I can! So there! lol

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by someoneinnyc

Before I give my serious reply, I would say that a lot of your theory is based on tarrot card readers, if they were real, they would be rich and you wouldn't need to pay them (due to being able to see the future and what-not).

But as an honest answer, I've had a look at their tombs and their either a giant pyramid like structure, or a hole in the ground. So unless you fancy building a pyramid I would just bury the stones exactly where you found them.

Perhaps you could add something of value that you own, as an apology or interest for borrowing their possessions. I was thinking this could also be the source of the out of place statue, perhaps someone found the stones before you and needed to bury them with an 'apology'.

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