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A theory to why world governments WILL not go green.... To protect us.

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posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 08:32 PM
heres my theory, aliens have no need for our resources they are vastly more inteligent and advance and have more then likely procured ways to obtain their resources sustainable, for example if they can travel lightyears to get to our location would they not have their own ways to sustain life and travel, im sure with some science they could splice some kind of cloryphil with protien and make a sustainable food, i think they are interested in our race and are monitoring us for research, they have made small deals with our goverments in the past to allow research, occasional abductions or mutilations for exchange for a lil technology, they dont intervene technology wise past few years as much is because we are having wars and uprisings worldwide they want us to advance as a species not destroy eachother, they would be more willing to share the secrets of the universe if we could all just get along

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 11:10 PM
I'm of the opinion that any civilization advanced enough to travel intergalactically is not concerned with our resources. If they can close the gap between galaxies, they aren't even remotely concerned with our coal and gasoline. It'd be like a billionaire taking a private jet to downtown New York to rob a corner store. And even if this race were interested in our resources, we would have two options: 1. Deplete our resources and go extinct. 2. Get wiped out.

Also, the civilization would not be waiting patiently for our permission. If they wanted our resources they would take them. How do you suppose our government, who is still in the toddler stage of space travel, would have gotten advanced enough notice of a civilization plundering planets to even come up with this plan and execute it. When was this discovered? How far back does this conspiracy go? It's awfully convenient, since we've been brown [*not* green] for the last few centuries. Is that just a coincidence? And how did our govt discover this threat?

I just can't see it myself. Too many things don't make sense. Even if I could concede that an advanced race would want our resources, I just couldn't see how our government would have foreknowledge of their imminent pillaging and formulate a plan like yours. It's kind of a cool idea, regardless. It'd make a good book or film.
edit on 16-2-2014 by LeviWardrobe because: spelling

edit on 16-2-2014 by LeviWardrobe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 01:27 AM
Ets don't need to come here for resources, the higher ups formed/shaped/managed this planet.

Our leaders are not doing anything to help us. They're satanists and for those who may not be, they act like they are so doesn't matter, same fruit falling off the same trees, same mismanagement of the planet, destruction, murder, sacrifice, enslavement, scarsity, planet destroying, nature destroying, life destroying, and same nuclear war agenda against the people with fukushima, chernobyl and all their nuclear tests, bombs, leaks and ammonution. You cannot get worse in the universe, unless you're all the way in hell, than under these leaders. So, nope. Not helping us.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by Spiro


It is only controlling nature if you see a separation between man and nature. If you remove that separation we are simply controlling ourselves. Looking after the planet is a form of stewardship like good housekeeping..

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by brace22

It's not the lack of corporate profits holding back the green movement to save the planet. Lets be serious for a minute, the cost of doing so is transferred to the citizens, rather it be rate hikes or government taxation. No company is going to lose money paying for it themselves and no government is going to do it without our money.

The real reason energy is an issue is, there is no way to store it, our society needs power on command. Wind and solar cannot provide this. This is also the real issue of electric cars, right now rolling brown and blackouts are already the norm, now dump just a few million cars onto the grid and the system is taxed beyond reason. It would be nice if they just made the grid EMP proof for starters, a US without power would be deadly.

Whatever the solutions end up being, count on the fact you and I will end up paying for it unless alien currency is backed by the fed, or precious metals. Until then, choke, gag, step over the trash and "Don't drink the water". Without an energy plan it's much more difficult, maybe impossible.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 04:40 PM

reply to post by Spiro


It is only controlling nature if you see a separation between man and nature. If you remove that separation we are simply controlling ourselves. Looking after the planet is a form of stewardship like good housekeeping..

My friend,

Looking after the planet and controlling it are two different things. We control to make money. Looking after needs no money.

Be safe be well


posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 05:31 PM

Personaly i think that by the time any race is advanced enough to become interstellar travelers the acquisition of resources wont be something they will need to worry about.

"Surely these strange tall men advanced enough to become intercontinental travelers have no need to worry about the acquisition of resources." ---- Mayan pundit, 1519

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 05:36 PM

I'm of the opinion that any civilization advanced enough to travel intergalactically is not concerned with our resources. If they can close the gap between galaxies, they aren't even remotely concerned with our coal and gasoline. It'd be like a billionaire taking a private jet to downtown New York to rob a corner store.

What if it's a billlionaire taking a private jet to downtown New York to "rob" the real estate on which the corner store, and the whole damn building on which it resides? Billionaires are definitely interested in that sort of thing---it's how they get that way.

More seriously, the Earth may be very rich in biological resources. From our known planetary surveys which we can do with telescopic equipment, we do know that actual Earth-like planets are not that common. The climatic conditions for diverse, complex life (as we know it) are quite narrow. A decline 1-2% difference in energy deposited turns the Earth into an ice cube. That same amount positive (which we might get from increased global warming) could also be a huge problem.

No doubt microbes and simple organisms are relatively common. A deep and rich ecosystem? Perhaps not. We might be sitting on the galactic equivalent of NYC's Upper East Side.
edit on 17-2-2014 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2014 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2014 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 08:22 PM

Whatever the solutions end up being, count on the fact you and I will end up paying for it

Of course we'll pay for it. Why shouldn't we? We're the ones asking for change, not them. If you were begging a person to let you use their car once a week, would you ask them to pay for the gas too? Nobody has to do anything for anybody. Everything is at a cost. If we aren't willing to pay the price for our demands, then clearly we don't want what we're asking for THAT badly.

What if it's a billlionaire taking a private jet to downtown New York to "rob" the real estate on which the corner store, and the whole damn building on which it resides? Billionaires are definitely interested in that sort of thing---it's how they get that way.

Sure, that's a possibility. But again. What are they waiting for? Do we really have enough of a head start to # up our planet and kills ourselves before they can? Like I said, the theory is heavily flawed in more than one way.

More seriously, the Earth may be very rich in biological resources. From our known planetary surveys which we can do with telescopic equipment, we do know that actual Earth-like planets are not that common. The climatic conditions for diverse, complex life (as we know it) are quite narrow.

There are two issues with this. First, we have a crippling narrow view of our surroundings. Mainstream science still concedes that there must be countless "earth like planets" beyond our sights. The second issue is that our view of life itself is very narrow. What you are suggesting is that life on earth is the only type of life possible. That all life depends on elements available on earth, and must live within the same spectrum of temperature that we do. We can all agree that in this incomprehensibly huge mess of gaseous galaxies there is some significant form of life that does not require an earth like system.

Here is some food for thought. Extraterrestrials are the example. Everyone assumes that aliens will be fleshy things with appendages that have similar physiology to our own... most [like yourself] even assume [or suppose] that our planet, because it suits us "so well", may also suite "them" well. Statistically, I'm sure there is bound to be some type of life out there that is categorically similar to life on earth... but to assume that it is the most advanced, locationally near, or common type of life will just cloud your mind from other possibilities. My biggest issue with Conspiracy Theorists [being one myself] is that they can be incredibly exclusive and stubborn. Many are far from the open minded thinkers you'd imagine them to be. Everyone is just stuck on theories that have been around since WW2.
edit on 17-2-2014 by LeviWardrobe because: various

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 09:00 PM


Whatever the solutions end up being, count on the fact you and I will end up paying for it

Of course we'll pay for it. Why shouldn't we? We're the ones asking for change, not them. If you were begging a person to let you use their car once a week, would you ask them to pay for the gas too? Nobody has to do anything for anybody. Everything is at a cost. If we aren't willing to pay the price for our demands, then clearly we don't want what we're asking for THAT badly.

Unfortunately the people paying for the clean up are usually not the ones that perpetuated the mess to begin with. The current radiation from Japan or New Mexico isn't anything other than government and corporate failure. I will grant you the whole "of the people by the people" but really do you think this government is following the wishes of it's citizens? But just like their overspending the citizens will have to pay. When a gas line blew up in California who do you think pays for that? I didn't ask for that. As a citizen in the US the government forces me to protect wildlife, watershed areas, etc. I have no choice. The government on the other hand can make any mess it wants and take more tax money to fix it, even despite what science has to say.

If aliens want our resources and can manage to find there way here after traveling light years why not use some of their incredible knowledge to fix or repair it before taking it?

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 09:31 PM

Unfortunately the people paying for the clean up are usually not the ones that perpetuated the mess to begin with. The current radiation from Japan or New Mexico isn't anything other than government and corporate failure. I will grant you the whole "of the people by the people" but really do you think this government is following the wishes of it's citizens? But just like their overspending the citizens will have to pay. When a gas line blew up in California who do you think pays for that? I didn't ask for that. As a citizen in the US the government forces me to protect wildlife, watershed areas, etc. I have no choice. The government on the other hand can make any mess it wants and take more tax money to fix it, even despite what science has to say.

Of course. I'd sooner that the corporations and governments take responsibility for their actions. I'm just saying that right now they won't, and that may be the case for quite a while. We have to decide if we want to take the hit. Do you care enough to put your money forward to help in the meantime? That's what we have to decide. SOMEBODY has to pay for it. Would it be great if the people responsible paid? Obviously. But what if they won't? What if it takes decades to convince them to? Will we pay our own way? I think we should. If I care about something, I will support it. I'm not going to avoid it out of spite to someone. I'm not above getting in some gumboots to clean up an oil spill. I'm not going to sit there and do nothing because I'm angry about how it isn't my fault. Don't be self serving. It takes action for there to be change. Holding picket signs and filling out petitions won't get yesterday's spill cleaned up quicker than just cleaning it up. The political activism has it's place, obviously. It pursues justice, and justice is important. All I'm saying is that stuff has to get done in the meantime.

That's how I see it, anyway.
edit on 17-2-2014 by LeviWardrobe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 09:56 PM


1) A lot of theories state and people speculate that aliens would come to this planet for our planets resources. Water, Oil, magnetic energy whatever you want to call it. Seeing a planet rich with resources it's race desperately need, may force an alien race to come here and suck our planet dry.

2) We are constantly trying to get our leaders to go green and save the planet and what not. It's hard and a long battle. Some succeed but most fail.

Now let's put 1+2 together.

Let's theorize, that our leaders will keep destroying this planet, and our way of life, to protect us from being invaded and wiped out from an alien race. Do you think this is a plausible reason to why we are failing to save the planet?

THIS IS MY OWN THEORY, so don't start asking for references bla bla bla.

What do you think?

A space faring alien intelligence is going to come all this way, for a few barrels of oil likely using more than the net gain in some other fuel source because we didn't get to it first.

To save us, we must destroy us.

I'd suggest that this idea was ridiculous and that the more likely scenario was that not going green or waiting simply maximizes profits for those in charge but in all honestly this is the sort of logic I wouldn't put past them.

But no, that's ridiculous.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 10:07 PM
If there are aliens, they dont come here because we are the plague ship full of rabid pit bulls of the universe.

"THEY" dont want to protect us. I have 2 words for you as to why we dont go green and all of that : CORPORATE PROFITS. Oh, and Ill add one more word : CONTROL.

posted on Feb, 18 2014 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by LeviWardrobe

Levi it would be simple if everyone was a take action person such as yourself. Unfortunately they are not, and this doesn't mean there isn't a lot of people out there willing to dawn rubber boots, shovels, etc. but what do you advocate for foreign countries? How would the citizens clean the air, the water run off, lakes etc. or Japan and the radiation that now affects fishing and seafood here? How is this to be cleaned up by take action individuals as yourself? If governments and corporations felt as LeviWardrobe it would be easy it would have never gotten this way. But first and foremost we have to make sure we elect officials with the mindset of clean before green, unless they can be incorporated into the same process. We will pay in the end with our wallets and our backs, spills are just a small part.

posted on Feb, 18 2014 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by MarlinGrace

Yeah. I don't mean to say that it is a complete solution. I completely agree that it is imperative that the Govt and Corporations are held responsible for their actions, and I completely agree that we have to work towards it. What I'm trying to say is that we can't have everything we want right away. There are times where we are essentially helpless, except for our own actions. Yes, we can all agree on what we want. But we can't have what we want right now.

If world governments and corporations do not take responsibility for Fukushima, and relief efforts end up relying entirely on charity, will we step up? Or will we whine and cuss? I'd hope that we take the high road and cough up the cash. Yes, TEPCO and Japan SHOULD pay for it. But what if they won't. We can work towards compassionate and responsible governments, but that won't clean up Fukushima today. That's all I'm saying.

I understand that most situations are far more complex than I'm making them out to be. It's more the principle that is important. It can all boil down to this question. If we had the opportunity right now to contain, clean and repair Fukushima... but we had to pay... would we do it? I think that the answer is, unfortunately, no. Everyone would bitch and moan about how it isn't their fault, and that it is unfair. A person can start a crowd funding campaign for a video game and collect millions of dollars. But we're asked to contribute to a better future, and suddenly it "isn't our problem".

posted on Feb, 18 2014 @ 03:53 PM
Who is in the world government? Human beings.

When humanity loses compassion, pain and suffering is the consequence. This is the condition of the world, those without sympathy or compassion keeps taking for themselves while everyone else suffers due to lack.

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