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Do you have everything that you think you need?

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posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:13 PM
I am asking this question, because of all the extreme storms and events we have been having lately.
Ice and snow in the southern US, earthquakes in several spots in the last couple of weeks, great lakes are almost completely froze over, that is around 20% I believe of the total world supply of fresh water...the lack of rain in California(look at what all California provides for the entire US with food... look it is crazy how much of a % they supply for the stores), the harvests in the spring and fall have not been what they normally are, and it should be causing prices to rise soon on almost everything.
This is all just in the USA(I left out several other hot topics from drones, NSA spying on us, attempting gun bans and a whole list of other things that are eroding away the freedoms that we have always know) ...look around the world at all the different things happening that are out of the ordinary, there are a lot of things happening with wars, drought, civil wars, high political figures resigning, and not even getting into the severe weather other places are also having.
The economy of every country is in the toilet and corruption throughout every country is finding its way to the surface for us all to see.
So again I ask, do you think you have everything that you need?
If you do not, maybe it might be a good time to think about it, before it is all to late....I am not saying move off the grid, quit your job and disappear...I am simply saying to use your head, and do what you feel you need to do, for you and yours...for some people that might be nothing , for others in might mean a lot more. I do not want to know or care what you do or do not have or need or don't need...I am just saying, if you need something or have to learn something, it might be a good time to get moving on whatever that is.
this is just my .02 cents for everyone here

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by saltdog

You left out vital medications and whatever products/supplies for our pets, too.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by saltdog

I completely agree about the food. Patterns are changing, we were warned, nations could have prepared.

Better make good use of your backyard for growing food.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 06:07 PM
IT'S TIME for get into prepping. I am (but embarrassingly only just now) throwing myself into researching about off grid survival. And IT'S FASCINATING too. This is my new obsession. Many years ago, ufos were my obsession, I "had the bug" for it, as they say, but that tide has turned. There are endless instructional educational videos on youtube, it's hard to know where to start, there.
The unexpected is now the new normal, to be expected.
I had just come across the term "bug in" on youtube, after only familiar with bug out. It's a no-brainer, but I'm a novice-turning-vacuum.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 06:37 PM
Great thread topic; S&F for you!

I am no where near as prepared for the "what if" that has now become the "when" as I would like to be. I am learning gardening, just started my first garden this past year and learned a lot so I'm looking forward to planting season in order to apply what I've learned and do some more experimenting with what I can do. I seem to go through phases of interest in the topic, sometimes leaning towards bugging-out and others towards bugging-in. Sometimes I don't bother worrying about it at all because I'm caught up in BEKs or Political mayhem and foolishness.

There's just too much going on to not be concerned! Anyone who says "This has been going on for forever" or "We just have the internet now so we hear about more" is simply kidding themselves. We've had the internet for a long time now, it really isn't anything new enough to pinpoint as the reason behind our growing awareness of the current situation.

But look, the reality is I'm poor; poverty level even based on the current USA definition so having everything that we'll need is just not possible. We have just enough to make ends meet when you calculate in such luxaries as a home phone and wifi, family movie night and dlivered pizza. The reality is my family isn't willing to sacrifice those things right now because the fit hasn't hit the shan yet and it allows them to feel equal to their peers and I'm okay with that. When the time comes, I'm relatively confident in the knowledge I've aquired over the years about preparedness and we'll either make it or we won't. That's the way the cookie crumbles. I know we'll be better off than anyone else I know personally, but I also know we'll be worse off than many of the fine folk I've met here on ATS.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by MatthiasGoliath

Medications is one of my main concerns for people in the event of a major shutdown or something. People would be in serious trouble within a matter of weeks... Especially in America, where heart disease and diabetes is so prevalent.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 06:45 PM
do i have enough alcohol to tolerate the deluded person next to me talking about surviving?

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 07:29 PM
I doubt if anyone has everything they would need for all tragedies. You can have an underground cement bunker with four exits and supplies for a year and it could just disappear into a big deep sinkhole with you inside.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 12:52 AM
I just finished reading the posts from everyone above.

True you can never be prepared for everything, and money is tight for many people.
You might be shocked at what all you can do with so little...think of the early settlers, how would they have done whatever they needed to? they had no electric, no indoor plumbing or running water.
Knowledge is power, and your ability empowers you even more.

For the meds, there are books for natural items that can assist with almost any type of problem many people have...How well they work I do not know as I am in good health, but wouldn't it be great to look up the medical problems you have and search for a natural cure, or a way to ease whatever your problem is... you could try some of the natural remedies now to see how well they work...while you still have your regular medications...and if the natural one's work...maybe you also found a way to cut some costs in your monthly the very least you found what does or does not help to assist you in whatever your health problem is.

People we all need to think outside the box and then get our butts out of the box we live in and apply what we know and improve on what we don't.
Remember your mind is a terrible thing to waste...for it is your greatest tool.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by rickymouse

This is true, when it is your's your doubt about that at all.

You could also have a stroke lifting that huge frosted mug of whatever you favorite drink do what you can and go with your gut...

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 05:38 AM
I see. No one so far has realized the true impact of weather patterns changing. We are talking about the most basic need, FOOD. There will not be anything to protect. The change is happening faster than humans can adjust to mass produce food. Just in case the logic escapes you, you cannot eat guns, fences, bunkers. Not even water fills up the need for nutrients.

I had a dream that has stuck with me for 20yrs. It was so real. Millions of humans were trying to break through my fence to get to my garden. I don't like to watch those zombie movies because it was like that.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 06:08 AM


That is what you need more than anything else

As bad as it may be weather, social and economy wise, the earth will still provide all you need if you know where to look for it..

Peterson's Guides to Wild Edibles and Medicinal Plants are a good start..

Then you need to go out and practice finding what you need.. After awhile you will see it is easy to live off the land even in some fairly extreme conditions..


I know that you can because I, and others like me, have done it. We have gone out and lived for extended periods of time on what nature gladly provides us..

So.. Knowledge is key folks...


posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 09:43 AM

do you think you have everything that you need?

NEED? Sure...WANT? No. There's a difference to surviving a SHTF situation, and LIVING through it. I don't just want to survive, I want to LIVE. Water? We have a well. Food? We have all the frogs, snakes, birds, insects you could ever eat. But, isn't exactly my diet of surviving? well? Well, that's where the preps come in.

I have kind of a five year plan for my preps. (because frankly, it's expensive to prep well). But, after this time period, I should be in a position for us to be quite a bit more self-sufficient, as well as well-stocked for any kind of emergency.

It's amazing how many facets there are to consider. Stocking up is one thing, but renewable sources is (for me anyhow) the key. There is of course the usual, water and food...but then there is much more that you wouldn't normally consider...

Medical supplies.
Cleaning supplies.
Spare parts for mechanics.
Plumbing supplies.
Electrical supplies.
Building supplies.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 09:54 AM

I see. No one so far has realized the true impact of weather patterns changing. We are talking about the most basic need, FOOD. There will not be anything to protect. The change is happening faster than humans can adjust to mass produce food. Just in case the logic escapes you, you cannot eat guns, fences, bunkers. Not even water fills up the need for nutrients.

I had a dream that has stuck with me for 20yrs. It was so real. Millions of humans were trying to break through my fence to get to my garden. I don't like to watch those zombie movies because it was like that.

I agree with you 100%! I just started a garden last year (first time I lived somewhere I could have one) and I'll be expanding it this year using what worked and improving what didn't. It's a learning process, but I REFUSE to watch my children go hungry in any scenario. I have 3 kids too, one is all grown up but still lives with us for now... but he knows where to go when shtf! In fact, he's my "defense" guy lol!

That dream would scare the poop out of me!! To be honest, that is an actual fear of mine, especially because I don't have a fence and can't put one up due to this being a rental property
. Things are changing... fast and people need to be more aware and stop being so delusional thinking their leaders will save them.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by saltdog
[My son works for fast foods and I have stored 5 gal. containers of water all in my basement. They get these oil containers and they just throw them away every day. He brings them home I wash them out fill them up and treat the water. I must have about 50 in the basement. If you go to these places and ask I'm sure they would be happy to get rid of them. I've told everyone at my work about it and they are storing water now. The containers are strong, they have handles and a big lid. I'm sure you could find other things to use these to store stuff. They just throw them away daily. A cheap way to start storing water.

Just throwing out ideas to help those that don't have a lot of money to stock up. I've had to figure out ways to stock up cheaply. In the summer I buy seeds on sale towards the end of the season. I now have a shoe box full of seed packets. I can usually get 5 packets for $1. I've been buying for a few years now. $1 here and $1 there doesn't hurt me if I do it each pay check.

Some one once told me to just take $20 dollars and get extra each pay day and my basement started filling up. I bought 10 for 10. I shop at the "Save a Lot" stores (that's a good store for stocking up cheaply) My supervisor shops on base and he gets me MRE's when ever I ask him to when ever I have a little extra cash. It's just a few dollars a pay check to do these things and before you know it your supplies grows fast.

When medication goes on sale I stock up. Usually for a $1 each. When ever we have an emergency and go to the hospital I've saved all those gauze wraps, boots, breathing things, arm wraps etc. I've been keeping them for years since I was young. I now have 3 containers full of medical supplies. Bandages of all sizes that have gone on sale.......

The thing to stocking up is not using up what you buy. (which my son does all the time) As soon as I find out I just restock and find a new hiding Or make him replace it at income tax time.

Just a few tips and ideas to help..........


posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by saltdog

Apparently you think the S will hit the fan soon. What is your best guess as to what will happen?

Personally I don't think it's possible to prepare for the immense hordes of desperate, hungry, pissed off people that will be roaming around looking for your stash.

Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" will look like a romance novel.

I don't think I'd want to live in a post apocalyptic America. I'm putting my money into very expensive vodka and pain pills in preperation for the worst.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 04:07 PM

I don't have a fence and can't put one up due to this being a rental property

You can always use the rancher solution, assuming you have at least some storage area. Cattle panels (4' high by 18' long) are about $18 per panel. 4" diameter posts are around $5. You could just start accumulating a stockpile of some posts and panels, so that IF a SHTF situation happened, rent won't matter, and you could put up some decent fencing fairly quickly. If not, and you move, you can easily take it with you. No harm, no foul.

Even cheaper, keep the posts and get spools of razor wire instead.
edit on 17-2-2014 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by saltdog

When it comes to food, we have a rainwater system, and combined with a simple water filter, can acquire water with ease. Access to a BBQ or fireplace allows one to cook rice, rice can be stored for months and in great quantities - however, dicipline is required as is rationing.

The most important point is for those that live with "complacent" individuals - although my parents were brought up in dangerous times, understanding pertinent threats to physical security, the younger generation have been brought up in very "safe" environments, and simply would not have the required experience to keep calm and organised during threatful situations, and also, lack the ability to successfully distinguish between a genuine threat and simply an uncomfortable situation.

It is key to take the leadership role, however, many will choose to assert thier dominance without really being able to understand and gauge threats.

For instance, if a younger member of the family is better equiped to handle unpredictable situations, his attempt to take the lead will generally be foiled by those whom assume that experience is a factor of age.
edit on 19-2-2014 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2014 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 08:30 AM

rice can be stored for months and in great quantities

Properly stored, rice can be stored for YEARS! Same with most grains, dry pasta, dry corn, mashed potato flakes, cereals, etc.

Our ancestors had it right too...home canning. I've eaten home-canned fruits and veggies years after they were packed, and they still tasted fresh.

posted on Feb, 19 2014 @ 11:49 PM
When I lived in the big city I got my neighborhood involved. Our neighborhood chose to participate. We could survive for at least 6 months maybe even longer. We had police, firemen, nurses, even a minister. We had designated kitchens, baby sitters and security. One person had a ham radio. We had plans for just about any kind of a disaster you could think of. We even had plans for possible terrorists attacks and this was back in the 1970's. It very easy and possible to accomplish. Your survival rate climbs when you get your neighbors involved.

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