posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by droid56
We were talking of this exact subject at breakfast the other morning... saying some very similar things that are being posted here now.
We were saying... a huge worldwide catastrophic or even a world wide event such as other life showing up in their ships and hovering over us... just
sitting there watching...which would be world changing... that something like this taking place is what it would take... to make things happen.
Even after an event such as this... things would be crazy until things balanced themselves out and settled down.
But then I saw this thread today... and it amazed me further.
How Wolves Change Rivers
& It made me think about it again... but in a different way. Humans did this. They made a decision to place the wolves back into the habitat and
this one small decision made a world of a difference. The wolves went in and balanced things out again.