posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 06:45 PM
If all people doing good things, saving species, helping the needy, protecting nature etc...
If they all unite into a single collective, with one common goal, to protect, serve, help and love...
The powers that be will no longer have their advantage. Without their divide and conquer strategy dividing the people...
The total efforts of the collective intentions to create a better and saver world, will end up with more economic power, and energy, the "tptb" can
possibly gather enough to compete.
The balance changes, and the control shifts from "tptb" to the people. The combined money, and energy invested in doing good, is already higher, and
more extensive then "tptb" spend on their place in society.
The problem is that all good intentions, effort, money and energy, is coming from individuals or groups, fighting their battle to reach their chosen
As long as our goals stay independent from each other, and the people divided across their individual ideals... The oldest rule in the book will still
be "tptb"most formidable weapon, in their quest to stay in power now, and long into the future.
We only have to start to become a single collective, with a common goal that includes all individual ideals, and we can take over the power from
"tptb" and put an end to their reign.
Please explain to me, what is it that makes it so hard for people to combine forces, efforts for our best interests, and that of our world ?
We would have already won...