posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 12:59 AM
I find myself compelled this late Valentine's Day evening: My wife's asleep and the quiet hum of the refrigerator lulls me into a calmness. In this
calmness of body, I find my mind racing with thoughts and recollections of Arthur C. Clarke's '2061: Odyssey Three'; A book I read a year ago while
I was wrapped up in physics experiments within the Kerbal Space Program. I only mention the simulator, because it was so enthralling to play. The book
though, feels more like a personal memory and not just a story I once read.
Memories themselves perplex the mind: I for one am a keen proponent of Genetic Memories, by which [certain] memories are stored within a person's
DNA. There's a ton of information on this that can be found on the web, but this topic is not the focus of this thread. Honestly, at this point I'm
not sure where the methodic taps and clicks of my fingers on these keys will lead my mind tonight.
Beyond memories, are what I like to recall as foundational recollections. Considering what a foundation is and what purpose one serves, it's
interesting to consider the fact that all living things have a platform from which they are based, extrapolated, built, and expanded upon. Imagine
what those words mean when in the context of a sentient being: 'based', 'extrapolated', 'built', 'expanded'. For it is without a base, a point
from of which to build upon, a building cannot stand; Much less [a building cannot] last a century.
There are few places in the world that life does not exist. So it's stands to reason that similar extremophile life can exist on other worlds, if not
within space itself. Right, you think. There is one atom of hydrogen for every 9 cubic meters of empty space. Consider the size that we consider
'big' and 'small', then attempt to contemplate a being so vast in it's own size, that the spacing of hydrogen atoms in space is considered dense.
What would our world be classified as if that being was aware of our infinitesimal existence? An electron circling a nucleus? Rather similar to an
atom's construction isn't it?
I'd like to know why the repeating pattern of objects orbiting other objects is a pattern in the universe that's repeated time and again in every
size and dimension imaginable. Could the electron cloud simply be atoms floating within cubic nanometers of space and time? Who knows.
The correlation between these aforementioned subjects is unbenounced to me, but perhaps you'll find it. There's purpose in all things we think, all
things we contemplate, all things we believe in and consider. There are repeating patterns in everything you can possibly conceive: Nothing is random,
nothing is chaos. If you can mathematically prove chaos exists, I'll listen. Otherwise, there's a pattern, a base, a foundation to this universe
that has outlasted civilizations, and the creation of the universe itself: A master program, if you will. You cannot edit it, for it is written in a
code that is the fabric of reality.
That being said, there are algorithms for individual manipulations within the source code. These individual algorithms are what allow us to steer the
course of our own lives, however we see fit. Now, for whatever reason, we are unique in this ability. As a species, we have decided to manipulate our
environment to suit our wants and not only our needs. No other species shares this attribute of going so far above and beyond their own means of
Now some of you may retort with thoughts of evolution and how that's what has differentiated us from the other species we share this planet with.
Historically, we are one of the youngest species on the planet and there's no reason that we are what we are today. Compared to fish, reptiles, and
others...they have "evolved" naturally to their absolute pinnacle then they've stayed very much the same for millions of years without fear of
extinction, plague, sickness, internal termoil, or any other internal or external natural threat. Humans though, are one of the weakest physical
animals on the planet: We sun burn easily as if our skin wasn't used to the sun; We get sick as if our immune systems are still having a hard time
learning our environment; We have varying health issues and ailments that all cause us to age disgracefully and in many cases in pain. If we were
'evolved' to our pinnacle, we'd be without the need to construct massive metropolises of frivolous uselessness.
Climbing back off that limb and back to the trunk, I find myself wondering what sorts of responses this thread will receive, if any. If I can
recommend anything, read Arthur C Clarke's '2061: Odyssey Three.' It's a thought provoking book that was written in 1987 that contemplates an
extraterrestrial intelligence that directs and mediates the actions of humans within our own solar system.
Alas, one can consider the following to no end: If the universe's unifying foundational patterns are consistent enough to repeat throughout the
universes substrates, volumes, and dimensions in another, larger, a less obvious repeating pattern: Couldn't that be considered as intelligence all
on it's own? How you might ask? 011001010100101010....Binary code is the substrate of our entire technological base and we consider that 'artificial
intelligence.' One step further down my rabbit hole: What if that universal intelligence was aware of itself, the actions of all living beings, and
through it's repeating patterns was omnipresent, all powerful, self-enlightening, and all knowing?
I'll be honest. I was not expecting this thread to end up with those subjects, or that conclusion, if you can even call it that. I'm just rambling
tonight because I felt like writing. There's a certain therapy in writing that can be felt when one allows their mind to flow and their fingers to
communicate the ideas through a context that others can understand. It's only the barrier of whether or not one's audience is intelligent enough to
contemplate the aggregate of reality, while remaining firmly planted in comparable ideologies.
God Bless.