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White House: U.S. is cold because the planet is hot

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posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 05:53 PM


posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Or the Beef industry... Man those cows can produce a butt load of methane.
I am sure that isn't helping the green house "gases".

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 06:09 PM


Well this is the problem, all the solutions seems to be about paying some CO2 quotes or put more taxes on the oil. Money is all it takes to save the world, lets chop down some more trees...

If they said something like, lets build 10.000 watermills that can produce enough power to turn water to ice and help preventing the melting ice caps so the water currents wont change, then i would listen, but they dont. They just promote fear, while they destroy the world. What a shame, hope the next species to evolve on this planet wont make the same mistakes...
edit on 14 2 2014 by NoFearsEqualsFreeMan because: (no reason given)

Edit: $1Billion
Just saw this after posting this, seems like it will "only" cost $1B to get an idea on what to do with this problem... This time...

edit on 14 2 2014 by NoFearsEqualsFreeMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 14 2 2014 by NoFearsEqualsFreeMan because: (no reason given)

edit on Fri Feb 14 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 06:58 PM

I'm really tired of people thinking that Global Warming means that it gets hotter everywhere on the planet, all at once.

It's CLIMATE CHANGE folks, which means that the CLIMATE CHANGES more DRASTICALLY because of the effects created naturally or by our hands.

My god, it's like you need a degree or something to understand basic environmental science.


butbutbut... we just got 2 3/4 feet of snow. IN NEW ENGLAND....... I mean that's unheard of... it's extreme. it's it's it's.... (I hope you can catch my sarcasm)

We just got a February Nor'Easter, we get them throughout the winter months here and honestly, this winter feels like winter should here in the Northeast.. cold and snowy, we haven't really had one of these winters in a long time (1976 or so?) so a lot of people are freaking out, but as climate goes, this is where we really should be this time of year. So if the climate is changing, it's almost like it's resetting to where it should have been, not these warm dry winters we had been having...

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 07:18 PM
John P Holdren the author of Eco Science. The same man that advocating putting fluoride in our drinking water to dumb down the masses. I wouldn't listened to anything this scumbag says.

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 07:21 PM
Climate is an incredibly complex thing. Further, when we hear that the earth is getting hotter, they mean *on average*.

Say it is 10 degrees in the south and 20 degrees in the north. The average is 15 degrees.
Say it's 0 degrees in the south, and 32 degrees in the north. The average is 16 degrees. The "globe" has warmed.

The issue we run in to, is that people are not educated. They hear "global warming" and laugh it off because we had/are having a bad winter. First off, one bad winter is hardly evidence for or against any sort of climate change. Also, I prefer the term "climate change". Global Warming has become such a loaded word that it has to be scrapped. It is almost universally misunderstood, and has been tied to allegations that humans are having a direct effect on climate. "Climate Change" is a much better term.

Anyway, the science is solid. This isn't elementary school science guys. "Global warming?! Pfft. It's cold here." That's like suggesting that violent crime hasn't decreased in america because you got beat up at school. It's the most juvenile, misguided logic that there is. Think of climate/weather as a big. messy, almost infinitely complex multistart, multifinish domino effect where every single domino that toppled affects another. The idea of the entire earth literally creeping up in tempature uniformly is ridiculous. Actually look into the science. Do some research.

Edit: To clarify, I'm not taking any stance in regards to whether or not any of this is caused by us. That's up in the air [pun]. What we do know is that there are cycles of extreme weather, and we happen to be on our way towards a peak. As far as whether greenhouse gas has any significant effect, or whether it's even happening at all... I'm not taking any sides right now.
edit on 14-2-2014 by LeviWardrobe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 07:38 PM
Well I don't know about any one else, but I go around telling people to fire up them SUVs, we need fight off this global freezing thing, we need to melt the arctic of all that permafrost so that we can use those millions of acres as farmland, oh yea and we are also tying to fight off global starving. Oh yea and let's not forget that we need to melt Antarctica so that we can gain access to Atlantis. Give me a little time and I think I can come up with a few more good causes.

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 07:46 PM
On the surface this does seem contradictory, but I am not educated in this sort of thing. Is it possible that we went through a period of warming and now we have entered a new cycle of cooling?

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Searching for news on recent weather in uk, found one more interesting line ........... writer soke of recent weather chaos , then stated, 'Try Google - "Omega Blocking".' Makes more sense than Climate change....

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 08:10 PM
It is the right..of course they could not understand how something actually works unless told by Fox, Limbaugh, various right wing sites..etc. They just parrot what they hear..and repeat it like it was gospel..

Maybe this will help..although not right is easier to understand...

The Kids Guide To Global Warming

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

" according to Dr. John Holdren, White House Science and Technology Advisor _$][

It's a Pattern .... It's a Pattern !!! "

The " Pattern " is Freakin' Called WINTER Doc , It's Febuary you Dumb Ass !

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 08:32 PM

It is the right..of course they could not understand how something actually works unless told by Fox, Limbaugh, various right wing sites..etc. They just parrot what they hear..and repeat it like it was gospel..

Maybe this will help..although not right is easier to understand...

The Kids Guide To Global Warming

Ah yes of course !!

Thank you Thank you

Originality makes the difference !!

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 08:46 PM


I'm really tired of people thinking that Global Warming means that it gets hotter everywhere on the planet, all at once.

It's CLIMATE CHANGE folks, which means that the CLIMATE CHANGES more DRASTICALLY because of the effects created naturally or by our hands.

My god, it's like you need a degree or something to understand basic environmental science.


butbutbut... we just got 2 3/4 feet of snow. IN NEW ENGLAND....... I mean that's unheard of... it's extreme. it's it's it's.... (I hope you can catch my sarcasm)

We just got a February Nor'Easter, we get them throughout the winter months here and honestly, this winter feels like winter should here in the Northeast.. cold and snowy, we haven't really had one of these winters in a long time (1976 or so?) so a lot of people are freaking out, but as climate goes, this is where we really should be this time of year. So if the climate is changing, it's almost like it's resetting to where it should have been, not these warm dry winters we had been having...

but but but but....

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 09:14 PM

reply to post by xuenchen

Why does it get colder when the planet is getting hotter?

The north, and south poles which get less sun (which means they will be many, many time colder than the areas closer to the equator which get more sun) are effected by unusual wind streams bringing colder temperatures to the equator by simple movement of air. The North and south pole are farther from the sun than the equator, they also get less sunlight than the equator, this alone brings their temperatures down. For as long as we have recorded it has been rare that the collective air here, moves very far south. With the recent rise in global temperatures, the wind patterns have changed and now this cold air that usually stayed in the north or south, is being blown in towards the equator. As a result we get severe winter storms. Even more shocking we get sever winter storms in areas that usually don't get much of a winter.

Global warming effects a lot of things, and to those uneducated, assumptious individuals this means more than it being "hotter" outside. Yes some areas who are frequent to warm temperatures may experience warmer temperatures than the norm, some areas that don't usually get warm weather will get odd hot summers. How ever it also means that areas that don't usually get winter weather in their winters, are quite likely to get real winter weather.

The temperature change messes the whole earth up. It's going to turn things as upside down as they can get with out actually moving, get used to it.
edit on 14-2-2014 by Hijinx because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by vkey08

Unfortunately, you may cycle back to warm dry winters again. This is part of the climate change, it's all out of whack at the moment. If you feel you should be having Cold, snowy winters and haven't for some time. Perhaps this is an example in the change of cycles. The warm, dry/wet is abnormal. The cold is normal, it has been nearly 40 years since the last good cold winter you would expect from your region. This is a fair sign of extreme changes(40 years is a blink of an eye in the history of the earth I know.)

Just because it feels right at the moment, doesn't mean it's right. Think of those 40 years it felt wrong.

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 09:26 PM


posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

Have you read the above????

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 09:43 PM
I wonder how much you would have to pay Obama to start a nuclear war?
Not if.
How much?

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 10:17 PM


reply to post by xuenchen

Why does it get colder when the planet is getting hotter?

I don't know.

The scientists have opposite opinions.

It's a unanswerable riddle?

Weather, for some parts comes from extremes such as temperature differences.

Eg. extreme cold vs. extreme heat == creates wind, storms.

Weather is very complex, many different factors play a role. Weather is not only "the sun is shining", obviously.

A globally hotter planet can result in more extreme differences, leading then to stronger winds, currents and whatever (I am not a pro there either)...which can then lead that cold temperatures from the arctic etc. may easier/faster flow into other zones.

Just saying, while it SOUNDS paradox that "a hotter planet" can cause colder or extreme winters it is NOT.

Also..."nothing to do with humans and a hotter planet"... --- QUACK

Climate change is a FACT. Measured decreased ozone levels are a FACT. Increased UV radiation due to ozone hole IS A FACT. The effects of CFCs on the atmosphere are a fact. Smog is FACT. Etc.etc.

And we're sitting here like total morons needing to debate whether we (humans) do have an effect on our climate, atmosphere, weather? WHY? Just for the sake of time-wasting?
edit on 52014RuFridayAmerica/Chicago19PMFridayFriday by NoRulesAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2014 @ 10:39 PM
Amazing that all it takes is a cold winter in the US, one that is historically almost average, to get the anti-GW crowd all fired up. The same thing happened in 2009-2010 when we had a cold winter. Compared to the coldest winters since the US was established, this winter is not even close to be the coldest or the longest.

I live near the beach in Central Florida. We have not had freezing temperatures all winter. Generally we have 2-3 days of freezing temperatures every winter. I remember back in the late 80's, when I lived a little further inland and we had lows below 20* F.

My point is the US has a typical winter with a lot of snow and everyone who does not like GW and climate change are quick to use this as proof that GW must be false. In another 4-5 months we will have a heat wave like we do almost every summer and the anti-GW will be silent.
edit on 14-2-2014 by jrod because: (no reason given)

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