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What if there had been no Hitler ?

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posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 08:50 PM
I was talking to a friend today and the conversation turned to alternative history. If anyone doesn't know what this, its a kind of 'what-if' of history. (What if The US had lost the war of independance ? what if JFK hadn't been assassinated ? etc).
We were talking about the second world war and she told me that even if Hitler had never existed, there would still have been a WW2 because of the conditions in Germany after the Treaty of Versailles.
My question is this, is this possible ? Would there have still been a second world war even without Hitler ? And would there have been a holocaust without Hitler ?

posted on Nov, 24 2004 @ 10:26 PM
The answer is obvious to anyone... use your head. I feel that the cold war nor WWII would have been commenced for if Hitler hadn't came into power in Germany.

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 05:39 PM

In my opinion, your friend is correct.
The treaty of Verseilles basically created the conditions that brought a dictatorship to Germany. If it hadn't been Hitler, it would have been someone else.

Details of history would surely be different if Hitler never existed. But so long as the conditions existed that created Hitler, someone else would have stood in as dictator.

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by NWObringer
The answer is obvious to anyone... use your head. I feel that the cold war nor WWII would have been commenced for if Hitler hadn't came into power in Germany.

no the cold war woulda happened. that was unavoidable.

no WWII = we wouldnt have the technology we have today. or WWII could of been the soviets vs the west.


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