reply to post by asyourworldburned
I respect your opinion, however I do not agree with it.
Now I am fully aware of the (almost certainty )of the CIA having some hand in recent events (they do in most countries) But this is not the cause of
the protests.
The protesters are not right wing . They are normal students or workers. I know lots of them. They don't want to see their country going any further
down the drain than it already has.
Chavez had almost succeeded in getting rid of the middle class. Leaving the very rich (pro Chavistas) staying for the benefits or the very poor, who
believe what they are told. Under previous governments they were treated badly, while the country prospered and boomed around them.
What the government basically says to them is you can take what you want from people with more than you, you dont have to work. It is owed to you.
Dont worry about prosecution because we will turn a blind eye. The whole system is corrupt.
Just look at the personal wealth Chavez and his family amassed. The private jets. Helicopter trips to angel falls for a bbq etc etc does that sound
like someone for the people???
Chavez gave millions away to Cuba, Bolivar and Nicaragua while his own people suffered
The violent crime here is alot worse than it is in the US. The USA has 10 times the population of Venezuela.
Venezuela is the 5th largest producer of natural gas in the world and 6th of oil. It was the founder of OPEC.
There is no reason why there was no investment in the infrastructure, education and security of the country except....greed and the fact that it is
difficult to control an educated population.
Chavez's mentor was Fidel Castro and he tried to follow the Cuban model. Fortunately for the Venezuelan people they are not all blinkered to the truth
and are not as secluded as Cuba.
I do a lot of research, no not watch mainstream tv, I loath what capitalism has become (super capitalism) have a Venezuelan wife, know lots of
Venezuelans, have lived here on and off for 8 years and can see things with an open mind.
I think that qualifies me to access the situation slightly better than you, sitting in New York using second hand information.No offence but if you
want the truth you need to gather 1st hand information .
Hope I cleared a few things up. If you have any questions or links you want to post expressing your views than I will be more than happy to discuss
them with you.
edit on 14-2-2014 by maythetruthbeknown because: (no reason given)