My old Senior School, which was called The Thorpe Bay High School back in the day, was a dive. A crap hole. The only place I would rather NOT go, than
back to those days, would probably be right in the middle of the crappiest crapstorm in Syria. There were knives, knifings, beatings, and general
abuses of students, by students. It was every day, and unless you caused someone a stunning serious injury, they would do their best to kill you, just
for cred with their "friends". I learned more about defending myself there, than I ever did about any of the subjects which were actually scheduled
for study.
How I got out of that place without loosing a vital organ along the way, is a matter of a percentage of luck, and a percentage of determination, and,
like most of my life in institutionalised education, is a period of my life that I am proud to have left behind, and feel no nostalgia for, what so
ever. Things that happened there were often brushed under the carpet, prefects were used in place of the Police, and teachers turned a blind eye to
prevent the school being closed down. If most of the crap that happened in that place, on a single day, had been public knowledge at the time, then it
is likely that it would have spent more time shut, than open.
The day I left was one of the best in my life. I was, therefore, somewhat overjoyed to hear, in the last ten years, that there had been many changes
at the school, not least of which was that the place had changed its name, and taken on a technology college wing as well.
Futures Community College, which is the new name of my old school, has a segment of its grounds given over to the Prospects campus. Prospects are a
technology and industry training facility which has been operating in various locations in the local area, for 45 years.
The place has been renovated, and I had heard from parents of current students, that they have not heard of anything even REMOTELY like the things
that happened when I was there, happening to, or around their kids. So many times had I heard this, that I began to believe that something had changed
for the better, that the entire ethos of the place had been totally gutted, and rebuilt. I still hope that some of those things are the case, but I
heard just today, of an incident which occured yesterday.
Here is a link to the Futures Community College:
Here is a link to the Prospects website:
And here is a link to our local paper, which details what happened yesterday.
Now then, I know that the school I knew, is no longer. The management have changed, and so have the staff, the pupils, and the government which
dictates the requirements expected of every student. I also know that TECHNICALLY, this incident happened in the Prospects campus, which is in a
building which is located near what used to be the rear entrance to the playing fields, rather than being part of the original footprint of the school
I loathed so much back in the day. BUT... this story has me worried.
Yes, some deeply harrowing crap happened when I was a kid. Yes, people tried to kill me when I was at school, and not just me, but others too. But I
learned how to block and disarm a blade weilding opponent, and I did so very quickly, because I did not want a knife in my gut. I saw packs of
ravening bastards fall upon and beat hell out of kids, I was personally attacked with everything from knives to sporting gear, like bats, javelins,
and so on. But we never had injuries this serious when I was at the school. Yesterday, however, at the college attached to my old school, some kid got
a chisel in the head, and from the scuttle butt I hear from the street, it was over a pencil being thrown at the doer in jest.
The victim was airlifted to hospital, and remains there in a stable condition. Again, according to the word on the street, the victim was stabbed
behind the ear, which means that no matter which way you slice it, the blade of the chisel passed within scant inches of the brain stem of the vicitm.
If I even get a whiff, the slimmest glimmer of the impression, that things are taking a backslide, and that kids will be expected to put up with
sharing class time with the sort of psychopath who would put a chisel in someone elses head, as anything other than the EXCEPTION, rather than the
rule, then I will personally be cramming my foot so far up some official arses, that assorted viscera will start spewing out of the owners mouths!
I can just about square that horrible things were allowed to happen to me, and thousands of kids like me back in the day. God knows I have worked
hard to square it with mysef. But I am damned if I am going to stand for it, if it turns out that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Kids who want
to learn, should be protected from kids with serious anger management and impulse control issues. I will not allow yet another generation of kids to
go through what I went through.
What are your thoughts on this matter ATS ? Is this one, serious incident, cause to be concerned about a wider problem at the facility?