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reply to post by Hollie
Now that the surgeon general has declared war on obesity , I expect that we are going to see alot more threads of this nature.
The plan is "denormalize" obesity in the same way that smokers have been denormalized. Denormalization sounds like a fairly easy word but it means making being fat abnormal in society.
The way this is done is to label and shame anyone considered obese (this includes the overwieght by the way).
The first step of the plan is to overcome the notion that when someone eats a cheeseburger, nobody is affected but the person who is overeating.
Well, welcome to the world of second hand fat. (fat is contagious)
Look for threads of this nature - all expressing disgust with the obese and all of them simplifying the problems of obesity down to addiction to processed food.
Yes , of course - BAIT ! That's what it's all about. Look up ' BAIT ' and find out how it's used. Ravenous creatures take BAIT , my friend !
BTW ' doctors , nutritionists , and health ' experts ' are whores. Well...for the most part.
I'm not your friend!
I don't entirely disagree with your post, I just think you are being a bit ignorant and simple about it all, have you ever carried a few hundred extra pounds around all day long? am pretty sure you would want to sit too after a while! and as for your "eat less" advice, seriously that is like telling an alcoholic to just stop drinking or a smoker to just stop smoking, it ain't that easy! and yes, it looks like a bait thread, apologies if it's not, but I'm just saying what I see.
OK , my NOT FREIND ... I have a couple of periodical weaknesses which you describe . You are wrong to think I am without Empathy. But , you wouldn't know , and certainly no offense taken.
It's tough to ' get away ' and I KNOW THIS !
But, is FAT the new disability , I ask.
who have worked for decades trying to help people, this revelation could cure the massive epidemic of obesity running rampant in the world today.
unable to afford "whole" food, let alone the knowledge to prepare a decent meal with said raw ingredients
The same lobbyists (public health, charities, action groups) who lobbied for laws to segregate and shame smokers are now setting the stage to do the same to those of us who are overwieght. At first they will focus on the truly obese but eventually they will go after all who exceed the "healthy" BMI
I am a smoker - I can see what is coming. I am laughing my smoking head off. Tired of Control Freaks
I'm well aware of the crap in our food, and the rise of corn syrup, it's a huge mess!
Is FAT the new ' disabled
reply to post by Bazart
While the correlation between obese people and those scooters is an obvious sign of a sad western culture, you are really generalizing here. Do you realize that some people become obese because they are disabled?
When you are stuck in a chair all day, I'm pretty sure it's hard to manage calories down to a "maintenance" amount.
reply to post by Bazart
While the correlation between obese people and those scooters is an obvious sign of a sad western culture, you are really generalizing here. Do you realize that some people become obese because they are disabled?
When you are stuck in a chair all day, I'm pretty sure it's hard to manage calories down to a "maintenance" amount.
I knew somehow I would suffer for my post . Thanks. I guess I deserve it . And yes... though disabled , I am not FAT.