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A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis or group of hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing. If enough evidence accumulates to support a hypothesis, it moves to the next step—known as a theory—in the scientific method and becomes accepted as a valid explanation of a phenomenon.
Creationist and Intelligent design proponents often like to describe the theory of evolution as just a theory. This relies on equivocating the common usage of the term theory (meaning "idea" or "guess") with the scientific meaning. Theories are the single highest level of scientific achievement and nothing is just a theory
Until you realize there is nothing beyond the physical, and then Jesus becomes more like Thor and Wotan.
reply to post by ThaddeusTStevens
Until you realize there is nothing beyond the physical, and then Jesus becomes more like Thor and Wotan.
I'm afraid that such a realisation requires far more arrogance than I can muster.
It requires more arrogance to believe in the validity of an invisible sky wizard than to accept the scientific method, or any legitimate method of epistemology.
reply to post by ThaddeusTStevens
It requires more arrogance to believe in the validity of an invisible sky wizard than to accept the scientific method, or any legitimate method of epistemology.
No, it absolutely does not. I humble myself in the acceptance
and even appreciate the fact that there is simply a more intelligent
higher being in existence than human beings.
Without even the slightest shred of actual evidence. I believe that's called being a gullible fool.
reply to post by ThaddeusTStevens
Without even the slightest shred of actual evidence. I believe that's called being a gullible fool.
Doesn't matter to me what you call it and obviously you're the one who has no evidence.
But you will.
reply to post by ThaddeusTStevens
Most of the time they usually just say "gravity", "gravitational force/pull" without the word theory or fact.
However I will come to the "theory" part at the end of this paragraph.
I understand that Newton's theory of Gravity has come into question.
Much like Darwin's Evolution theory.
Things are now understood much better and they lacked key aspects within their particular theories.
That doesn't mean they got it all wrong though.
Like I said the difference in "pull" on Earth compared to the Moon, and hopefully soon Mars will join the list as testable part shows there is some force that keeps everything down(Gravity)...
I'd hazard a guess that it only thing that keeps Gravity as a theory is how powerful Gravity is when considering other planetary bodies & stars.
eg How high or far someone could jump and difference in free fall speed on Planets & Satellites(we only have the Moon & Earth tested so far)... & whether a Star's gravitational pull is definitely what causes planetary orbit.
What we do know is that what goes up, must come down, so that, without trying to sound pedantic, is in fact Gravity.
The theory IMO relates to the examples I mentioned.
Fully agree with the scientists reply though.
But that's also unfair to lump all creationists as deniers of evidence.
There is oddballs within both communities if we're being unbiased.
ps: Wiki doesn't go down as a credible source of information here at ATS. You are new so I thought it best to tell you now.
I will check the link. But most here see it as the last line of defence.
reply to post by ThaddeusTStevens
Did I mention a Magic Sky Wizard?
And I didn't say they had to "blow up the Universe".
You're choosing to be ignorant to what I said... about even the smallest explosion in laboratory tests being impossible without some sort of chemicals present.
Also putting words into MY Mouth and ignoring a valid question about Creation.
edit on 17-2-2014 by CharlieSpeirs because: Auto-Correct!
reply to post by aorAki
Interpretation/Explaination is not fact... It is guess based on the facts.
Yes evolution is a fact!
Each seperate interpretation is a theory.
The Big Bang is a fact!
But again each separate explaination is a theory.
Hopefully you now see the difference between me, someone who believes Science & Divine Creation are not mutually exclusive(which is for another topic) opposed to "Creationists" who like the non-theory of a "6000 yr old" Earth and a bearded man in the clouds!!!...