posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Dianec
Really at this point it is in a planning stage and just looking to see who would be on-board to help with anything really!
The main idea I have is to find 3 people to use as "test subjects" and follow their day to day lives.
I would like to do an on location poll of interviewing people on the street about certain topics to gauge the different points of view.
I feel in this day and age, the people who question the news and their stories are going to out-weigh the people who believe everything they hear.
The goal is to raise awareness and show that we aren't bad people, we aren't the bad guys because we don't agree with what is forced down our
I'm hoping this will make a statement to the common people to think twice about talking down to someone who isn't satisfied with being told
something and expecting it to be true.
I will need people to help me collect data from different locations in the world, people to possibly do on location interviews in different parts of
the world and most of all I really want to find a psychologist or two who can talk about the actual science behind the different way of thinking of
someone who believes in conspiracies vs someone who doesn't