Alright ... I'll give it a try ... 2 hours .. let's see how far I get ...
FIrst off .. it 'looks like he's put together a book or something.
- Dollar bills folded to make it look like the World Trade Center with smoke and flames
- Pictures of mummy bones from Egypt
- Screams of "REPENT!' across the scene.
- 6 minutes in ... finally some discussion ... says he's going to show US bombings on dollar bills.
- 23 minutes in ... 10$ bill folded to look like a nuclear blast on a city near the ocean.
- He's trying to match up the folded money with bible quotes.
- 25 minutes in ... Changes to 50$ bills ... Folding them into pyramids ... Saying it shows dams breaking.
- He's still trying to match up the folded money with bible quotes.
- 30 minutes in ... trying to show 'evil sheep' (supposedly looks like devil) images in ancient Egyptian carvings.
(looks to me like he's trying to fit a square peg in a round hole ... he's seeing what he wants)
- 32 minutes in ... Now he says he's been called to prophecy against the Catholic Church .. so he's again trying to do the 'evil sheep' images in
Catholic images of Mary. (again, he's seeing what he wants. It's not there). Doing the same thing with the Mayan King images. Trying to fit his
alleged 'demonic evil sheep' pictures into the images ... by turning the images etc etc
- 37 minutes in ... back to folding dollar bills. Back to the 10$ bill. Showing changes to the bill. Folds 10$ into a pyramid and it makes an
alleged tidal wave over the building. Claims it's a prophetic utterance from God. He quotes more bible quotes. (I thought he said this already).
Says off shore nuke attack on a port city with tidal wave coming in. Says 10$ is a prophecy.
- 44 minutes in. The devil is in an image .. the image is in the dollar bill pyramid ... quotes the bible some more. He again puts a square peg in a
round hole by superimposing the image of the devil over the dollar bill pyramid. (this just isn't there ... he's really trying to make something that
isn't there)
- 47 minutes in. Talking about Matthew 24.
- 54 minutes in. Back to the 'evil devil sheep' image he thinks he sees. And he superimposes it onto the ancient Egyptian carvings again. Trys to
say the devil was in charge of Egypt? Now he says this is all there showing evil producing a HYBRID SPECIES between people and the devil (or demons).
That's my guess anyways. I'm not seeing it.
- 57 minutes in. Talking about the prophecies of Isaiah. He says that the prophecies of Isaiah are talking about his 'evil sheep' images that he
sees in the ancient Egyptian carvings.
- 58 minutes ... moved to break into prayer a bit thanking God for revealing this 'prophecy' stuff ...
- 1 hour 1 minute in - Abomination and Desolation standing in the Holy Place ... from Daniel and Jesus .. This guy says the image of an alien is
seen in the ancient Egyptian carvings. I think he's saying Akenaton is an alien, and is THE abomination and desolation that the bible prophet Daniel
and Jesus speaks of .
- 1 hour 6 minutes in - lots of scripture quotes saying the Abomination and Desolation is within you and will rise from with you. I think he's
talking about alien DNA inside you. (not sure ... could be wrong .. it's hard to follow him at this point). More scripture reading. He's big on
the 'alien' stuff now.
- 1 hour 8 minutes in - talks about how God saved him from 'dirty junk' in his head.
- 1 hour 20 minutes in - still talking about images in ancient Egyptian pictures/carvings .. says it's all clues to aliens and alien insemination ...
and it's all evil.
- 1 hour 23 minutes in - says 'it all makes sense now'. I totally disagree. This is a hot mess. He's seeing what he wants to. So I give up. I
fast forwarded a few points because he was repeating himself. Mostly in the $$ section.
ETA .. I could be wrong about what I posted, it was really hard to follow his train of thought.
edit on 2/8/2014 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)