posted on Nov, 23 2004 @ 11:29 PM
I'm thankful that we have a house that's paid for (it may not be the most spectacular house on earth, but it's nice and it's paid for), two cars
that are paid for, a nice steady income, we're in good health (knock wood), and that my husband and I are as in love as when we first met.
There are a lot of good things in our life to be thankful for.
I worry about those who aren't as fortunate as us, for all those who are in harm's way overseas, and for all those who are suffering. I'm not a
religious nut, but I do pray for all those who need help.
We're spending our first Thanksgiving since the loss of my mother-in-law (October 18) and it will be sad to be without her. But, we are thankful that
she lived to the ripe old age of 97 full of vim and vigor and died a quick and painless death. I miss my Mom and Dad who died 7 years ago, but am
thankful that they were in my life for 45 years. I miss my brothers who live thousands of miles away, but I am thankful that they are healthy,
working, and have great families of their own.
All in all, I am a very lucky woman (and particularly lucky to have a wonderful husband) and I'm so glad that I was able to quit smoking!!!!!!!!