posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by MysticPearl
I laughed out loud when i read your response. It was hilarious.
Good thing this thread isnt an application where you hire huh? Its just a thread on a forum on the internet.
It wasn't so much directed at you as much as it was towards the younger, texting generation. I've seen a number of younger people write at work as if
they're texting their buds. I see it all over social media, forums, blogs, etc, to the point I wonder if this younger generation even understands
proper English.
I think they just don't care how they come across. Well, you can't not care how you come across, then later complain you're unemployable. It's like
getting a neck tattoo, then complaining when you can't find a job.
Seems many of the older posters here and posters who are well written, do their best to come across well. They care. So there's a breakdown with this
up and coming generation. Either they flat out don't understand proper English and communication, or don't care about proper English and
communication, nor how they comes across. Either way, it doesn't help when looking for a job and the next guy does care.
I do my best to use proper English, whether in a text, an email, a note to a colleague or a post on a forum. Many people I know feel the same. If
others can't be bothered to do the same, I consider that a negative personality trait and wouldn't hire that individual. If someone doesn't care how
they come across and uses internet anonymity as an excuse, why would I assume they care how they comes across at other times? There's absolutely
nothing stopping people from using proper English in texts, on forums, wherever, aside from laziness or not being educated enough.
My wife speaks four languages. English is her fourth language and she speaks and writes completely fluently and with proper spelling/grammar. If she
can, I have little tolerance for those born and raised in America who can't do the same.
edit on 6-2-2014 by MysticPearl because: (no reason