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Paedophilia is OK if you "don't know" it is a crime.

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posted on Feb, 5 2014 @ 10:39 PM

reply to post by DexteramLucifer

No, I have no amnesia, and love history, even if it is sometimes very painful.

I'm also happy with restitution and apologies.

Rest assured, I'm reminded of how evil Westerners and Europeans are every single day.

That's why I was so surprised to learn how many peoples, faiths and cultures the Islamic world simply wiped out.

And let me say that I will never apologize for slavery until the Islamic world admits and apologizes for their role in African slavery, the Barbary slavery of over one million Europeans, and the de facto slavery that still goes on in Islamic apartheid states to this day.
Councils on racism were held starting in South Africa, and the demands from the Islamic world (and their sponsored useful idiots, whose liberal lifestyles put them first on the chopping block when Sharia takes global effect) always led to the withdrawals of several countries.
The USA and Canada withdrew under a constant bombardment of ridiculous Muslim demands.
Why was that?
Because they wanted to declare Israel an "apartheid state" when Muslim countries are big racists too, and they wanted anti-blasphemy laws, and they wanted the right of summary execution of gay people, and more demands ...
Maybe you should read some history before accusing others of having amnesia.
I think you have selective memories.

I'm for human rights, and these people are not.
It's very simple.

I've not amnesia. I merely wished to point out to you that not just muslim and/or islamic nations are comprised of these "savages" you mentioned seeing as how a lot of people have been mentioning everything the muslims have done and continue to do wrong but seem to forget what other nations have done and continue to do as well, lest the scales of a perceived moral righteousness be tipped in any one sides favor.
edit on 5-2-2014 by DexteramLucifer because: Changed a few words.

posted on Feb, 5 2014 @ 11:05 PM
Whether in USA or UK (or anywhere else for that matter) I'd say that if the governments laws don't protect me then their laws don't apply to me and I'd get my own justice. The UK has lost the plot when it comes to political correctness.

posted on Feb, 5 2014 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by DexteramLucifer

OK, I must also apologize, because reviewing the posts your initial post was not to myself directly, but rather to another member.

I never used the term "savages", or any such language.
I think my eyes were not working effectively.

In any case, a good debate thus far, and I stand by what I wrote.

It basically comes down to Western culture being tolerant, when the Islamists are not tolerant and do not have designs of equal gender rights or equal human rights.

As such I wonder why leftists make them out to be continual victims of Islamophobia.
It's more like our countries are victims of Islamophilia.
If the Western countries are so bad, then why do they keep coming?

Anyway, I think most Muslims are good, but their bad apples are really going out of their way to ruin any co-existence for everyone.

I sometimes suspect that there's a conspiracy to lead people to civil war.

edit on 5-2-2014 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by halfoldman

First thanks for your active participation in this thread. I agree with you and although the problem at hand as its source with the muslim extremist who teach such things to their kids i.e women are worthless , they are not to blame for this mockery of the law. It is that judge who is to blame and our governments for allowing such laxism with how some, and I say some immigrants come here with a set of values totally opposite of what we all share as the western world. It is the duty of the ones we elect and the ones representing the law to make it clear that although we will welcome immigrants some lines are not to be crossed.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 08:56 AM
The problem here is that if you say anything bad about it you are islamaphobic and racist hater. They seem to want to bring their third world culture with them when they immigrate anywhere.

At some point somebody is going to have to say we are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 09:01 AM

18 and 13..... And it was consensual.

Statutory rape. 18 year olds are adults. 13 year olds are children. It's wrong.
And what mentally healthy 18 year old is going to want a 13 year old girl?
I hope the Brits get a handle on the immigration/integration problem there ....
Otherwise, this crime will become a common and accepted thing in their country.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 09:10 AM
Hey, Look extremist lumping all "immigration" as rapist lolz.

The 13 and the 18 thing, someone does not become a man magically when they turn 18 or women mysteriously develops a mental strength when she turns 18 to ready for a sexual intercourse.

If the relationship was there before he turned 18, no one is going to charge him.

Also, i seen plenty of 14-17, 15-19 and these are on visible day light!!. All these happen everyday, even here in western society, go white knight somewhere else. but of course him being a Muslim has no bias on people statement lol.

Now if this case was 13 and a 25, that is a whole different matter.

Edit: oh yeah the word "pedophilia" has lost its meaning and is misused now a days to strike an emotion cord from people.
edit on 2/6/2014 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:07 AM


18 and 13..... And it was consensual. I don't think its "rape" or "pedophilia" because when I was 13 i had sex with older woman, They talked for 2 months, got to know each other, found each other compatible and had sex, and your telling me that if he was 17 it would be OK? If she was 10 I would say Hang him.... But she knew what she was doing, I doubt it was her first time.
18 and 13, yeah im sure its illegal regardless of what you think. 17 and 13, just because its not illegal doesn't make it any less wrong

I guess...? That's your opinion... I experienced relationship gaps first hand so my point of view is obviously going to be different from a lot of people on here. Maybe it's not right morally, but it is between the 2 parties involved, and God...Not the public to judge upon.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:11 AM


18 and 13..... And it was consensual.

Statutory rape. 18 year olds are adults. 13 year olds are children. It's wrong.
And what mentally healthy 18 year old is going to want a 13 year old girl?
I hope the Brits get a handle on the immigration/integration problem there ....
Otherwise, this crime will become a common and accepted thing in their country.

Haha "What mentally healthy 18 year old is going to want a 13 year old girl?" In all honesty? %90 of the worlds male population....Some act on it, and some don't. Every man no matter the age will look at a girl who appeals to him sexually, these days its worse because you have 15 year olds who look like they are 22 walking around in yoga pants and developed early. But to be fair, I know people who think it is wrong for a 30 year old man to be with a 20 year old girl and think it's sick... So we all have our different opinions

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by halfoldman

I get it. Topics such as this can bring about very strong emotions in people so I try to stay on neutral ground with regards to how I feel about it all lest I lean to one side over the other as the universe in all her glory will surely sort it out. As to the conspiracy angle, I'm not sure if its a true conspiracy or if tptb are merely giving their "useful idiots" what they expect.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 11:26 AM

reply to post by kdyam

That is the part that I don't understand. First how the ignorance of the law can be used as a defense but mostly that he is using the Quran as an excuse. Now I have not read the Quran but I highly doubt that such things are written in their Holy book.

Mohammad married Aisha when she was 6, and he consummated the marriage when she was 9. In the more fundamental madrasses it is taught that Mohammad lived a perfect life and that muslims should strive to copy his example. This includes child marriage and sex with girls as young as this one was.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 11:29 AM

reply to post by Golantrevize

I bet were somone to rape his sister he would be squealing his little muslim mouth for the individual to be punished by the law.

Yeah his sister for being a whore.

Isnt that how it works with there filtly backward culture. The rape victims to blame?

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 11:40 AM

reply to post by halfoldman

I doubt that using slavery in Africa is good for your argumentation here since the ball can be thrown both ways. Need I remind you what the portuguese spaniard and americans did to west Africa? When Salaadin took Jerusalem , all christian Women and child were allowed to exit the city while every muslim were murdered when the christian took it back. History is filled with atrocities commited by both christians ans muslim , to argue and try to find the lesser evil is futile. Any argument against one of the two can be given a counter exemple of atrocoties.

I think his point went way over your head.

The point is that we acknowledge it. They do not.

So why should we continually beat ourselves up over it and allow them to browbeat us when they are still at step one denial?

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 12:47 PM
Being fairly familiar with the life of Mohammed, he married a girl at six and had sex with her at nine. This is where the cultural attittude that it's okay to have sex with really young girls comes from.

HOWEVER, this 'devout' muslim lad had sex outside of marriage, and not with a slave (rape is okay apparently) he's committed a stoning crime in his religion. Although I don't think I've ever seen the penalty applied to men, only women.

The judge needs a bloody good slap.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Antigod

There are some places in the muslim world where they can get a kind of temporary marriage that is only for one night. You know what that's good for.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali talks about it in her book.

And, as you say, it's also acceptable to take an infidel woman or girl on any terms.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 01:47 PM
I think they call that prostitution in "developed" society. Since Islamic countries banned that.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by luciddream

Still prostitution if the girl is 13?

I'm implying they might have made such an arrangement, but even if they had, it still would not have negated her age which makes her jail bait in most developed countries.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 01:55 PM

reply to post by 3u40r15m

I wondered if you were putting the blame on the younger child - a girl at 13, especially with your comment about doubting it was her first time?

They do that at those young ages.. surprise, surprise..

When I was 15 and had a 13 year old girlfriend, but she lied about her age and was really 12, and it was her demanding the, um activity.. scary isn't it..

Hopefully here in the US the fruit loops running congress and senate won't try to do the same thing, like some have on the sharia law boloney..
edit on 6-2-2014 by alienreality because: add

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by ketsuko

Does prostitution cares about age? Prostitution is a process, if there is some value exchanged, its a business. Otherwise it would be rape.

There is somewhere around 200,000 underage prostitutes in America alone, and these shady business still happens underground.

Only difference is some countries hide it well and some countries do not.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Golantrevize

It's wrong, it's illegal, he SHOULD be punished.

First, it is illegal in Islam to have sex outside of marriage, so even if he was ignorant of british law he knows damn well its illegal in Islamic law.

This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. The law is not nor should it be subjective, wrong is wrong and should be tried as such.

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