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What have they done?

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posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:56 AM
I tried to put this under one of the postings about ufo sightings, but it didn't work. I appoligise if you have to move this.

At the age of just four, I got permission to play on our large porch outside of our huge rock home in Sylva, North Carolina. My mother's house keeper told me that I had thirty minutes before lunch and that she would come back and get me when the thirty minutes were up. I thought that was really nice of her, because Mother never would let me go outside by myself, not that our street was a 'bad' neighborhood or anything, she just wanted to keep me safe.

I remember walking to the porch steps to sit down by our little dog named Bingo, and I had no longer begin to sit down, when Mrs. C told me that thirty minutes were up and for me to come inside. I was only four and couldn't tell time yet, but it seemed too soon for thirty minutes to be up. I didn't question her and promptly minded her. The odd thing was when I began to set down, Bingo appeared to have moved all the way across the yard near an old walnut tree. He just wasn't where he was supposed to be. I never understood at the time, but something must have happened to me that day. Ever sense then, I have been able to correctly tell what is going to happen in the future, as well as communicate long distances to others, (whoever 'they' are I am not sure but they really are there), and have an uncanny way of being able to get people to do stuff when ever the need arrises. I have constantly been able to put thoughts in peoples minds and they usually say these thoughts aloud.

This isn't the only time in my life that I have lost time. It happened so many times while I was growing up, I thought everyone went through the same thing I did. I never talked about it to anyone, because I didn't know just what to say. Later in life, I have tried to say something to someone, but all I get is wierd looks and comments that I must be 'nuts'. I guess that is ok, because if you haven't gone through things like this, you could never understand.

I had children, and my children began to see ufo's near where ever we lived, or moved to. I don't remember seeing a ufo when I was young, but I do remember a face. It looked funny, with large eyes and a pointi chin. It's nose was almost non-existant and was rather young. Why I remember that face, I have no idea, but I can even now, close my eyes and see that face looking at me or talking to me in some way. I cannot possible explain the 'talk' it uses but I understand and can communicate back with it.

Now when my children got older, I worked as a shoe salesperson, and took my daughter home one evening along highway 97. No big deal, but I saw the largest dull-black ship! This thing was huge! It had to be at least a mile wide or more! It had shapes like rounded rooms with halls, molded looking and sticking out so far on the bottom. I remember beginning to stop so I could get a better look, but my daughter began crying and saying that she didn't want to go with them. Ok, that was rather odd.

I wrote to a UFO place in my home state called MUFON but they acted though that they really didn't believe me and that they had to have pictures of the ufo's. Now that I didn't understand, because of the fact that others can send in less descriptive hand drawn pictures and they get plastered all over the place, but when I go to the length to 3d what I saw and send it to them, they might as well have patted me on the head and said "It's ok. We understand". I cannot get my daughter to admit she had seen this huge jet black thing. It was so big that I could neither see the sides nor tell if it had a top. I am telling you that it was headed straight for Zebulon, North Carolina along Highway 97! It gave me a start, but didn't scare me for some reason. I have never been able to figure out why, but they don't scare me. I feel friendship when I see these UFO's. It seems as if I am being taught something, but for the life of me, I am not sure just what and why.

I saw another ufo over my home once. It was a sphere, with four rows of windows with 'little people' looking out at me. It had what I call 'fake fire' all around it that waved in the brease like a sheet would on the line with a small wind making it flutter slightly. I was on my way home in the late evening and that thing was just sitting over my home. My kids were home at the time (they were all old enough to be home by themselves by this time while I worked). I was with a friend this time and I had proof by someone else that this happened. I was not even a quarter of a mile away from this sphere. I saw it very clearly. The fact that my kids were just below this hovering sphere, found me driving very fast the rest of the way to my home to see if they were ok.

They said they didn't see that ufo, but later told me that they all had a dream that someone put something in their chests. I don't really know if they did but I believe someone has put something into my right ear.

I had an episode one evening where an object lieing on the living room floor shot two feet away from it's original location. I was standing in the kitchen, and 'someone' 'told' me to concentrate. After I refused for a few minutes, I began to go into some kind of odd mind bend. I cannot explain what I mean, but the object shot accross the floor about two feet. I jumped. It jumped again about two feet. That night when I lay down, I closed my eyes and asked for 'them' to help me be able to do it again. I saw the same face I have seen all my life, but this time I didn't get an answer, I got an odd ring tone in my right ear. It was three tones. The first tone was around the frequency of 1000 htz then blended into another frequency of about 1050 htz. As the later of the two frequencies began to get stronger, the first frequency ended... then the other frequency stopped and quickly another frequency began. This one was louder and was about at nine hundred htz. I still see the face, but it is harder to do stuff. I think that maybe they didn't make it hard enough for me to start with and now I have to work twenty times as hard to do what I could before. I seem to be making great headway though. I enjoy getting people to 'turn off' somewhere when they are in the way, and can do it at will. Sometimes the person in the car is so intuned in their own thoughts that it doesn't work, or they are mad at someone or have road rage to the point where it doesn't work.

There is a lot more to this and I will have to get back with you to explain abouit the inside of the ships I have seen and the wierd remembering about the tunnels, the room where I was kept, and the 'remote' work I had done at one time... later. Please hang in there with me. This is really hard to tell people. Thanks for your support ahead of time. I certainly hope to be able to find some here. There is so much that I couldn't possibly post it all here. It wouldn't be fair to those with experiences of their own. If you want to hear more please let me know.

Always with respect,


[edit on 11/22/2004 by No1nptkulr]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:11 PM
Not to dismiss you, but what you describe are symptoms of having either psychotic episodes and/or schizophrenia. �Magical thinking� i.e. putting thoughts in others� heads and them saying it aloud and the perception of �mind control� are classic symptoms. As long as you aren�t a danger to yourself or others you should be fine, but it wouldn�t hurt to have yourself evaluated. Best of luck!

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:13 PM
I should have never said anything. Sorry I bothered any of you. I won't be back.

With respect,


posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by No1nptkulr
I should have never said anything. Sorry I bothered any of you. I won't be back.

With respect,


wait wait wait..... don't let one member who's been here less than a month get you down and keep you from sharing with us.

I've seen UFO's too, I beleive in them. I enjoyed your story and thank you for sharing with us.

I don't know what to make of your story, still reading through it again....

please stay with us...

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:22 PM
Brilliant story and very well told. Thank you. Yes I would love to hear more.

I have a question for you. How do you quantify sounds by simply hearing them, and account for as subtle as differences from 900, 1000, 1050 hertz.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Katolu
Not to dismiss you, but what you describe are symptoms of having either psychotic episodes and/or schizophrenia. �Magical thinking� i.e. putting thoughts in others� heads and them saying it aloud and the perception of �mind control� are classic symptoms. As long as you aren�t a danger to yourself or others you should be fine, but it wouldn�t hurt to have yourself evaluated. Best of luck!

And what you have just described are symptoms of a more mentally debilitating illness, called ignorance, close mindedness and trolling.

[edit on 22-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:33 PM
About the sounds I heard. I used a frequency generator to 'copy' the sounds I had heard the next morning while the sounds were still easy to remember. Once I heard the frequency that sounded like the one I heard, I wrote it down, and went to the next frequency. I wish I could get the generator to make the exact blending, but the one I have doesn't work that way. I thought of trying to copy a sound byte of the three and put them into some kind of music making thingi, but haven't had time and am not sure just where to go to get a 'free' program to do this on.

Thank you for your support. I feel somewhat better. I just wish that others could understand. I know they won't because they haven't had anything happen to them. I guess UFO's are just a fad or something in their eyes and do not have it in them to believe those who have had real experiences.

That is ok though. I am not bitter nor do I hold any thing against anyone that does not view things the same way I do. It is their right. The only thing I ask is that we all show each other the respect we all diserve.

God bless you,

Always with respect,


posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:41 PM
Hi No1nptkulr,

Thanks for your honesty, I hope you'll continue with your story regardless of a few negative comments.Sadly that happens here from time to time.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:43 PM
And what you have just described are symtoms of a more mentally debilitating illness, called ignorance, close mindedness and trolling.

So, Indigo I'm all of what you describe when I offer an opinion/viewpoint. But you aren't when you call me ignorant, close minded and a troll. How god damn TOLERANT of you! What was I thinking when I POLITLEY offered an opinion to what the member had to say. Real class act you are Indigo.

I thought ATS was for intelligent discussion. I offered a debatable point and was simply dismissed. Flame away, like even matters now.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:45 PM
No1nptkulr, thank you for your explanation. Do not worry about negative feedback, this is customary on every alternative thought discussion. They cannot help themselves. In fact everywhere you go in society, you will find a good share of idiots.

As long, as there is at least one person whose interested in what you have to say, let that be your incentive and impetus to continue. I would rather not ask anymore questions for now. I'd like to hear more from you.

Thank you,


[edit on 22-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:54 PM
No1nptkulr, my comments were not meant to be "negative" in any way. Sorry if it came across that way. I was simply stating my opinion on what I read. Don't feel you shouldn't post because an opinion this is counter to the rest of the board was offered.

As to the rest of you I will now blindly follow along and no longer have an original thought. Thank you for showing me how much of an idiot I am.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:57 PM
Something about this makes me wonder why your mother didn't want you outside. Have you ever asked her about it?

Originally posted by No1nptkulr
At the age of just four, I got permission to play on our large porch outside of our huge rock home in Sylva, North Carolina. My mother's house keeper told me that I had thirty minutes before lunch and that she would come back and get me when the thirty minutes were up. I thought that was really nice of her, because Mother never would let me go outside by myself, not that our street was a 'bad' neighborhood or anything, she just wanted to keep me safe.

[edit on 11/22/2004 by No1nptkulr]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child

Originally posted by Katolu
Not to dismiss..... fine, but it wouldn�t hurt to have yourself evaluated. Best of luck!

And what you have just described are symptoms of a more mentally debilitating illness, called ignorance, close mindedness and trolling.

[edit on 22-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

He was right, those are classic symptoms of schizo.....

You should probably goto see a mental health doctor because this is just a little to weird....

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 01:09 PM
In Wake Forest, NC a little boy came up missing. Anyone in or around Raleigh should remember this horrible tragedy. The little boy was found later stuffed into a suitcase, having been murdered by his 'uncle' i think.

Anyway, as I sat and listened to the news that day hoping that someone would find the small boy, I got a picture of someone laying half in and half out of a body of water, near some trees. I told my grown son about the 'vision' and we both tried to put it off as just a wierd quirk.

Not more than two days later, while they hunted for the little boy, they found a woman... half submerged in water, murdered. Ok that scared me because I didn't want to see what I had seen and I definately didn't want to be proven right either.

I cannot help the things I see. I just see them and tell someone. It would be easier for me not to see stuff. I wish sometimes I didn't, but I do and sometimes it is more scarry than not.

I remember things about stuff I am not well knowledged on, like the insides of ships I could swear I have seen before. I remember underground tunnels that lead for miles, a room where I 'worked'. These things I remember are very odd to me, as I have never to my knowledge been in the service nor worked anywhere there were tunnels.

These things are very vivid and I could tell you exactly what every one looked like as well as delve into a little of 'the job' had to deal with. I do remember communicating with someone 'very far' away. I remember lots of numbers being told to me and that communications would just stop for no reason at all. It is hard for me to tell you these things because sometimes it is hard for me to believe them myself. If these things are only 'dreams' why are they so vivid and why do I see the things I see during the daytime and I am not sleeping? It makes no sense to me what so ever. The odd thing is that my children can do the same things I can. I have witnessed them myself. If my oldest son and myself get together and focus on one thing, we can make things happen. It is easier with two brains than just one.

About the underground tunnels. These tunnels were lined with a metallic looking substance and seemed to glow by itself without any light source. These tunnels went on for a very long way, for miles and miles. Where they are are anyone's guess, and the room where I was 'being held' had the same metallic walls. The room had a table and there were others there to help me do the 'tasks' they asked me to do. This isn't a dream. This is a memory. I have many memories of odd things.

Maybe I should write them all down and get them all together before I post more. They would make much better sense

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 01:11 PM

More than likely (this is common with people having schizo and other metnal disorders) what is happening is that you have a very vague "vision" of something happening....then you something on the news and subconsiously relate those and create a flase memory...

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 01:12 PM
Personally I didn't think that Katolu's post was meant to be mallicious. So let's take 2 steps back and continue with the topic. No harm/no foul.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by blanketgirl
Something about this makes me wonder why your mother didn't want you outside. Have you ever asked her about it?

My mother is my adoptive parent, and does not believe in ufo's. I have not spoken to her of this nor told her of the things I learned I could do. She seems to be baffled at the 'predictions' I keep getting right though.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 02:02 PM
I'll have to track down the article, but not long ago a young girl had a car wreck. The car plunged down an embankment and couldn't be seen from the road. There was a search of the area after a missing persons went out, but she wasn't found. Something like eight days went by and a neighbor had a dream of where her car was and told those that were searching to try that area. They found her.

Do you find if you concentrate on a particular thing you can "focus" on it?

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 02:41 PM
Pretty interesting... Could you tell us anything about the alien race you're in contact with? Appearance? Height? Purpose here? Homeland? Anything, just really curious. Thankyou for sharing your experience with us.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 07:59 PM
Very interesting
how are your feelings when this are happening?

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