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Met Office: SIGNIFICANT WEATHER EVENT will hit UK in days as HUGE Atlantic storm ROARS in

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posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by whatnext21

I read about that, though a bit annoyed that none of the reports gave any detail. Awful for the man that died and people injured obviously, but it would be good to know where exactly it happened and how high the waves were, presumably they must have been very high to even reach the windows on that boat and extremely powerful to have broken windows and caused injury to those near.

The report said a 'freak wave' but it was a storm, presumably they would have known about any storms in the area of sea and perhaps should have waited it out in safer water. set-to-continue-9129944.html

edit on 15-2-2014 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

Well least I'm trying to help people and not attacking good people. You really have a negative mind and you really should change your views. I don't need this right now, I posted some great news that we have raised over £100,000 and your belittling me. I am ashamed of being human I really am. I did what I did to help people in need in my own country, what's wrong with that please explain to me?

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Sk8ergrl

Korg Trinity is a very angry and bitter individual. I like reading this thread and the updates posted. I find this event fascinating and I don't see people whinging about it as alleged.

You should be commended for your work to raise those funds to help the people affected by these storms.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 05:12 PM

reply to post by Sk8ergrl

Korg Trinity is a very angry and bitter individual. I like reading this thread and the updates posted. I find this event fascinating and I don't see people whinging about it as alleged.

You should be commended for your work to raise those funds to help the people affected by these storms.

Many thanks Surrealist I don't want to be commended all I want is for the people in our own country to help the ones who have been asking for help. When I saw the devastation and how many people are without food, shelter, money, clothes. I decided to donate what I can afford and I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who wants to help out. My heart goes out to anyone killed in this storm and the ones who are now homeless because the insurance won't pay up.

Love & Light x

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Sk8ergrl

The fundraising is obviously commendable.

As for certain posters being nasty, perhaps it's just attention seeking or bitterness, who knows, but they aren't the majority and I think most would disagree their stance on these storms.
edit on 15-2-2014 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Sk8ergrl

Good on you raising dosh

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 05:22 PM

reply to post by Sk8ergrl

The fundraising is obviously commendable.

As for certain posters being nasty, perhaps it's just attention seeking or bitterness, who know, but they aren't the majority and I think most would disagree their stance on these storms.

Yes and I am really glad that there are more positive people who think that these storms have caused so much devastation to peoples lives. I know that I should ignore arrogant posters. Thank you

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 05:25 PM

reply to post by Sk8ergrl

Good on you raising dosh

Thanks boymonkey but its not just me who have donated and helped people. I think 38 Degrees and the members and the charities and anyone else who has helped should get a pat on the back, well done boys and girls

Also please can you send your positive energies and prayers. Very much grateful to ATS x

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 05:30 PM
Well, ummm......I've read a fair bit of the mixed posts on here. I'm from Wiltshire myself (yay!). Lots of wind and rain, but fortunately I am above the water table (for now).
Umm....seeing as this is a conspiracy theory site, let me throw in some conspiracy spanners.

Somerest is f*cked. Swathes of land for sheep cattle, arable land etc, have become submerged.
Much of this land is probably now filled with toxic material from flooded sewers (turds, tampons and tories,) and will be unusable this year, or at least until September (possibly).
Farmers are skint and lose their trade/business, end up selling their useless, submerged land to Fracking companies for a fraction of the price they are really worth so Government can dig deep for the resources people have been so unwilling to yield to.
Monsanto finds an extra foot in the door of England.
We can no longer feed ourselves, fracking and earthquakes is on the doorstep courtesy of greed, HAARP and the governments inability to represent the people who vote it in to represent them, and suddenly TPTB in the UK are a whole lot more loathsome than I gave them credit for.

I'm going to bed now.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 05:38 PM
That's some rough oceans....

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Lucius Driftwood

Thanks for that fellow Wiltshireer.

I truly hope that you are wrong about the conspiracy but I agree that Somerset is not in a good place right now and won't be for a while. That will affect agriculture and the economy, most likely. But fracking should just go right in the bin where it belongs. Nowhere needs fracking. I wonder if they have been trying it offshore somewhere hence all the sinkholes, Atlantic earthquakes and biblical waves etc. Monsanto can join fracking in the bin as that's where it and all it's evil food belongs.

My suggestion is that we get Monsanto and frack them to bits on their no doubt numerous private test islands, that way no more GMO mutant genes in the atmosphere and then we can bin fracking.

As for the government, well I never met a good one yet, I vote for something else, like alien take over.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by surrealist

Thanks for the video, those sure are some waves!

An ''event'' indeed, well said that man!

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

We shall see what we shall see.
Or as Bris'l would say, 'Hap'n is be'ist'.
Which part of Wiltshire are u BTW? U2U wouldn't go amiss...

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 03:02 AM

The 1962 storm was worse apparently, but as this is the second big storm in as many weeks (with more to come) the damage is more extensive.

Quite - it is something some on this thread seem to be ignoring. The storms, individually, are not that exceptional, but having one after the other after another, week upon week, is what is "extreme" about the weather.

I notice that "money is no object" was only trotted out by cameron when the Thames Valley started getting flooded.

Actually, he first said it (or words to that effect) on the 6th February, several days before the Thames Valley was flooded - Prime Minister David Cameron announces £100 million for flood defences and says there will be "no restrictions on help" for those affected.

Besides, you have to bear in mind the difference between the Somerset Levels flooding (only affecting a couple of hundred homes) and the Thames Valley, where the Population density is far in excess of what you see on the Levels and thousands of homes have been inundated, so the Government are bound to ramp up the response. It would be the same if Birmingham or Liverpool where flooded.

Cornwall is now officially cut off by rail, and the station was completely flooded to the extent it looked like a canal.
ho hum...

And National Rail are looking at spending several hundred million building a brand new, inland rail line.

While it is fashionable to claim the media or Government only take notice when the Home Counties are affected, this isn't true when you do some digging, it's just not widely publicised as it isn't really "newsworthy". Its just the same as when people criticise the EA for "failing", but for 99% of us the flood defences have held and the EA has done a good job, but that isn't worth airtime on the news so we only here about the bad.
edit on 16/2/14 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 03:09 AM

Korg Trinity
I can't believe all this panic and over the top behavior from our members....

Who's panicking?

No one is panicking - for the most part this thread has been about sharing info, experiences and what not. No panic here.

However, I do see a lot of shortsighted nonsense in this thread. Yes, this is weather and the storms in isolation are nothing to worry about, but when you have 1 storm following another, following another etc, for weeks on end, this adds up to the situation we have now. Half of England has had 200% of it's average rainfall in a very short period of time and this looks like it will be the trend for future winters.

With the groundwater remaining so high and likely to do so until at least May, there is little chance of draining the aquifers before next winter, assuming we even have a dry summer, so this may end up being even worse in the Winter of 14/15.

Choose to ignore it and dismiss it if you like, but that doesn't make what is happening any less true.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

Let's not be melodramatic - we all know why the sink holes have been appearing or at least you can find out if you do 5 minutes worth of digging. Most are situated in area's with either historic chalk mining or known underground systems which have been overwhelmed by the flood waters or high ground waters. Chalk especially is easily dissolved and it doesn't take much to cause the ground above to cave. We've had sinkholes in Reading for years precisely because of ancient Chalk mines and nothing to do with fracking.

And to the other guy, no this isn't some conspiracy to let Monsato in, or buy land on the cheap etc - to do so would have you expect us to believe the Government is so powerful they can manipulate the weather for nefarious reasons. Funny, as most seem to think they are incompetent - can't have it both ways!

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by stumason

I think both those posts were light hearted humour rather than to be taken literally, no melodrama at all! The sinkholes comment was a joke about fracking!
edit on 16-2-2014 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

Fair do's
consider it a fair exchange with regards to my Ewok comment a few pages back

It isn't easy to tell sometimes, especially around these parts where people do genuinely believe such nonsense!

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 07:57 AM
If the rivers haven't been dredged properly for over 20 years, does that make it everyone else's fault?

I do blame this useless government. If they are so clever and think they know what is best for us why didn't they address it instead of blaming previous governments? They are GOOD at blaming everyone else, I will give them that!!!
No they decide to make cuts all over the place and leave the rivers neglected!! Great one Dave! Stands to reason what was going to happen next. They are still in denial over global warming too ... what hope is there?

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by happinness

You said it yourself - the rivers in Somerset hadn't been done for 20 years, this Government has been in power for almost 4 of those years, which leaves 16 years of neglect - 13 of which under the Labour Government who's ex-members are now sitting in opposition trying to make political hay out of this, so blaming the current Government is short-sighted.

Not to mention the near unanimous verdict from scientific peeps that dredging would only have had a limited impact and would not have prevented the flooding.

In defence of all Governments, be it Labour or Tory, the sheer amount of water falling from the skies is beyond anyone's control and I think some people should try to bear that in mind. What we have is a situation that is unprecedented and all flood planning is based on averages. So, if these floods and storms beat 250 year old records time and again, it stands to reason that some flood defences are going to be overwhelmed.

The challenge now is to shore up defences and properly plan for many more winters like this - that is what we should judge the Politicians on, whether they take the wake-up call or try to dodge it.

The sounds coming out of Government are good at the moment and this might actually be a blessing in disguise, as to prepare our country for more extreme weather is going to take massive infrastructure investment, which to be honest we've needed for a while and which will provide tens of thousands of jobs and a massive economic shot to the arm. Not to mention an added boost to "green" technologies where we can make ourselves world leaders, which brings me on to your final point...

Who is denying climate change?

Cameron and chums are all on record blaming the extreme weather on climate change, so I don't think anyone is denying it.

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