This site has been proposing hidden aliens. What if they appeared outside your door knocking, Slithering, floating or walking into your living
I would forgo the usual complaint of a lack of decorum and manners (since I can hardly expect visiting species to know my regional customs, or indeed
my individual expectations toward people visiting my home), and accept their self invitation to enter my home.
a) What would you try to communicate with them and why?
I think that rather depends on what manner of creature they were, and what if any attempts had been made by the visitor to speak to me. To be honest,
I would hope that at least some communication would have occurred at the doorstep, or at least the attempt at such. I would have to be lead by the
visitors. Assuming a certain level of intelligence, one would have thought that they would have been able to figure out a system of gesticulation, or
indeed learned to replicate a pigeon version of my language in order to begin rudimentary dialogue with me, in the same way as some people vocalise in
hopes of calling a duck. From actual discussion with a person who does not share your mother tongue, it is much easier to pick up words by
experimentation, than by training, in my experience, so some understandings might be come to by that method.
I certainly would not resort to trying mind to mind communication unless the aliens themselves were to suggest such a thing to me in my skull, since
I find the very thought of that nothing more than HILARIOUS, since the vast majority of persons who believe that it works, come across (with out
wanting to be rude, and without wanting to lie through my teeth as well) as nothing more than hippies more often than not, and I am not a hippy.
b) If you had a live video feed where would you send it?
I do not have the capability to send a live transmission to the internet, unless I am skyping with someone. I have no idea how to send a live video to
Youtube, or anywhere else, and I am not sure if any of the technology I have available, actually has that capability. I am pretty sure it does not,
but it is something I would have to check out.
c) What are your fears and hopes for this event?
I would hope that I would be able to represent my species in a positive light, that I would be able to learn enough about our visitors to make their
stay welcoming and comfortable, and that the communion of our species would lead to a longer term discussion between our two species en masse, rather
than just on the individual level, but I would hope that everyone, eventually, would be able to have that same communication, to know that this
species is not alone in the universe, that there is other sentience wrapped in other flesh, somewhere out there in the depths of space. My greatest
fear for that scenario, would be doing something stupid, like accidentally terrifying the visitors somehow, or being terrified by them, to the point
where I make a damned fool of myself/us.
d) What would be needed for undeniable proof of the visit after they left?
Well, I would have thought that the measure applied to that, would be the same as applied to any other situation. Forensics, skin flakes, saliva
analogues, any biological trace, perhaps alien sweat, or skin secretions of some sort. Also, photographic evidence (if only for my photo album... I
see new wallpaper in my future if that ever happens !), and perhaps videographic. The thing is, I very much doubt that in the initial stages of any
contact like the one in this scenario, that I would be capable of thinking like a scientist about any of this. I would probably be in awe, and a
little hyper, and in need of a shot or two of fine rum. I mean, sure, if I answer the door with an iPad in hand, then I am going to get some snaps of
the fellows, and I do not live far from a chemists shop, so I could get sample jars and cotton buds for collection of evidence without any problems
what so ever. But you are talking about an event so monumental as to be fantastic!
Also, personally speaking, it would be a brain buggeringly big deal for me, because although I have no problem with the idea of extra terrestrial
intelligences (in fact I believe that they are as near as damnit, a mathematical certainty when you consider the size of the universe and the number
of stars and planets in it), I have never been one hundred percent convinced of any of the stories of visitation that I have read or been shown. They
have all had their merits, do not get me wrong, but the fact is, that I have never been one hundred percent sold on any of them. To have a species
show up, at my door though? That would be... mind shatteringly brilliant. Well worth a trip to the loony bin for I reckon!