So now exclusions are to be added against property and personal damages caused by nuclear.
As the reporter states, (paraphrasing)
If there is no danger and everything is just fine like that Claritin commercial with the rainbows and so-happy people that it seems strange that now,
with the lawsuits from Naval aid ship that was exposed to, without any warning from Tepco nor from the Japanese and American Governments, the initial
massive radiation from the March 2011 disaster, then left adrift for months; abandoned by Obama and the world because of the radiation, the insurance
companies feel the need to exclude insurance for damages from the very thing that is spewed over the airwaves as safe.
Propaganda and silence makes this news very suspicious. Sometimes it feels so overwhelmingly obvious that we are but livestock building up a nest egg
for our master to strip us of at a whim and then left dangling upside down to insure every pocketed coin is extracted from us.
After Centuries of this, boredom of the game results in a great culling; a bloodthirsty event that starts with oil and radioactive spills, that need
to be treated with poison, killing the food sources in meticulous order.
Next, HAARP or such causing tsunamis that take out tens if not hundreds of thousands in a single sweep of wave, and later, nuclear radiation freely
pluming into the atmosphere and to speed it up a little, water is run through the worst of the highest contamination points and then pumped into the
Ocean to further decline our food sources and get us sick so that through Government subsidies, they can claim uncounted billions to trillions above
the trillions given to bail out the gambling losses and scams so that by the time 905 of us are dead, they will have already won the game.
At this point, they will be ready to enter their DUMBS with an eternity of supplies, foods, medicines and most likely cures for any ailment, pathogen,
exposure, etc... to insure health while waiting out the half-lives of various isotopes, and after the allotted time, return to the surface and start
anew with the smaller, more easy-handling serf herds they brought to serve in the DUMBS, and to rebuild a civilization to the brink of overcrowding so
that the cycle can continue.
In closing, I pray you and your (insurance) ryders god speed.
edit on 4-2-2014 by imd12c4funn because: lower caps title