posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 08:29 PM
All they do is write laws.
More laws. Good golly, we need to write laws to support or contradict the laws that we wrote last year!
In America, we currently have a "do nothing" Congress. They are so gridlocked in ideology that they can't write any laws.
Isn't that, really, a good thing?
People moan and gripe that our Senate can't pass anything. We have a president who is threatening to bypass Congress so we can have more rules and
more laws.
Our "representatives" are supposed to "represent" us, yet all they do is write more laws that harm us!
What laws do we still need? What ISN'T illegal now? Are they just going to write more laws that inhibit, restrict our freedoms?
I want a "Do Nothing" congress year round! I'd love to see a government shut-down where the House and Senate are closed! The president can have
dinners and play golf or lie to the public.
But we don't need more laws!
Okay, maybe this is a rant. (changing forums. . . )