reply to post by raedar
I've seen the Mark Dice video of him just staring at the camera and occasionally sticking his tongue out. This type of bizarre behavior only serves
to make Dice look like a loon, which I believe is the point. It's the same as when Alex Jones acts rudely or bizarrely. Jones, like Dice, gives
mostly good info, but then pisses on it with rude or strange behavior. With Jones, he allows neo-Nazis/Feds (?) free reign on his comments sections
(on the Infowars and Prison Planet websites) and occasionally acts like a madman, like with his performance on Piers Morgan a year ago, his Y2K fear
mongering and his insane behavior at that Austin gun rally several years back .
David Icke speaks mostly truth but pisses on his message with his reptoid b.s. Dice pissed on his message in his "Illuminati: Fact or Fiction"
book. He gives a lot of good info on the Illuminati, but the book is riddled with spelling errors, and I mean riddled. How can anyone believe in
Dice's scholarship and the veracity of his claims when the guy can't spell? Fritz Springmeier's "Bloodlines of the Illuminati" is ten times
worse than Dice's book. There are tons of spelling errors, awkward or incomprehensible sentences, awkward or incomprehensible paragraphs, etc., not
to mention the fact that he doesn't provide any valid proof for his voluminous claims, many of which are quite extreme.
The bottom line is, I really don't know who to trust anymore. It's depressing and has the effect, at least on me, of wanting to try to forget about
it all and just give up. You know, maybe it's time to try to enjoy what years I have left on this planet and forget about awakening people to
what's coming, because most don't want to hear about it anyway. The majority of people I know think I'm nuts or else they are too chicken# to
admit it all to themselves, i.e., that our fearless leaders are psychopaths and that we are slaves. Yes, more people are waking up to the fact that
something is deeply wrong with this country and the world, but most of the public is still in the matrix.
So, at this point, I only have a handful of friends who know about the NWO and don't think I'm crazy or a traitor. Due to health problems I have
been slowing down re: researching and telling people about the NWO since the new year. I don't think I will ever give up the fight for freedom, but
I am a bit jaded at this point, and focusing on all things evil and NWO for the last 5 years has, in fact, taken its toll, both physically and
mentally. I think it's time for me to start playing my guitars more and composing music again. And it's time for me to start playing with my
Styrofoam airplanes like I used to.