Lunacy Amplified refers to the fact that the madness of the time we are living in, only grows exponentially. The cracks, cause cracks, cause cracks,
like a thermonuclear reaction in the slowest of slow motion. The chaos only amplifies itself, and there appears to be no end to it, save for the end
of everything.
Your words ring true and capture the feelings of the many my friend , the madness is deep and I fear will lead to just one conclusion ...may God (if
he exists) have mercy on our souls.
I do not mean to be a downer about it all. I just say it how I see it. This outlook is one of the reasons I have decided to live my life the way I
have, and will continue to live it. Loving the ones dear to me, and keeping an eye out for them. It seems as if the world is now too dark and
oppressive a place, for any effective rebellion to unseat the accelerating entropic force, or slow its pace, to stave off the complete collapse of
what we laughingly refer to as civilisation.
I don't take this as a downer at all. I see it as the process of Destruction taking care of "diseased tissues," which gives the process of
Construction a chance to move in and renew the system. When something gets broken that NEEDS to be broken, then from the leveled field something
better can be created, as long as the lesson has been learned as to how it was broken in the first place.
Perhaps the way the world is going these days is merely a reminder that all complex structures, including mankind as the wider entity, comprised of
all of us individuals, are vulnerable to the effects of entropy? That is certainly a more comforting thought than many others that pass through the
mind when considering these things.
Good to see you by the way, hope you are well! Thanks for taking the time to read my poem!