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Iranian commander: We have targets within America

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posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 02:04 PM

Ricky Revere
Chester John-The bully isnt the USA....Open your eyes....Its the International Regime Changers...You know the banking Cartel that is based in the United Kingdom. Glass. That will be the new name of Iran. The Republic of Glass. Millions of souls released in a vapor. Sooner or later, my country who has for how many years sacrificed our children to fight wars that had threatened the freedom we live for will all make an example of this horrific assholes who think they are the rulers of mankind. Radical Islam murders every day for the power and blood they lust for........
Saudi was allowed to escape the blast because of the corruption in our government then and still now it lives.I promise you that the armed American people will stand only so much of the crap we see.
Yeah changes are coming Chester.
Whether you think we are bullies or not..Who will have the balls to fight? You? Your ideology of lay down and opinionate evil away? We have that in this country, the idiot who is paid for in the White House by the Banksters does that as well.
You served in what war for your country? Where Chester?Maybe you should walk the streets for pay raises for burger flippers while strong men who get paid very little put their lives on the line at night so you can sleep.....
I am an American Man. Father of 6 children who works 3 jobs and is fiercely independent and I approve this message.

Ricky I didn't call the US a bully and your whoopin on me for someone elses comments

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 02:43 PM
This piece of info is very suspect. Is this actually info from Iran? Or did the Nazi Zionists of Israhell pass it on?

I have seen nothing to say Iran said this and u know that Israhell is frothing at the bit in anticipation of a good excuse to attack!

They as per usual will make up anything they can to demonize Iran and get the Lamestream Media to throw into the public arena all the crap they can use to get the excuse!!

Remember Israhell is the Victim not the aggressor as they always say!!

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

Does anyone see any truth to this?

With the open knowledge of the Islamic training camps in each State, and Farrakhan's meeting with the Iranian Leadership over the past few years, does it sound as if this guy may have some credibility?

I don’t doubt their capability to pull off cowardly hit-and-run terrorist attacks like the Boston bombing but I haven’t seen anything credible that would lead me to believe they’re capable of more.

Any attacks inside the US will be small scale suicide attacks with far less impact than 9/11. Nothing they do will ever make a difference in US policy.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 03:03 PM

reply to post by ChesterJohn

Does anyone see any truth to this?

With the open knowledge of the Islamic training camps in each State, and Farrakhan's meeting with the Iranian Leadership over the past few years, does it sound as if this guy may have some credibility?

I don’t doubt their capability to pull off cowardly hit-and-run terrorist attacks like the Boston bombing but I haven’t seen anything credible that would lead me to believe they’re capable of more.

Any attacks inside the US will be small scale suicide attacks with far less impact than 9/11. Nothing they do will ever make a difference in US policy.

Like the Boston Bombing False Flag perpetrated by the Craft? And 9/11 False Flag by Mossad and the US Government?!

There won't be any small attacks! They don't justify invasions and genocide in Foreign countries!

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 03:35 PM
Then what? Iran becomes a hunk of glass.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 05:08 PM
I really can't see Iran attacking America from within. Countries are more likely to attack America via cyber warfare. America has proven time and time again it has the resources to respond to every eventuality. If Iran did attack, the US would just wipe them off the map especially with the military resources Barack Obama has available around the world. I'm sorry but you would have to be crazy to attack a country which spends trillions on its defence and black budgets. So yeah, I would take this report with a pinch of salt.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 05:12 PM
The "international community" has set line after line regarding Iran and their pursuit of nuclear technology, and thus far, every line has been moved. With that track record, why should Iran believe any more lines we set?

Lets assume, for the sake of argument, that Iran achieves their goal, and successfully tests an atomic bomb. What evidence is there that the world, which is essentially the US, would do anything militarily at that juncture? If you don't attack someone before they get a powerful weapon, why in the name of good sense would you AFTER they get the weapon? That defies reason.

Regarding Iran having assets inside the US, IMO it is entirely plausible; with our porous borders, there is virtually no way to know for certain if there are, and if so how many, operatives inside the United States. But it would be foolhardy for the US to think that Iran would be a pushover nation. If there is one lesson to learn from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is to never underestimate the power of a person or group thereof who are willing to die for their cause.

Now, if Israel were to attack Iran, I can foresee a scenario where we would be drawn into a war. But that has been hashed and rehashed ad nauseum on this forum.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 06:06 PM
Topic goes "if america should attack iran", they dont say that they will just strike but if america attacks first, that part shouldnt be ignored either, it means they can strike back in case of america attacks first!
Also dont forget that iran is not alone either, they have powerfull allies whom got powerful weapons also so dont be living in false dreams america is always save becouse ur leaders keep creating powerfull enemies all around world for long time, its only matter of time, nobody is immortal here no matter how much u spend in militarity..

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by neo96

Yeah there is truth to this between aiding 'terrorists' who were killing Americans in Iraq, and Afghanistan.

America invaded these nations that didn't attack America and between the two killed a million plus people. Now who is the terrorist here?

Iran aiding the slaughter of Syrians.

Unlike America who aided the "rebels" that gassed Syrians not to mention they also had a taste for human flesh.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by buster2010

didn't attack America and between the two killed a million plus people

Well now that is an OUTRIGHT LIE.

Or did you get that 'figure' from the 'OPINION research business 'survey'.

On Friday, 14 September 2007, ORB (Opinion Research Business), an independent polling agency located in London, published estimates of the total war casualties in Iraq since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.[1] At over 1.2 million deaths (1,220,580), this estimate is the highest number published so far

Now who is the terrorist here?

Iran is last time I checked Iran isn't in Iraq, or Afghanistan.

Unlike America who aided the "rebels" that gassed Syrians not to mention they also had a taste for human flesh.

Don't you mean unlike Russia,China,Pakistan, and other Shia friendly so called allies ?

LOL wow.

What a joke.

And for the record:

That little 'saint' Iran has thousands of Syrians blood on their hands

Estimates of deaths in the Syrian Civil War, per opposition activist groups, vary between 97,505[1][2] and 136,227.[3] On 24 July 2013, the United Nations put out an estimate of over 100,000 that had died in the war.[4
edit on 3-2-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 07:08 PM
Iranian commander: We have targets within America

wee ain't that just Special !

Iran & every country that opposes the USA has contingency plans for their citizens living in the USA to act as a matter of 'conscience' and 'duty' to their homeland

As to having a policy and an active operational plan with actual specific targets--- that sounds like False-Flag propaganda from the war-Hawks in the Administration and from Hawks that operate from the Zionist sphere inside the DC Beltway

i read for Years that the special Republican Guard Volunteers that will diligently strap on Suicide vests number some 10 thousand...
but what will they do >

cash in their frequent flyer miles to come in hundreds of dozen strong cells /units of suicide bombers to target Malls & some such targets ??

lets get real
i appreciate the concern but recall just how the fear factors led to passing the Patriot Acts & NADA & all the horrendous "Overkill" Legislation that has allowed 0bama to lead by a lawless presidency ....

edit on rd28139147658903162014 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 07:44 PM
Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf: "There is no presence of American infidels in the city of Baghdad," ... "There is no presence of the American columns in the city of Baghdad at all. We besieged them and we killed most of them."

Yea.. sure.. ok.

If you had assets in the U.S. that could actually create serious damage, you certainly wouldn't proclaim it to the world. Utter rubbish. Do they have some assets? Sure, ok. Can they produce massive damage? Hardly, I highly doubt it. Why do people fall for propaganda time and again? What is funny is how they seem to catch their own government each time they attempt it, but are utterly unable to notice when a foreign government does the same.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

Unfortunately, the US has a lot of new weapons technology they'd love to be able to use. After the foot is pulled out, all hell could break loose on the Iranians.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 08:07 PM
... of course they do.. and more.
..... And we too have assets and etc embedded in Iran and every other country. We have Easter eggs everywhere including Iran ( and others) and their industry. We have the "glorious" NSA who has been fiddling around under many names for a long time and cyber warriors... who have positioned the US as having the advantage.


Guess we see who flinches first. I would suggest Russia protecting little brother Iran and China weighing in negatively on any US action in Iran is wrongly perceived by most.. and thats on purpose. I would also suggest that these movements the US outwardly makes against Iran due to them " making a bomb" has little to nothing to do with them "making a bomb".

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 08:21 PM

reply to post by Xcathdra

In addition to what buster said; Simulations mean nothing. They can only give you an estimate.
Look at the 'Ivy Mike' test as to how math and simulated data can't account for everything.

The bigger point that is being missed is the fact they were doing the simulations in the first place. If their program is peaceful then there is absolutely no need to do nuclear explosion simulations.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:03 PM

... of course they do.. and more.
..... And we too have assets and etc embedded in Iran and every other country. We have Easter eggs everywhere including Iran ( and others) and their industry. We have the "glorious" NSA who has been fiddling around under many names for a long time and cyber warriors... who have positioned the US as having the advantage.

That advantage and spying capabilities are an illusion, and dangerous assumption. The really bad guys, terrorists and terror supporting affiliated regimes have all learned how to effectively evade the NSA and other covert agencies over the years. The NSA is ineffective at preventing large scale international acts of terrorism.. That is a fact that will not be missed WHEN the time comes. The NSA has been used more effectively as a domestic and international corporate spying agency all driven by pure political and economic objectives... IMO

As for cyber-warriors there has been a serious underestimation of Iran's capabilities in that regard.. We are no longer the best of the best.

The USA is now living under the illusion of "enhanced security" and that illusion will eventually be shattered in the worst possible ways... IMO

Good luck with that "advantage"

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by neo96

Last time I checked this is 2014 and the link you provided shows 2007 and you also post part that says 1 million plus. Here is another link that kept count up to 2006 and it was already at 600K plus.

Lancet surveys of Iraq war

Iran is last time I checked Iran isn't in Iraq, or Afghanistan.

I forgot I was talking to an Israeli firster. When was the last time Iran attacked another nation is it 200 or 300 years?

And could you please post the video of China and Russia and these other nations eating the heart of their victims like the American backed rebels?

Iran has thousands of Syrians blood on their hands? When did Iran invade Syria?

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:19 PM


reply to post by Xcathdra

In addition to what buster said; Simulations mean nothing. They can only give you an estimate.
Look at the 'Ivy Mike' test as to how math and simulated data can't account for everything.

The bigger point that is being missed is the fact they were doing the simulations in the first place. If their program is peaceful then there is absolutely no need to do nuclear explosion simulations.

Where is the proof they were running these simulations? Post a link. Anybody that would back military action on something as petty as this claim would back military support on any kid that plays COD because it is obviously a domestic terrorist training program.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:27 PM


Guess we see who flinches first. I would suggest Russia protecting little brother Iran and China weighing in negatively on any US action in Iran is wrongly perceived by most.. and thats on purpose. I would also suggest that these movements the US outwardly makes against Iran due to them " making a bomb" has little to nothing to do with them "making a bomb".

Russia and China are less interested in protecting Iran, Syria and others in the region than they are interested in protecting financial, economic and strategic military interests in those countries.

Iran is actively seeking nuclear weapons capabilities anyone who assumes otherwise is either willfully ignorant, or just foolishly misled by propaganda. They are very close to having nukes now. There is no reason for them to stop now. It isn't just a "game changer" for them, it is a means to an end. One that the regime would use, and they are crazy enough to do it.

The USA is moving away from pressure on Iran, easing sanctions and seeking a diplomatic resolution to this because politically it would be good for the president and administration and their respective political party. It does not mean that it will lead to a more secure situation for the region and the world, in fact that really isn't the objective. They just need to score a diplomatic victory and are willing to do anything to make that happen... It can only embolden the regime in Iran.

Wake up soon, at least before the real world unexpectedly slaps you in the face.

posted on Feb, 3 2014 @ 10:37 PM


... of course they do.. and more.
..... And we too have assets and etc embedded in Iran and every other country. We have Easter eggs everywhere including Iran ( and others) and their industry. We have the "glorious" NSA who has been fiddling around under many names for a long time and cyber warriors... who have positioned the US as having the advantage.

That advantage and spying capabilities are an illusion, and dangerous assumption. The really bad guys, terrorists and terror supporting affiliated regimes have all learned how to effectively evade the NSA and other covert agencies over the years. The NSA is ineffective at preventing large scale international acts of terrorism.. That is a fact that will not be missed WHEN the time comes. The NSA has been used more effectively as a domestic and international corporate spying agency all driven by pure political and economic objectives... IMO

As for cyber-warriors there has been a serious underestimation of Iran's capabilities in that regard.. We are no longer the best of the best.

The USA is now living under the illusion of "enhanced security" and that illusion will eventually be shattered in the worst possible ways... IMO

Good luck with that "advantage"

Good luck with that "advantage".. thats cute and sad all at the same time.
I never said we were the best of the best.. YOU did. I didnt mention advanced security... YOU did. We are on par and in cooperation with other nations. Maybe you didnt know that. WE are not just WE anymore and havent been for a very long time.. but we are a large cog for very obvious reasons you are missing with some VERY vested interests. Iran knows what will happen if they get froggy toward the US and its never been a real threat.. and it wont just be the US who responds... we know it, they know it, everyone knows it. We are as embedded there as they are here.. and for longer. Theyre surrounded by hostiles who would dearly love to gobble them and their resources and logistical position up think oil transit chokepoints.. aka the Strait of Hormuz. There is more cooperation between Iran and the US than you obviously know. Political theatre comes to mind. At least it gives us something to talk about here thats always good for a laugh.
You can shake in your boots if you wish, but youre fearing the wrong boogeyman.

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