posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 09:19 PM
Do you tend to judge members by their avatars? I'll admit that I do and have to work hard to pay attention to the content of some posts because of
Geometric or Abstract avatars, I tend to respect until content shows me otherwise.
Girly avatars (am I spelling it right?) I tend to pay attention to their content and then put them in two groups 1) the ones that go with the majority
in order to be liked and 2) those that have something to say and are just well - feminine.
Silly avatars - I like but don't always associate then with deep thought.
Specific Character avatars, from story or reality - I don't trust for some reason, but I do pay attention to. I worry about the indentification
factor - role models are great, but .....
Militaristic avatars - always make me think of over compensation as in "The size of the car is inversely proportional to.... (fill in the blank) but
only with modern - the more historical models make me feel more secure rather then hostile.
Then there are the changing avatars - I envy the tech savviness. I'd like to change my avatar (if I had one) with my mood (rather like Dame Thatcher
did with her broches).
No avater - Like me, not all too tech savy, uncertain of how we want to represent ourselves, maybe too flexible in sense of self.
How do you perceive different avatars? What kinds of groupings do you see in the classes of avatars?
Which kind make you hostile on sight, smile on sight, confident on sight, etc....
Oh - I forgot the animated ones - loath those (all but one mesmerizing geometic one) - way too self-centered.