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Texas hunter claims he bagged Bigfoot

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posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 10:19 AM
This is not my usual subject to post about, so I don't have any strong feeling regarding the story. I just thought some of you might be interested:

Hunter claims he bagged Bigfoot

I am an ex-Texan and can attest that the woods there are large enough to hide a creature like Bigfoot. I'm not sure if this guy is legit, but the story says he has partnered with a college to get a DNA screening completed.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Cameoii

Thanks for sharing, I too lived in Texas (all over) and will definitely agree that it's big enough. Unfortunately though, the guy in the article is a known hoaxer. Quite a few threads on ATS already over his latest bigfoot claim.

Here's a link:
edit on 31-1-2014 by Auricom because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 10:22 AM
Well then all he needs to do to prove it is take it to the people who're offering a 10 million dollar reward and let them verify it. Until then, it's just horse crap.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Auricom

You're right...Guess I should have searched his name instead of the title on the story!

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Cameoii

Not sure if that'd even work. I often do a search before posting but end up with nothing so I post only to get yelled at for reposting.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Cameoii

I'm pretty sure that this was exposed as a hoax, but if I had known (per the article) that he was in Houston with "Hank" I would have driven over and checked it out for myself just to be certain. Unfortunately I didn't hear about the tour.

There is no doubt that Texas has plenty of thick wilderness areas where an animal the supposed size of a Sasquatch could hide and live undetected, and I have heard several firsthand accounts of encounters with such beasts from extremely credible hunters whom I have known my entire life and who tend to keep such tales to themselves for fear of ridicule. The looks in their eyes tell the truth of the matter- you can't fake that kind of fear!

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Cameoii

What I don't get is if you did come across the Bigfoot (real or not), why would you kill it?? It's obviously a rare, endangered species, so it should be studied (kept alive), not killed... I don't understand the reasoning behind hunting a rare creature like this...

If true that he did bag a bigfoot, couldn't this guy be arrested/fined immediately for killing an endangered species? I understand that it's hard to have protective laws on a creature that's still not 100% accepted/real, but if it is real and he did kill it, he would have in fact killed an endangered species, right?

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 11:08 AM
I'll reserve judgement.

I am kinda expecting if they are so commonplace I'll see all the evidence I'll need eventually.

When it comes to "Bigfoot", I find it hard to "believe", and also hard to "reject".

For tons and tons of reasons, many of which I have elaborated at length somewhere on ATS.

Here is the Emoticon that describes my opinions on Bigfoot succinctly:

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 11:10 AM

reply to post by Cameoii

What I don't get is if you did come across the Bigfoot (real or not), why would you kill it?? It's obviously a rare, endangered species, so it should be studied (kept alive), not killed... I don't understand the reasoning behind hunting a rare creature like this...

If true that he did bag a bigfoot, couldn't this guy be arrested/fined immediately for killing an endangered species? I understand that it's hard to have protective laws on a creature that's still not 100% accepted/real, but if it is real and he did kill it, he would have in fact killed an endangered species, right?

It doesn't matter if you or I understand.

Why are there wars so often? Why do people rob other's houses?
Why rape? Why anything?

For shooting Bigfoot, I'd say he did it (if any of it is even true) for the $$$$ that a real Bigfoot bagging demands.
Like over a million $ at least.

Oh and for him to get in trouble the creature 1) has to be declared real and 2) has to be on the "List"
edit on 31-1-2014 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 11:19 AM
Even if I hadn't heard of Rick Dryer I would still yell hoax about this. Pretty ignorant one, too.
The "body" isn't even a good special effect sculpture.
But let's say it's the world's worst taxidermy...
Where are the bones and meat?
Taxidermy is just the skin put over a sculpture of the animal. In a lifelike pose. They would have had to do so much measuring, casting, and documenting of the body before they cut the skin off that there would be a verifiable trail of...You know what, I'm already bored with this lazy attempt at fraud.

ETA: Also, this guy isn't even a yeehaw Texan. He's a carpetbagger. A Damned Carpetbagger! From Georgia! It's the South but he brought all of his stupid sh..stuff with him. So he's a carpetbagger, to me.

edit on 31-1-2014 by GrislyAddams because: Made mention of Rick Dryer's Luggage preference

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 03:15 PM

reply to post by Cameoii

I'm pretty sure that this was exposed as a hoax, but if I had known (per the article) that he was in Houston with "Hank" I would have driven over and checked it out for myself just to be certain. Unfortunately I didn't hear about the tour.

There is no doubt that Texas has plenty of thick wilderness areas where an animal the supposed size of a Sasquatch could hide and live undetected, and I have heard several firsthand accounts of encounters with such beasts from extremely credible hunters whom I have known my entire life and who tend to keep such tales to themselves for fear of ridicule. The looks in their eyes tell the truth of the matter- you can't fake that kind of fear!

It says the tour starts in late February, so you still have time!

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by nugget1

That was last February. He supposedly offed "Hank" in September of 2012 and toured soon after. There mustn't have been too many believers else it would have been all over the news.

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 07:44 AM
It's Rick Dryer, its a hoax, he is a the most prolific hoaxer in bigfootery, makes Smeja look like an armature.

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by littled16

"The look in their eyes tells the truth." "That kind of fear." Really? You sound like you are telling a horror story to children. It's a big hairy humanoid. It won't stamp on the floor opening cracks in the earths crust causing people fall into the molten depths while it feasts and dresses itself on your families entrails.

Killing it is essentially murder. It's so close to human and it poses no obvious threat strong enough to warrant the use of deadly force. But we have hunter boy/girl like littled16 that would open it up before you could blink in fear that it's roar would cause an apocalypse and end times of man.

It would be worth more alive for scientific research purposes in understanding maybe our evolution and our species, breeding and public interest and even monetary wise. But then there's idiots who'd die for the chance to put a massive hole in it's abdomen, on a creature that could have the potential to even be taught sign or spoken language depending on what it's like and capable of close to human emotion.
edit on 2/2/14 by Blue Goblin because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by Blue Goblin

I would tell you how idiotic that sounds but to someone so assumptive it wouldn't matter. You assume I would kill one if I ever happened upon such a thing- just remember what happens when you assume... seems you make something out of yourself. Have a nice day!

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by littled16

Well for the non assumptive here please tell. I don't really know how anyone would react given the opportunity of a Sasquatch sighting, just know that gunning it down would not be the right thing to do. You can't have a go at me for assuming and end the post with an assumption that I'm making something of myself. That's silly and hypocritical. I just don't agree with murdering it for the sake of hunting when the creature can offer so much more.

posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Blue Goblin

I never once mentioned anyone trying to gun down a supposed Sasquatch- pay attention! I said I know many hunters who have seen such a beast and it has scared the crap out of them to the point of not being able to move- fully grown men who aren't scared not many things- and who are afraid of ridicule if their stories get out.

posted on Feb, 16 2014 @ 07:50 PM
has anyone heard any news on this lately? is it a confirmd hoax? i heard he had a university analize the body but nothing release on it yet, if anyone heard anything mind passing the info along ?

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 11:43 AM
It would be awesome if a test came back with the results: Chinese Latex...Walmart...Most likely purchased November first...On Sale

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