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Hero Apple Leader Steve Jobs Cancer Caused By....

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posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 07:56 AM


Longer life = more time to develop cancer.

I was just reading that cancer was known about in ancient times as well. Like you said, since more people died before they developed cancer I wonder if it was just as prevalent as today all throughout human history. For that matter, even 100 years ago many instances went undetected especially for poor people...people just died and that was it. They just buried them.

Yeah I mean when smallpox, TB and cholera killed most people before they hit 50 its going to reduce cancer to something pretty uncommon, people would know about it but when you have most of your kids are dropping dead from smallpox and your crapping yourself to death from cholera its just not going to be much of a societal issue and even then most the poor unwashed masses wouldn't seek medical help anyway and just put it down to bad smells, demons or upset fairys or whatever crazy supistition they had.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 07:57 AM
Constant low close exposure to electromagnetic radiation can cause cancer. That is why most phones instructions say to keep the phone about a quarter to a half inch away from the head. If you had a cell phone stuck to your head all the time, it could mess you up. Even wearing headphones can do this, as does a cordless phone.

The cancer is not a direct effect of the electromagnetic radiation, it is a side effect. If you scramble the signals between the cells too long, they cannot properly repair or assemble right. Also the immune system can work improperly. A lot of this has to do with the conductivity or insulating value of people's skin so one size does not fit all.

I doubt if they could prove that the cell phone caused his condition even though it probably did contribute to it. Use the phones at your own risk, there will be no compensation from lawsuits if people get cancer as there is no accepted evidence at the time.

They have known this relationship for many years. The phones used to have high antennas to reach over your head and the car phones had external antennas. They lowered the overall power but it is still strong at the frequency the phones transmit at. They should be used moderately just like telephones. The speaker in any phone close to the ear can mess things up once in a while.

So Jobs died doing something he liked to do. That is not a problem. I would rather doing something I like to do instead of dying doing something I despise.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 08:21 AM
How do you know it wasnt his laptop that gave him cancer..
a laptop emits way more radiation then a cell phone, and soooo many people
will put a laptop on their chest or stomach while in bed. not to mention their pelvic area..
edit on 30-1-2014 by Lil Drummerboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 09:44 AM

reply to post by beckybecky

You lost me at Steve Jobs hero..........A hero is was not. He was a modern day slave owner scum bag......Karma.

If you want learn about a couple of real hero's......Thomas Jefferson.......Martin Luther King. How would Steve compare to these men?

Wait... Thomas Jefferson was a slave owner...

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 09:51 AM


He had $9000 million in the bank.

I got to this point, then decided the rest of the post isn't worth reading.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 09:59 AM
Pancreatic cancer takes 7-20 years to develop. I doubt it caused the tumor, but very well could have made it more aggressive and increase it's rate of growth. Check Google scholar for more info on non-ionizinh microwaves ability to do just that to already existing tumors. On smartphone so not going to link it.

I'd suggest people be cautious, but not be paranoid. Simple measures like keeping it away from your person and using speakerphone should be a common practice for the wise.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:17 PM

Pancreatic cancer takes 7-20 years to develop. I doubt it caused the tumor, but very well could have made it more aggressive and increase it's rate of growth. Check Google scholar for more info on non-ionizinh microwaves ability to do just that to already existing tumors. On smartphone so not going to link it.

I'd suggest people be cautious, but not be paranoid. Simple measures like keeping it away from your person and using speakerphone should be a common practice for the wise.

A recent study found that cellphone radiation INCREASED tumur growth rate by 7 TIMES!.

Also this poor unfortunate women put a cellphone in her bra and got cancer in the shape of the phone.Just look at those breasts and breast x-rays.Just look at her and feel sympathy for her.Nobody told her it was unsafe.

i am doing a public service by bringing your attention to it.

if i save just 1 persons life from cancer i will get rewarded in heaven by Lord Sweet Jesus.

Steve jobs by putting his phone in his shirt pocket obviously increased any chance of his getting cancer but because he did not have a womens breasts he got pancreatic cancer which is very sensitive to radiation.Also when you put a heavy thing like an iphone it drugs the shirt pocket down so that is even more near to his pancreas.

Obviously you get people who are denying this for ulterior reasons only they know but then you also get holocaust deniers.It does not mean they are correct.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by beckybecky

So, if I carry my cell phone in my back pocket I'm going to get colon cancer?

Well, I'm certainly not going to carry my cell phone in my front pocket. That's a little to close to...

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:25 PM

Just look at her and feel sympathy for her.

I wont just to irritate you

i am doing a public service by bringing your attention to it.

if i save just 1 persons life from cancer i will get rewarded in heaven by Lord Sweet Jesus.

HAHAHA You just lost most people right here.


You tube isn't a valid source any old nut job can post whatever.

womens breasts he got pancreatic cancer which is very sensitive to radiation.

Do you even know how cancer works
You do know men get breast cancer right?

Also when you put a heavy thing like an iphone it drugs the shirt pocket down so that is even more near to his pancreas.

Please stop your ignorance is killing me

Obviously you get people who are denying this for ulterior reasons only they know but then you also get holocaust deniers.It does not mean they are correct.

Did someone just break Godwins law? I think she DID! You mentioned a Nazi analogies you hereby lose the debate.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:25 PM

Soooo... If I use an Android phone instead, am I safe?

How is it that those who have carried Iphones for as long as they have been out have not been dropping like flies? We would have tons of teenagers dying by the day. I would think that would make headline news somewhere. At least on the Alex Jones show.

edit on 1/30/2014 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

people who get cancer don't drop like flies and go out with a bang.they die slowly with a whimper and in pain and ignored by MSM and they don't make headline news on FoxNews unless your a celebrity like Micheal Schumacher who's condition we have to hear about every single day on the NEWS because he is rich and famous.

Four your information 560000 die every year in America from Cancer.How many is that a day?

1500 a day.

so every 2 days you are getting a 9/11.Do you understand now?

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:32 PM


so every 2 days you are getting a 9/11.Do you understand now?

And 1643 die a day from heart disease that like OMG a 9/11 every 2 days + 272

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:36 PM


reply to post by beckybecky

Steve Jobs who is a hero to all Apple Buying folks and is revered as a iconic hero better then Einstein or Newton got pancreatic cancer.

LOL, really? i believe you're very wrong here, in fact, a lot of "apple people" have been walking the Android and Windows Phone roads lately, i think you're underestimating the "Apple buying" folks, there may be some fans, but fanatics as you describe here, probably just a few.. why the subjective view, so forced, dude...

Carrying an iphone in your shirt pocket makes you look cool and hip

Carrying any phone in your shirt pocket makes you look like an idiot, no matter the brand, i have never seen anyone carrying a phone on their shirt pocket, you must hate yourself because you used to do that and someone made you look like a fool, and now you want to blame your lack of social success to some dead dude, because you were unable to fit.. lol at you

He also probably felt invincible as fame and wealth gives you a sense of invulnerability and was surrounded by sycophants left right and center.

His sense of power,money,wealth and media attention made him feel super powerful and godlike.

Why are you so angry? is there something happening to you that you feel very bad about? just say it, take the chance, there are private ways to go around that, otherwise let go.

But really, just take everything out, i, like a lot of ATS members, are always here to listen, trust.


Also it is probable he took it to bed with him incase he got an important phone call and more importantly it was his baby and he felt it was his pet project which he loved dearly.It made him a billionaire so this iphone probably gave him the cancer.

He got cancer way before the iphone was out, you're just trying to make it at fault for something he didn't have any control over, and it won't change anything, he's not to blame for anything, he's alredy dead, money and all that, it didn't help, he got sick a few years before the iphone..
edit on 30-1-2014 by Kaifan because: (no reason given)

so the 100 billion $$$ in apples account just came from santa klaus?

do you think the iphone was invented on the day it was released to the shops?

Does boeing build a plane on the day it sells it?

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:48 PM

Lil Drummerboy
How do you know it wasnt his laptop that gave him cancer..
a laptop emits way more radiation then a cell phone, and soooo many people
will put a laptop on their chest or stomach while in bed. not to mention their pelvic area..
edit on 30-1-2014 by Lil Drummerboy because: (no reason given)

i am afraid i have never seen anyone with a laptop on their chest all day.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:59 PM

I've come to the conclusion after "$9000 million" that either your math skills are lacking, or you're a troll. Or both. I'm leaning towards both.

If you're, by slim chance, serious, then come back with irrefutable evidence for your claims. Irrefutable, not personal opinion.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 01:37 PM


I've come to the conclusion after "$9000 million" that either your math skills are lacking.

If you're, by slim chance, serious, then come back with irrefutable evidence for your claims. Irrefutable, not personal opinion.

Did you see that $100 million yacht he ordered custom build but never got ride in it?

$9000 million =$9's a matter of public record that this was the fortune he amassed just like Apple has amassed $100 billion and refusing to pay it out to share holders despite a campaign by many to give it back to shareholders.

money is so hard for Apple to part with.
edit on 30-1-2014 by beckybecky because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 01:45 PM

reply to post by beckybecky

This is an abusive post against a dead man. There are no people who "worshipped Steve Jobs as God." Literally. None. I knew some of his fans. They thought he was clever, and had good products. Period. The only people who worship anyone as God are people who worship God. The only people who worship someone as messiah are people who believe in a messiah. Every one who's casting others as "worshipping" a popular figure, are themselves religious people with some self-hate issues they should probably talk to a shrink about. They can start their first session by asking what psychological projection means.

Have you heard of Billy Graham?

Did you not see the ques for every Apple product.People sleeping in the STREETS for weeks to be the first to get the new Iproduct?

People taking out loans.People fighting with each other to get the latest Iproduct.
A man was stabbed to death for his Iphone.

Did you not see the press hang on to every word of his.people slept on the streets for him.just to see him.

have you heard of Rock Gods?

Did you not see he was on the news?

how a speech by steve jobs was a MAJOR World Event.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 01:52 PM

The pancreas is located under the lower left rib cage. It is NOT located where a shirt pocket is located on the upper chest.

Obviously he used a belt clip for his Iphone.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 02:44 PM


Soooo... If I use an Android phone instead, am I safe?

How is it that those who have carried Iphones for as long as they have been out have not been dropping like flies? We would have tons of teenagers dying by the day. I would think that would make headline news somewhere. At least on the Alex Jones show.

edit on 1/30/2014 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

people who get cancer don't drop like flies and go out with a bang.they die slowly with a whimper and in pain and ignored by MSM and they don't make headline news on FoxNews unless your a celebrity like Micheal Schumacher who's condition we have to hear about every single day on the NEWS because he is rich and famous.

Four your information 560000 die every year in America from Cancer.How many is that a day?

1500 a day.

so every 2 days you are getting a 9/11.Do you understand now?

You like semantics don't you?

How many of those 1500 (OMGZ A 9/11 Every 2 Days) have carried an Iphone since they came out? How many of those had pancreatic cancer? Of those who had pancreatic cancer, how many carried their Iphones near their pancreas like you say Jobs did? Out of those that carried their phones in the same position, how many had a genetic predisposition towards some form of cancer?

You can't prove it was the Iphone. DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW?

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by beckybecky

$9000 billion? That's not even a number.

Sorry but this is a load of crap. Got ANYTHING to back it up.

If this were the case then every iPhone carrying person would have cancer.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 03:01 PM

reply to post by beckybecky

$9000 billion? That's not even a number.

Sorry but this is a load of crap. Got ANYTHING to back it up.

If this were the case then every iPhone carrying person would have cancer.

i meant 9000 million.i was in such a rush to save innocent people that i put billion instead of million.
edit on 30-1-2014 by beckybecky because: (no reason given)

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