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Why the're here (maybe)

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posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:08 AM
If you look at it from a "walk in their shoes" perspective, they do to us what we do to dolphins and the like: We tag, observe, make notes, study paterns, retrieve, examin,release and study some more. Does this sound familiar? We are simply lower on the food chain, do you think a whale or leopard understands what the dart or the colorful plastic tag is for? No, it simply feels the pain and discomfort and gets the hell out of there when released. Humans have the unfortunate understanding of violation and the belief of being the only souled creature under god, and therefore we're quite upset by the whole thing.

This may be my whole slice-a-pie-in-the-sky theory, it could just be extinction is coming 'round the mountain and our DNA needs to be saved for the collection.

[edit on 22-11-2004 by DASTIk]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:12 AM
Well if what you're saying is true, then we aren't the only souled creatures under God, now are we?

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:13 AM
[edit on 22-11-2004 by DASTIk]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:15 AM
My point exactly. We're not and doubt they are either, I'm simply pointing out our resistance to all things above our understanding.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 12:53 AM
The theory isnt new, but I thought you brought up one interesting point that I've been thinking about for awhile, and that was the whole food chain/animal observation thing. I just ponder these ideas, as most do, but I was thinking about how animals have no clue whats going on when we tag them and such, or should I say abduct them...because of their intelligence. It must be quite a frightening experience for them. And then I thought, what makes us any different than the animals we abduct? Maybe we arent smart enough to know whats going on, much like the animals. It sounds weird, but its like a pecking order. A dog sees you, but it doesnt quite understand you, they arent smart enough, they have no idea about the universe and your relation to it. Perhaps we look at aliens, and arent smart enough to understand them and how they relate to the universe in the grand scheme of things. That would make them literally, advanced beings, not just on a technological scale, but on their spiritual evolution I suppose. Again, im not saying I believe all this, but im a day dreamer and you coudlnt imagine what I think of half the time. If thats true, its almost sad. It would be sad for a cow to know that we only fatten them up to slaugther them, and that we just use their whole species for this purpose. Im not saying aliens slaughter us, but if it is a pecking order, then you could imagine they get something from us perhaps, and in the grand scheme of things, it could be slightly depressing. Sorry, this is just me rambling on, im a mad man.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 01:23 AM
It's true, it would be devasting to know if we're next in line as veal. If everything we've beleived as a race was complete BS how would people react? Horribly, in fact society on the whole would break down. Admitting alien excistance would trigger the end of religion, and religion has kept humans in line since our fur feel out. I'm of the opinion that the powers that be are keeping this down to save us from another dark age or worse- lights out completely. The aliens are very interested in breeding us around, and I doubt it's just to bring in some new blood into their gene pool, and even if it is, why now? They have obviously figured out how to take the time problem out of travel and if so what is the significance of the last 60yrs. We were far more docile, or at least less dangerous 200 years ago and lacked nukes.

Well maybe I'm a little mad myself.......

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 01:53 AM
Heh, yeah. Well, it doesnt matter to me much either way. If I found out the "truth", I dont think it would change my life. It would cause me to re-evaluate everything, but, like everything else in the world, you move on. I dont beleive any of this to be honest, I just think too much.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 01:57 AM
John Lear told me something once which had piqued my interest. I asked about the abduction experience, and faith. I asked him if aliens believe in God. He expressed to me a quote. A man that was abducted, I think the Man from the Communion book, said this;

"He was screaming out for God to help him, and all the Greys said, was Why I are your screaming for your Gods, we are the only ones here?"

This disturbed me, It was open ended and I asked john to answer back when I posed a few questions. I still got no soild answer about God, and how the Aliens perceive it.


posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 01:59 AM
Maybe not you but, um have you noticed how people of other persuation react to religious snubs- people are murdered for works of fiction. I f these same types of people were presented with facts and photos or maybe a meet and greet with ebe1, how well you think they'd do?

YIKES, I hope the hair on my neck goes down before I try to sleep tonight.

[edit on 22-11-2004 by DASTIk]

[edit on 22-11-2004 by DASTIk]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 02:52 AM
You mean like fundamentalists? If they were presented with clear evidence and proof? They would just say that these alien races are demons sent from satan to decieve the world. I imagine more moderate religious people would try to work aliens into their worldview somehow.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by ADHDsux4me
John Lear told me something once which had piqued my interest. I asked about the abduction experience, and faith. I asked him if aliens believe in God. He expressed to me a quote. A man that was abducted, I think the Man from the Communion book, said this;

"He was screaming out for God to help him, and all the Greys said, was Why I are your screaming for your Gods, we are the only ones here?"

This disturbed me, It was open ended and I asked john to answer back when I posed a few questions. I still got no soild answer about God, and how the Aliens perceive it.


Now I only expect someone to give this account:

Abductee: "Oh my god, you are aliens!!!"
Grey: "Huh? You are the only alien here, I dont see any other."

Never thought greys would be the ones capable of snappy remarks

[edit on 22-11-2004 by merka]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by ADHDsux4me

"He was screaming out for God to help him, and all the Greys said, was Why I are your screaming for your Gods, we are the only ones here?"


Ok that scares me a little.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 07:54 AM
Well, if we went to tag a dolphin, and he suddenly said, "Say old chap, what is the meaning of this?", I think we'd take a step back..!!!

They are obviously sentient enough to identify other sentient life, so it's obvious that they simply don't care about it. This puts it in a whole other category of being somewhat dubious to say the least. Non-sentient life doesn't alter their surroundings as much as we do.... It would be EASY to see upon descending to Earth that crops don't naturally grow in square patches... You would think that a being capable of traversing space/time would realize it's obvious they do, but just don't give a damn. This puts them firmly in a different light than simply uncaring scientists....

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 09:47 AM
when i was younger I used to work at a grocery store. there was a couple that had just moved from mexico and were working there. I had got on the subject about ufo's and aliens with the women. Turns out that her and her husband were pretty knowledgable about the subject. her husband at the time didnt speak any english so she translated for him when we had our conversations.
When they were mexico they knew of a friend of theirs that followed the ufo phenomena pretty heavily. they told me that they've seen his pictures of ufo's and other assorted material that was related to the subject.
But one thing that stood out in my mind was about the abductions.
They had told me that in order for someone to get abducted that it had to be 'cleared' or Ok'd by God. They said that there is still a higher power in the universe and order. They also spoke of the different alien races, some of which we would consider 'bad' and those we would consider 'good'.

NOw, let me remind you, this was way before the internet so I was pretty impressed with some of their conversations.

One of the races of aliens that they had spoke of reminded me of the 'nordics'.
They said they were blue eyed, tall and blond. They said they look like 'nazi's' in a sense. They never claimed to see any of them. Again this was relayed to them by their ufo friend in mexico. They did say that if you found out that they weren't human that they would kill you were you stand. I thought that was a little far fetched but I loved listening to their theories, stories and getting involved in their conversations.

This was the 1st time that I ever had a conversation about ufo's with grown adults so I was pretty surprised.

[edit on 22-11-2004 by enrage]

[edit on 22-11-2004 by enrage]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by enrage
One of the races of aliens that they had spoke of reminded me of the 'nordics'.
They said they were blue eyed, tall and blond. They said they look like 'nazi's' in a sense.

With the exception of some dark eyed and dark haired, short and a little fat nazis with square cut mustaches, of course

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:26 AM

They had told me that in order for someone to get abducted that it had to be 'cleared' or Ok'd by God. They said that there is still a higher power in the universe and order.

Personally, I'd want no part in a "God" that approves me for getting an anal probe, but hey, maybe that's just me...

[edit on 22-11-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by ADHDsux4me
John Lear told me something once which had piqued my interest. I asked about the abduction experience, and faith. I asked him if aliens believe in God. He expressed to me a quote. A man that was abducted, I think the Man from the Communion book, said this;

"He was screaming out for God to help him, and all the Greys said, was Why I are your screaming for your Gods, we are the only ones here?"

This disturbed me, It was open ended and I asked john to answer back when I posed a few questions. I still got no soild answer about God, and how the Aliens perceive it.


But remember, Joh Lear has taken everything back that he ever said, saying it was all, I don't know how much this statement scares me.

posted on Nov, 22 2004 @ 11:31 AM

But remember, Joh Lear has taken everything back that he ever said, saying it was all, I don't know how much this statement scares me.

Am I still the only one who thinks that that episode was more than just a little bizarre??? I mean, JL has spoken for YEARS about this stuff, and he was even a member of ATS for about a year before the event, but then recants everything one day and goes bye-bye???

Tres bizarre.....

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