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Whats the best way to be rejected?

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posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:04 PM
Yeah I was thinking about what for me would be the the best way to be rejected by a woman. At first glance I was thinking there is no good way. But I mean when dating someone or trying to date someone yourt inevitably going to get rejected. (granted some more then others) Thinking abou tthe generic rejections that I know I hear. I am not not interested." and "I don't thnk your my type." When thinking abou tit you still feel a little bitter. I know I am a person who over anaylzes, and maybe other ATSers are the same way. So I get to thinking, why wasn;t she interested? what is her type?
I think by looking at it now I know how I owuld want to be rejected. I would want a woman to say something about me that she didn't like. For example "I dont like how your into the Walking Dead." or "I don't like you because you play video games." To take the point to th next level, I think I owuld want a woman to tell me that she is not attracted to me. That would work for me I owuld be cool with that. So I want to know form others what would work for you? How would you want to be rejected? What exaclty would you want said to you?

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:21 PM
"Sorry, but I've already got a boyfriend" seems like the nicest way of doing it without being mean about it. That would probably be my choice.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:28 PM

Yeah I was thinking about what for me would be the the best way to be rejected by a woman. At first glance I was thinking there is no good way. But I mean when dating someone or trying to date someone yourt inevitably going to get rejected. (granted some more then others) Thinking abou tthe generic rejections that I know I hear. I am not not interested." and "I don't thnk your my type." When thinking abou tit you still feel a little bitter. I know I am a person who over anaylzes, and maybe other ATSers are the same way. So I get to thinking, why wasn;t she interested? what is her type?
I think by looking at it now I know how I owuld want to be rejected. I would want a woman to say something about me that she didn't like. For example "I dont like how your into the Walking Dead." or "I don't like you because you play video games." To take the point to th next level, I think I owuld want a woman to tell me that she is not attracted to me. That would work for me I owuld be cool with that. So I want to know form others what would work for you? How would you want to be rejected? What exaclty would you want said to you?

Ugh. The R word.

The best way to be rejected for me is just outright.
Tell me I'm ugly or I'm too short or something if you have to. You know?
Just outright, for heavens sake. It is the game playing that is infuriating.

Game playing tells a lot about someone's poor character. So always up front and outright.

Sometimes it isn't something specifically about a person, so you don't always have to tell them what you think is wrong with them.
But why not be honest bottom line? It is the easiest and most gallant of ways to reject.
Not to string someone along because although you don't really want them, you want them for something to fall back on.

You can't always be let down easy. But at least not to be lied to would be cool. Yeah.
People do so much lying and pretending that one is left wondering if there is anyone at all truthful out there.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

yeah that is kind of a nice way of going about it

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

I'd want the truth - same as they'd want. It doesn't matter how painful the truth is, but you learn something about yourself in that moment. A close second would be something to the effect of "I've been holding you back from your true potential". Reason being, that shows at least you tried to keep it together.

However, in most cases you'd be lucky to even get that - mostly because people are afraid to tell you the real reason.

In terms of experience, leading me on for 3 days, then passing it off as "You're not my type" added insult to injury (I knew the real reason: She viewed me more as a family member than boyfriend material). It's always better to be rejected off the bat, than be teased & dumped. I don't care if people don't want to date me because I'm ugly; say it to my face.


posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by StarlightNine

Yeha I totally agree with you. Being honest and brutally honest is good for me. its the generalizations that get me.
"I dont think were a match" its like finish the thought were not a match because of??

THis is probably due to the fact that people dont want to tell you the real reason why there not into you.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 08:47 PM

reply to post by StarlightNine

Yeha I totally agree with you. Being honest and brutally honest is good for me. its the generalizations that get me.
"I dont think were a match" its like finish the thought were not a match because of??

THis is probably due to the fact that people dont want to tell you the real reason why there not into you.

We are all sensitive when it comes to our hearts. Men as well as women. The thought that our hearts could love someone who can't return it is terrifying. But it is the chance we take to find love.

I don't think one needs to set about to be mean, or even really point out certain personal things when rejecting. It won't help the person whom your rejecting "improve." Just don't pretend.
I think that hurts worse than any outright rejection by far.

They seem into you, then they pull away, then you are left scratching your head when they simply go away. It's like... what the hell was I playing at here?

I mean if two people are trying, and it doesn't work out for whatever reason... I do think something is owed in the way of explanation. But do no harm in the process.

God. I friggin' hate love. Seriously. What a destroyer of mental and soul health. When it goes wrong, that is.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

That's a tough one. There is nothing about rejection that feels good. I do know a response to rejection that allows you to save face (which frankly, is a big part of it... that feeling of being 'less than.')

So in the face of rejection, look them square in the eye and say, "Ok... Then I release you to your greater good."

I guarantee you it will give them pause. And you will come off as kind, benevolent, in charge of the situation. Yep... a god.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 10:35 PM

reply to post by American-philosopher

That's a tough one. There is nothing about rejection that feels good. I do know a response to rejection that allows you to save face (which frankly, is a big part of it... that feeling of being 'less than.')

So in the face of rejection, look them square in the eye and say, "Ok... Then I release you to your greater good."

I guarantee you it will give them pause. And you will come off as kind, benevolent, in charge of the situation. Yep... a god.

And sometimes, it really might be for their greater good I suppose. To release them to someone else.
Many times, someone doesn't know the true gold they hold in their hands. But some people like diamonds or rubies. Gold just isn't good for them.

The real harm is holding on when you have no reason to hold on. You cannot force love. You cannot buy it, or wrap it in beautiful ribbons to make it more appealing to someone who doesn't want it.

It seems easiest just to remain alone, doesn't it? They say when you aren't looking for love... that's when it comes to you.
But we often times reject it when it does pass by waving to us. "I'm right here, idiot!" haha

Lack of love is brutal. So is rejection. I'm not sure, which road is the easiest....

edit on 29-1-2014 by StarlightNine because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 11:35 PM
How about

"Look your not really my type but Im flattered and appreciative so I spose we can sleep together once"

I reckon that would takeaway the sting of rejection pretty good

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 01:22 AM

How about

"Look your not really my type but Im flattered and appreciative so I spose we can sleep together once"

I reckon that would takeaway the sting of rejection pretty good Just... no. haha
If someone rejected me, I don't think getting some would take the sting off the bite.
Might even make it worse.

Yeah... no.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 02:02 AM
sorry it violates my parole conditions, works good.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 03:37 AM
never ever ever give in women love a trier they love being pursued by a man i have 3 restraining orders to prove it

i am like aids i will get you in the end i tell them

defeat are things you walk with

if they tell you you are ugly - say that is why god invented drink

laugh the panties off them tell her you want a 3 some me -me and you honey

do you notice short ugly fat guys with models all the time big wallet -maybe

but i bet he made her lol

and for really stubborn cases there is always gbh [ only joking]

now go forth and multiply young un and when she looks into your eyes and says those magic words

i love you say that makes 2 of us i love me 2
god loves a trier

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 04:05 AM
well, I don't necessarily seek relationships, so I couldn't say I've ever really been rejected. There's one time I remember that I was interested in a girl, but she was getting back together with her ex. I didn't really mind it too much. Girls normally come onto me, first...and it's usually for the worse. I probably didn't seek them out for a reason. I especially hate it when girls I've been friends with for a long time look to me for a rebound. Usually my rejection causes them to resent me. if I didn't reject them, it would end up being a worse situation anyways.

It doesn't matter how you were rejected, the point is that you should respond with dignity. If you resent them for it, it will just make you look bad, not them.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 04:07 AM
i think being a little bitter is only a normal thing to feel cause being rejected is going to knock your confidence a little,i dont think i could ever tell someone i dont like them because im not attracted to them i would rather just say "sorry i dont feel the spark there" i would see it as what is one persons loss is another persons gain! and move on i think if you are not prepared to get rejected or cant handle it then maybe that person isnt ready to go out dating yet,because that is a 50/50 chance you have to take

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 04:17 AM
rejection hahaha I laugh in your face

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 04:21 AM

well, I don't necessarily seek relationships, so I couldn't say I've ever really been rejected. There's one time I remember that I was interested in a girl, but she was getting back together with her ex. I didn't really mind it too much. Girls normally come onto me, first...and it's usually for the worse. I probably didn't seek them out for a reason. I especially hate it when girls I've been friends with for a long time look to me for a rebound. Usually my rejection causes them to resent me. if I didn't reject them, it would end up being a worse situation anyways.

It doesn't matter how you were rejected, the point is that you should respond with dignity. If you resent them for it, it will just make you look bad, not them.
i never reject a woman give her what she wants then get out of bed put her bra and panties on and say there is something i have to tell you honey --job done and you are still best friends

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 04:32 AM


well, I don't necessarily seek relationships, so I couldn't say I've ever really been rejected. There's one time I remember that I was interested in a girl, but she was getting back together with her ex. I didn't really mind it too much. Girls normally come onto me, first...and it's usually for the worse. I probably didn't seek them out for a reason. I especially hate it when girls I've been friends with for a long time look to me for a rebound. Usually my rejection causes them to resent me. if I didn't reject them, it would end up being a worse situation anyways.

It doesn't matter how you were rejected, the point is that you should respond with dignity. If you resent them for it, it will just make you look bad, not them.
i never reject a woman give her what she wants then get out of bed put her bra and panties on and say there is something i have to tell you honey --job done and you are still best friends

not that simple, most women have baggage. Not to mention you might be friends with their ex.

Ain't about to lay in bed next to a woman with baggage unless I'm prepared to take on a load of it.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by American-philosopher

I would have to say that anything is better than the following:

So a girl comes up to you in a bar one evening, tells you she has seen you a couple of places, and finds you attractive, and was wondering if she could get your number. You give her your number, and you spend the week hanging out, maybe even actually go to bed with the woman. At the end of the week, you meet her in the park at mid day, thinking "I am going to take this young lady to lunch, somewhere nice, a) because shes a good lass, and b) because metalhead couples in cafes get the funniest looks around these parts, and it is ammusing to me. She shows up, sits down on the grass in front of you. As she does, the sun shines through her hair, lending her an angelic aspect, at which point she pipes up with words which shatter that illusory divinity:

" I can't do this any more. We are done."

When you reply "What? Oh... mind telling me why?", she tells you "I'm sober now. I do not know what I was thinking." before standing up, brushing the grass off her bottom, and leaving the park, and all the while you sit there, legs crossed underneath you, just concentrating on breathing in and out, not registering the outrageous assault that your ego just underwent. After an hour or so, absorbing the impact in stages, so as not to be overwhelmed, you decide that Rum, although its negative physical health effects are well known, is probably a safer bet than female company at the moment, and loose yourself in the pirates life for a while.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 04:59 AM



well, I don't necessarily seek relationships, so I couldn't say I've ever really been rejected. There's one time I remember that I was interested in a girl, but she was getting back together with her ex. I didn't really mind it too much. Girls normally come onto me, first...and it's usually for the worse. I probably didn't seek them out for a reason. I especially hate it when girls I've been friends with for a long time look to me for a rebound. Usually my rejection causes them to resent me. if I didn't reject them, it would end up being a worse situation anyways.

It doesn't matter how you were rejected, the point is that you should respond with dignity. If you resent them for it, it will just make you look bad, not them.
i never reject a woman give her what she wants then get out of bed put her bra and panties on and say there is something i have to tell you honey --job done and you are still best friends

not that simple, most women have baggage. Not to mention you might be friends with their ex.

Ain't about to lay in bed next to a woman with baggage unless I'm prepared to take on a load of it.
i would ask your friend what she was like in bed first off if he is your friend he will not be that bothered =seriously friends are for life woman are for a good time and they view men as fashion accesories so treat them like a sports car on a test run you do not need to buy it but it sure as hell does not stop you playing around with it even if you are poor dress well and they think you are rich it is all a game i am a male slut i know the rules

as for the baggage get the porter to carry it you need to keep up your strenth for the games laddie

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