posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 02:17 PM
As of lately, I haven't been contributing as much as I normally do. Maybe, I'm choosing my debates wiser to see where one initial poster goes, maybe
it's just feeling disconnected. I've been spending more time "experiencing and living" than typing. Maybe I don't want to miss the movie that is
my life.
This world is not a pretty place, spending a year on ATS affirms this. For as long as the Human Race has trekked, there is so much farther to go it
can be daunting thinking about it.
Normally, I would put up a list of favorite posters and members (well I did on my 6 month review anyway)
Considering #'s 1~4 I have come to a conclusion.
I enjoy every last one of you on this site~! There's really no reason not to, if you can't
comprehend this part, well, I'm sorry, I'm only accountable for myself and my family.
So, if I ticked you off at one time, made you laugh another, or really think about something in a different manner and/or have done the same for me I
only do it because I love my family here on ATS and that's what family does be it blood family or conspiracy it's all the same once you play past
the semantics of life.
Since I can't /applaud anyone, the next best thing would be present a
to all the ATSer's here!
Thank you, see you soon, have a wonderful day and lastly.
Best regards,