reply to post by DonVoigt
I would have to say some and not just one. If you use the DNA chain, for most it is pretty much the same. Then there are the few out there that either
their DNA is changing or is now changing. Could go with 80/20, somehow might only be 10% on the low side. It has to do with control, either the
population or using the slave idea, both have their drawbacks.
You could go with the blood line idea; only problem with that it changes with every child. Humans are just like a cockroach, no matter what happens.
The next Gen has children, one takes the normal way and just a few have changes in their DNA. It is like the DNA already knows; must have already been
through or can adapt if the T-Cells are in order.
Now if one looks back, 60's to now. Only thing that has changed are the drugs! So many in fact, children are feed them at so early an age it
downright crazy! Yet the chain effect goes into the water; being passed and we all share down the line, or lays waiting underground changing itself.
Yet no matter What they do; it still does not work. What They want is the Black Plage,tried with the AIDS virus, something that can not come back to
I use Them, could use NWO only that is not the full plan as of yet. Something is hidden, has been for a long time. I wonder if we are not already on
Mars and there's a problem. You can not just go to a said Planet, land and breath the Air! Mars don't Have no air, really? Really thin yet it is
there! Water already there, food being just one problem. One has to consider They found something and can't pass the wall without something in the
DNA or needs to find the link in the text that is missing.
That was me with coffee! Actually though, they need to do something with DNA. Call it whatever, more like Turn It ON! Gotten some small up's yet
fails during tests and most die or go nuts like me! In the end of it all. Man is and has been Frickin With Life! Messing with Things No Man Should and
that shall be the Fall.
We have the Power to Create! Some know this to be True! Yet going Too Far is going to be our downfall. Hint: Really take a Look at Mars and you will
see something more like a Great War and 90% died! We go speaking of Doom, actually Feed on IT! Only some know that Life will still continue to go on,
How many times throughout History has Man had to deal with Death on a Mass Scale? Adam and Eve came from nowhere, Adam anyways. Noha's Ark could not
hide 2 of everything unless it was just a big as This Planet! Where did Noha put the FOOD? Through out time, UFO's ET has always been around and some
of our God Ideas Came from them.
It is not a Simple World!