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Danish Rolls are now Contraband - Too Much Cinnamon

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posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 08:05 PM
The European Union has placed a stranglehold on cinnamon content in Danish sweet rolls !!

Of all the nerve.

A 200 year old tradition down the drain.


Socialist nannyist regulations at their best.

The insanity is beyond temporary.

Don't they realize this will drive that economy underground?

The black markets will flourish.

If you harbored any doubts about whether regulation runs riot in Europe, consider the fate of the Danish Roll under EU jurisdiction. At Christmas time in Europe, a staple from Brussels to Denmark is the beloved kanelsnegler, a delicious coiled cinnamon roll. This year, the EU has ordered the Danish roll to disappear.

EU regulation places a limit on the amount of cinnamon permitted in baked goods (15 mg per kilo). That limit is said to be necessary to block ingestion of a common form of cinnamon called cassia that contains coumarin which, at high dose levels, may affect liver function. Despite the fact that the Danish have consumed kanelsnegler for over 200 years with nary a complaint and plenty of joy, the Danish government is dutifully following the command of the EU by ordering its countrymen to rid the land of this delicacy.


posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 08:18 PM
As soon as the EU wants to ban something one should look up the health benefits.

It appears cinnamon has a plethora of health benefits and may cause liver damage in some (very few) people.

Every time something has health benefits, the EU wants to ban it.

How soon till we see the kitchen police, armed of course.


posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 08:54 PM
So when are these barbarian laws coming Stateside?

-hordes all the cinnamon rolls and a few Cinnabon stores-

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 09:06 PM
Of all the stuff wrong in the EU, by God, cinnamon rolls top the list. Forget the anemic economy, civil unrest, or whatever. Dog gonnit we need to get busy about cumin intake. Politicians and bureaucrats sailing in to the rescue in the nik of time.

Never mind folks have been eating these things for what, 500 years? It is amazing Europeans have not died out all together.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 09:12 PM
Warning: Following the advice of corporately sponsored government regulation could be hazardous to your health.

... That reminds me, I need to buy an industrial sized container of cinnamon on my next grocery run.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 09:15 PM
who had the put options on the cinnamon stock???,,,sounds like theres alot money at stake in the "kanelsnegler" & they are eliminating the competition under the guise of saving the planet,,,Then Cinnabon will move in and get an exemption from the cinnamon laws under free trade agreements & monopolise the cinnamon trade...Until then I predict Dunkin' Donuts stock will rise...

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 09:19 PM
I support this ban and wish US would do it as well.

Cassia tastes like cinnamon but its not real cinnamon and is loads weaker and is poisonous and dangerous in moderately higher levels.

Grocery stores 99% of all cinnamon sold in spice racks and spice areas are fake cinnamon selling cassia labeled as cinnamon. In US they do this and are not required to state on label it's not real cinnamon. So the companies have a free ticket to fraud customers

The only way to buy real cinnamon and know you are getting it is respectable spice shop, online source that displays where they obtain the real cinnamon.

Real cinnamon is good for you and helps fight cancer

Cassia is bad for you and can cause cancer, and can destroy liver in moderate high levels exactly like acetaminophen since both come from similar barks , where cinnamon bark is not harmful.

FDA in US and UK agencies should ban cassia being labeled, sold, and marketed as cinnamon

Ban it!

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Cito

So wait a minute are you suggesting that xuenchen ran in here and just dropped a load of bull flop without actually researching this? That can't be he is the brightest and most responsible poster we have ever known. Surely he wouldn't attempt to create mass hysteria that people won't be able to eat a sticky bun. When the fact is the ban is on Cassia and that there is in fact real cinnamon (a number of types actually) that can be used instead that won't destroy your liver. I am sure he intended to explain that he just wanted to post some hysterics to get attention for this first.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:27 PM
Cinnamon is a spice and also a powerful medicine. I would think that a moderate amount in a cinnamon roll wouldn't bother anyone. I suppose people kept upping the amounts to attract people to their products and it went a little overboard. Over consuming any spice is bad.

Just think of the cinnamon challenge they were doing in this country. A whole tablespoon of cinnamon is consumed to pass the test. People blow this off as kids being kids but I know how powerful of a medicine cinnamon is. The kind of cinnamon that they have problems with causing liver problems is the type we normally have here in the USA. Who thinks up these stupid kids games and parrots them around anyway. Liver function is important, this is not a harmless game.

People think they are taking a lot of cinnamon in their cinnamon pills to treat various diseases. There is not much there, having a piece of cinnamon toast for breakfast supplies more.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by Cito

You beat me to it here but I would like to add that a big part of the problem is that as opposed to real cinnamon, the cassia mixture also contains extremely high amounts of the added chemical compound Coumarin in comparison to the real thing. This is an anticoagulant and can be found in various pharmaceuticals, dyes, perfumes and fabric softeners. It is also used occasionally in the cheaper versions of vanilla extract.

I found out that I happen to Very sensitive to it after a battle with contact dermatitis. It took ages to figure it out but now I just get the real thing and voila no issues.


edit on 28-1-2014 by pennylemon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by pheonix358

As soon as the EU wants to ban something one should look up the health benefits.
Good idea.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 12:31 AM

So when are these barbarian laws coming Stateside?

-hordes all the cinnamon rolls and a few Cinnabon stores-

Not to worry. Congress will unite to pass bipartisan legislation to rename them Freedom Rolls so they can still eat them.

Of course, they'll hide a Congressional pay raise in the 1500 page bill.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by Cito

Are you serious? Yet another fraud I have to watch out for in my food pantry..... Fresh out myself, can't check if the one I had was real or not

Getting to the point where I have to grow everything myself to know I am not being sold replacement poison as food. My garden gets bigger every year, at what point can I claim to be a farmer and get some huge tax break or something lol.
edit on Tue, 28 Jan 2014 05:31:19 -0600 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 06:20 AM

Cinnamon is so good for you! If i get a cold/flu i mix honey & cinnamon and its gone within a day theres so many other benefits i bet you that is why they are doing it, cant have people consuming stuff that might benefit their health now can they!

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Cito

Quite - it took me some time to find some actual, factual info about this (there is a lot of hype articles from the usual sources - Daily Mail, David Icke) but it would appear this is not an "EU Ban on Cinnamon" at all, but rather a limit on the amount of Cassia Cinnamon they can use.

Here is a Danish article - which you can easily translate - with what appears to be the truth, rather than media hype. It turns out that commercial Danish roll makers switched to using Cassia instead of Cinnamon as it is cheaper and this was actually a Danish led initiative to make sure that consumers get what they expect, rather than cheaper, more toxic substitutes.

Danish Minister participated in negotiations
Politicians asked the European Commission to submit a proposal. It was presented in 2006, and the proposal was about the many different flavors - cinnamon is just one of them.
The proposed EU rules on flavoring substances should be discussed both by EU governments and the members of the European Parliament.
From the Danish side, it was the then Danish Minister Eva Kjer Hansen (V) participated in discussions in the EU Council of Ministers, and the bourgeois Danish government led by Anders Fogh Rasmussen supported that should be made EU rules governing the use of flavoring substances .

EDIT: I am sure, with more time, I could dig up the actual EU Directive, which would show this thread and the bulk of the replies are just a load of bollocks and proof people don't do any research of their own, or worse yet believe everything they read without checking....
edit on 30/1/14 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:27 PM
Americans accusing the EU of a nanny state, when your own country bans kinder surprise eggs. A harmless chocolate treat that comes with a toy.

Nevertheless, Kinder eggs remain highly popular in America, and citizens regularly attempt to smuggle samples into the country despite a potential fine of up to $2,500 per egg.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Indeed - not to mention that they are portraying this as "banning" something, when in reality it is about making sure the consumers get what they paid for, not a cheap knock off which is harmful. In fact, a good portion of EU law is designed to protect the consumer, not punish us or control us.

As I pointed out above, Danish bakers used to use Cinnamon, but over the years, the larger commercial bakers have switched to using Cassia - this is a Danish led iniative to actually preserve a traditional food and make it safe. They could have simply declared it a "traditional food" like Sweden did to their Cinnamon buns, but wanted to protect people from the harmful replacement.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 07:38 AM
Personally, I really believe that the EU is a good thing in general. The negativity about the EU seems to be mostly media spin, sponsored by local government/companies/corporations, who realise that the EU is harder for them to manipulate, so they are trying to manipulate the sheep.. I mean, people, to have a negative view of the EU, and sadly they are being somewhat successful, as the existence of this very thread attests to.

In this case the Danish themselves, brought this rule in. Its not a ban on cinnamon, as has already been pointed out, but a ban on a cheaper cinnamon substitute (cassia). To add to the confusion, this cinnamon substitute is also generally called "cinnamon", but it's not real cinnamon.

Given that I've not been able to find the copytext of the actual EU directive, I can't say for certain, but I wouldn't be suprised if its not a ban at all, just a limit on the maximum amount of cassia they can use.

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

The eggs themselves are harmless, its the enclosed toy that they are concerned about. I've not had a KE since I was a child, but I do recall that the toys came in a kit-form, you had to assemble them. Many of the parts were a serious choking hazard for children.

Perhaps this is why they are banned?

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 08:14 AM
We are SAVED!

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