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A new "Life Saving" program, solves unemployment and social security crisis

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posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:18 AM
The administration will announce a new program that will aid in solving the looming social security crisis, the unsustainable crisis of nearly half the population on welfare/unemployment/disability, and the looming 70% unemployment crisis as human jobs are phased out for automation. (Google the many predictions of the 70% due to automation by economists etc)

It will be called something like "Save The Children" or the "Life Saving" program.

It will allow the transfer of all ones government benefits in full (social security; unemployment; medicare; food stamps; disability; federal state or local government retirement; military retirement) to ones designated heir(s) (natural or adopted child(ren)) over the age of 18 for a period of seven years, while the child remains eligible to collect any benefits they are currently receiving. The person must have no dependents under the age of 18 or be caring for an elderly relative to be eligible; and must be receiving government benefits. The person must be certified to be in good health by a team of physicians and be certified to have a 90% chance of having a remaining lifespan of 7 years and be certified mentally healthy; fully competent to make the decision freely; and have an IQ above 90.

If all the conditions are met, the person can then surgically undergo the harvesting of all organs to give life to others and may designate to whom one of the organs will go. All hospital/doctor and funeral expenses will be paid by the government.

All persons who volunteer for the program will be given a free one week cruise (with $10K spending money) with their spouse, all their legal children and grandchildren and their spouses. At the end of the cruise the person will be taken by luxury bus to a hospital and given a private room for 24 hours before the procedure begins. Any person who backs out after boarding the ship will lose all their government benefits (including health insurance) for the rest of their lives to repay the expenses of the cruise and all other expenses involved once the person volunteered for the program.

This is my prediction how "the powers that be" will "humanely" further reduce the falling population quickly and with the eager and willing participation of the population. I forsee the Democratic party as enthusiastically supporting the program as a "life saving" program for organ recipients and giving "a chance" to the children who receive the benefits.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by grandmakdw

Yeah this isn't the Hunger Games. That's the most unbelievable thing, it's not going to happen.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by ScrufferMcGruffer

No this isn't the hunger games. That was inhumane and a sport.

The powerful are facing a huge crisis. Even though throughout most of the world the birth rate is below replacement rate, and the countries that are above replacement rate have a high mortality rate, and female infanticide is rampant world wide, the decline will be slow, hundreds of years. With automation taking 70% of current jobs in the near future, the powerful are facing a real possibility of revolution followed by anarchy, making things much worse. Most of the steps they can take to quickly decline the population are horrific to even consider. The powerful do not want to see themselves like Hitler. So they will look for "humane" ways to get people to "volunteer" to reduce the population quickly.

The hunger games was about control, this will be about quickly and efficiently reducing the population. Evil, yes, a real possibility of something like this happening, yes.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by grandmakdw

"This is my prediction how "the powers that be" will "humanely" further reduce the falling population quickly and with the eager and willing participation of the population. I forsee the Democratic party as enthusiastically supporting the program as a "life saving" program for organ recipients and giving "a chance" to the children who receive the benefits."

As long as the donors are republicans.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by grandmakdw

Did you read about this on Breitbart?

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:39 AM
Here's my prediction. Government takes what they want, from who they want and to heck with anyone's butt hurt.

Seriously, not seeing it. The government has no reason to compensate voluntary suicide organ donors. THey will be much more underhanded about it.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by BritofTexas

Love the LOL replies I have been getting. Mom of 3, etc.

I do see in the near future a crisis occuring when automation phases out the vast majority of jobs. It is coming very very quickly.

We will either have to restructure society entirely, which the powerful will not allow, or face massive social unrest on a scale never seen before.

I really don't have a solution. I do think humans will be going extinct within 500 years because of it. The remaining humans will be lazy beyond belief and the by then self aware technology will not put up with them or let them die out through pampering and disengagement with other humans.

However, in the short term the powerful do realize what is happening. They will want to save themselves and their families because they think they and their children are the best and brightest and the only ones worthy to survive. They also see themselves as benevolent to the masses. So they will come up with a "benevolent" solution rather than risk a virus that could kill them, or engineered weather that would also affect them.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 11:13 AM

reply to post by BritofTexas

However, in the short term the powerful do realize what is happening. They will want to save themselves and their families because they think they and their children are the best and brightest and the only ones worthy to survive. They also see themselves as benevolent to the masses. So they will come up with a "benevolent" solution rather than risk a virus that could kill them, or engineered weather that would also affect them.

Don't be so sure. "They" only have an attention span of three months. The bottom line of a quarterly profit and loss account.

Granted, they are starting to get worried that the populace is waking up to their Trickle Down snake oil. But that just means they will try and throw us all a bone, NOT harvest organs in return for a trip in a floating casino.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by BritofTexas

"They" will see this as throwing a bone and will couch something like this (granted my speculation/prediction is pretty wild) in terms of helping people and helping the poor and it will also be couched with some personal greed to motivate people to get others to engage in the activity.

"They" are already hard at work. Note all the new pop magazine articles on the joys of childlessness (I have seen a regular and steady influx of such propaganda). The myth of overpopulation when the current global population is actually in decline to increase the desire for people to have one or no children to help the overpopulation problem. The portrayal of the "gay" lifestyle as not only desirable but also the most sophisticated and uber"in crowd" lifestyle to be imitated. Note: the grammy's with the upcoming mass gay weddings live on TV. (note: I am not anti-gay; but see the media engaging in massive propaganda showing the lifestyle as a preferable style for the wannabe rich and famous)

However, all of this is not going to decline the population fast enough to forestall massive social upheaval and unrest.

Like the industrial revolution which brought about democracy; the radical societal change of the quickly arriving artificial intelligence and the already present robotics will lead to another social upheaval when 70% of the population is unemployed and poor with no hope. To what type of society? I do not know.

If a lowly little societal peon such as me can see this coming, I know "they" see it coming.

The progressive mindset prevalent in the current ruling class will want to come up with a "humane" way of dealing with the looming crisis and will probably come up with some sort of voluntary suicide program couched in such positive and self-sacrificial terms that it will be appealing to the masses.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 11:38 AM
a new, clever approach to blaming democrats for the end...imaginations are working overtime...I guess the OP couldn't get Obama's name into this one. but, keep trying.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 11:47 AM

a new, clever approach to blaming democrats for the end...imaginations are working overtime...I guess the OP couldn't get Obama's name into this one. but, keep trying.

You obviously didn't read all my posts. Try again.

Actually, I see this as a progressive movement. There are plenty of progressive republicans, McCain, Christy, etc. Progressives see themselves as humane and trying to make the world a better place. A program like this would make a world with 70% unemployment and massive poverty a "better place" if your idea of a "better place" is a world where everyone is middle class (a progressive ideal).

Obama will be long gone by the time something like this goes into place to reduce the population quickly. True, my jab at Dems was probably unwarranted. However, I do see something "humane" coming world wide to reduce the population for the reasons outlined in my previous posts.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by grandmakdw

I have read and given this some thought. Yes, I am a democrat, but have voted for republicans and independents. I voted for both Bush's. But I have been voting since Nixon, so I have a long voting record.

I agree that the job outlook is going to get worse, except for low wage ones. If I were younger, I would start my own business. Bill Gates said the only hope for a good job is education, and he said that for america. No fan but I believe him. So people in their 40's, 50's, and over are screwed. I think it will be better for the young, educated. We boomers are dying or retiring. There are less babies. I am convinced that is an economic choice by women who have witnessed the hardships of a family since the 90's. Maybe there is a conspiracy to bring the economy down.

Sure, the powerful will be fine for a while. Haven't you ever noticed how their eyes get all bug eyed every time the market loses points? Stark Fear.

As far as how long the human race will survive, do you remember Mt. St. Helens going off? Imagine Yellowstone going off.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by grandmakdw

Oddly specific prediction, but IMO just as unlikely as all the other predictions in this forum.

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