posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:18 AM
The administration will announce a new program that will aid in solving the looming social security crisis, the unsustainable crisis of nearly half
the population on welfare/unemployment/disability, and the looming 70% unemployment crisis as human jobs are phased out for automation. (Google the
many predictions of the 70% due to automation by economists etc)
It will be called something like "Save The Children" or the "Life Saving" program.
It will allow the transfer of all ones government benefits in full (social security; unemployment; medicare; food stamps; disability; federal state or
local government retirement; military retirement) to ones designated heir(s) (natural or adopted child(ren)) over the age of 18 for a period of
seven years, while the child remains eligible to collect any benefits they are currently receiving. The person must have no dependents under the age
of 18 or be caring for an elderly relative to be eligible; and must be receiving government benefits. The person must be certified to be in good
health by a team of physicians and be certified to have a 90% chance of having a remaining lifespan of 7 years and be certified mentally healthy;
fully competent to make the decision freely; and have an IQ above 90.
If all the conditions are met, the person can then surgically undergo the harvesting of all organs to give life to others and may designate to whom
one of the organs will go. All hospital/doctor and funeral expenses will be paid by the government.
All persons who volunteer for the program will be given a free one week cruise (with $10K spending money) with their spouse, all their legal children
and grandchildren and their spouses. At the end of the cruise the person will be taken by luxury bus to a hospital and given a private room for 24
hours before the procedure begins. Any person who backs out after boarding the ship will lose all their government benefits (including health
insurance) for the rest of their lives to repay the expenses of the cruise and all other expenses involved once the person volunteered for the
This is my prediction how "the powers that be" will "humanely" further reduce the falling population quickly and with the eager and willing
participation of the population. I forsee the Democratic party as enthusiastically supporting the program as a "life saving" program for organ
recipients and giving "a chance" to the children who receive the benefits.