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do creatures such as gnomes and elves really exist?

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posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 07:50 PM
Gnomes and the like are all called Nature People, and they do exist. As a child I would often see them running through the house. When they noticed me noticing them, they would stop and stand still, waving and smiling at me. I found that I could only see them peripherally; when I looked directly at where they were, they were gone. I would spend several minutes moving my head and eyes slowly about, trying to determine the best viewing angle. All the while, they would stay in place, patiently waiting for me to tire, as I inevitably did. The frustration of not being able to look right at them and clearly see their tantalizing details is fresh to this day.

Similarly, as an adult, I recall having a dream in which I was with my mother in her backyard. I was speaking with several elves before me, while she, her back to me on my right, was chatting with a swarm (a flock?) of blue fairies in the branches of a tree. They glowed with a vibrant blue light, emanating from their cores. The next morning, I spoke with her. Without preamble, I asked, "Weren't the blue fairies fascinating?" "Oh, yes!" she quickly responded, "I couldn't get over the beautiful light they gave off. But, wait a minute. I thought that was a dream. Were you there?" "Yes," I said, "I was standing right behind you talking to the elves." To this she replied, "There were elves there? I was so caught up with the fairies that I didn't even notice them. Or you!"

This rare example of a dream-time experience corroborated, with matching details, has, for me, strengthened my faith in the accuracy of my childhood memories. What little I could find in the way of researchable materials tell me that Nature People live in what is called the Aetheric Plane. My understanding is that the human aura is an aetheric energy, and that people who can see them can also see and communicate with Nature People.

In closing, I'd like to point out that it seems that every fantastic being found in lore actually exists: gnomes, brownies, elves, fairies, mer-people, unicorns, dragons, ogres, trolls.... Apparently, when we tune into their plane of existence, much like a radio tunes in a particular station, we can and do see them. We live among them, blithely unaware.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 08:04 PM
I want to find a leprachaun and steel his pot of gold. Never seem to manage to get the the end of the rainbow though

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by sweet_182_4_life

At least people of Ireland believe there is some truth to this folk lore and that Gnomes and elves do really exist.
Subsequent graves of very small human like creatures have been found, but no one likes to talk about such stuff usually,might end up and butt of peoples joke.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 01:12 AM
They do exist. Whether on this plane and just smart and shy and prefer to remain unobserved or on another that they can pass through to ours i don't know but I have seen odd things that I can't explain I have seen ghosts I have seen orbs and I have seen my cats chasing things I can't see and being attacked by small (invisible to my eyes) beings - for lack of a better word- much like the brownies from willow if anyone here has seen the movie only i could not see them but saw the effects that were happening to my cats. Also an easter egg went missing and turned up somewhere months and months later in a place that wasn't there at easter when the eggs were hidden. my children have seen things, my daughter at three years old went running to the front door one night wanting to play with the little girl and boy trees. I had never spoken to her of fairies or dryads or anything. Do I believe? definitely! Can I prove it no but then I don't need to either.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:12 PM

I don't know about elves...but gnomes...kinda...

the thing i really beleive in are goblins, i live near the edge of the city so behind my house is a river and a forest. I've seen things in the woods that i cant really explain.

Well they're abbout 4 feet tall...well the best way to describe them is golem off of the lord of the rings, but they're eyes aren't as big and they have brown skin that is shiny but it looks more scaly then wet.

I see them all around my side of town late at night. They are fast runners and can jump considerable distances.

Ya this stuff is amazing kind of, I'm really curious about these things and

I believe allot of ppls stories abotuthese things and I've been researching greek and scandinavian folklore to a degree and I believe allot of these types of things exist on some level of reality, some level of reality because no one has really shot too many pictures of them, you would think they have with the amount of cell phone cameras and technology
I haven't seen a nome or an elf but Ive been in wooded areas and have been a little frightened for some reason ,
I heard about 65% of people in iceland do believe that nomes exist under these caves formed by volcanic activity
I think if its the right time and place you can see something
thats guys story is amazing about seeing that stuff outside of the city because Ive heard things like that before in other situations, like I've heard people I know talk about ereally strange things,
I think they're something that sort of is trans dimensional
because they are almost always pretty elusive

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:14 PM
just found this website and joined, today , ya whered this website come from?


I don't know about elves...but gnomes...kinda...

the thing i really beleive in are goblins, i live near the edge of the city so behind my house is a river and a forest. I've seen things in the woods that i cant really explain.

Well they're abbout 4 feet tall...well the best way to describe them is golem off of the lord of the rings, but they're eyes aren't as big and they have brown skin that is shiny but it looks more scaly then wet.

I see them all around my side of town late at night. They are fast runners and can jump considerable distances.

Ya this stuff is amazing kind of, I'm really curious about these things and

I believe allot of ppls stories abotuthese things and I've been researching greek and scandinavian folklore to a degree and I believe allot of these types of things exist on some level of reality, some level of reality because no one has really shot too many pictures of them, you would think they have with the amount of cell phone cameras and technology
I haven't seen a nome or an elf but Ive been in wooded areas and have been a little frightened for some reason ,
I heard about 65% of people in iceland do believe that nomes exist under these caves formed by volcanic activity
I think if its the right time and place you can see something
thats guys story is amazing about seeing that stuff outside of the city because Ive heard things like that before in other situations, like I've heard people I know talk about ereally strange things,
I think they're something that sort of is trans dimensional
because they are almost always pretty elusive

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:21 PM
sorry for posting so much but this is interesting and apparantly people aren't on this page that much but I looked at lola322 reply and she (I guess) is right , if something like that has happened to you or if you've experienced it your self you don't have to prove it
but you have to have something that has happened that gives you proof
in some way

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 02:41 AM
well of course they do!! lol why else are all my underpants missing and why else would my remote keep getting replaced?
but seriously it is very possible with that "hobbit" skeloton they found

heres a story from

It occurred in the year 1989 in Crockett, California. Just like most homes in the town, we lived in a very old house, over 80 years old. I was 11 years old in 1989. My older sister frequently had stories of scary paranormal incidents in the house, but I honestly never believed her.

So one night in 1989, I was trying to go to sleep in my room. I was having trouble falling asleep. I really didn't feel tired at all. I was semi-unconsciously tapping a rhythmic beat on the side of my metal bed frame. All of a sudden it dawned on me that I could hear the same beat in the wall on the opposite side of the bed. Not thinking anything weird yet, I stopped my tapping and the same rhythmic tapping continued from the wall. I still wasn't scared. Honestly, the tapping incident all happened so fast, I didn't have time to process it. It is what happened next that terrified me.

As soon as I realized the tapping was continuing in the wall and it wasn't from me, I turned my head and inadvertently was faced toward my deep walk-in closet. In the back of the closet was a small man-like creature. He had beady black eyes and a beard. He was probably two feet tall. I didn't stick around to take a closer look. I ran as fast as I could screaming from my room. I was never a kid who had nightmares or needed to sleep with my mommy. It wasn't like I was a little kid anymore; I was 11 years old when this happened.

I have honestly never been so terrified in my life. That man was there! I saw him. After calming me down, my mom went into my bedroom, checked out the closet, said nothing was there, and closed and locked the door. My mom convinced me that I saw an illusion and that was the end of it.

About 4 years later, I was writing an essay about the experience for my high school English class. As we were driving in the car, I reminded my mother of that night in 1989. My mom just looked over at me and told me that she had seen the man too. She saw what I saw. She said she just couldn't believe that it was true and thought it had to be something else, so she just closed and locked the door. It was a relief to know that I wasn't crazy that night, because I knew I wasn't half asleep or just seeing things. But then again, I had tried to convince myself that I had been wrong about the man. It was quite scary all over again to realize that in the bedroom that I still slept in every night had once upon a time had a paranormal creature watching me and trying to communicate with me.

As an adult I started reading a book about demonic possession. On page 8 of the book it discussed how demons frequently engage children in communicating with them through knocking on walls. I literally threw the book and never picked it up again. I'm not a big paranormal buff. Was there a demon in my closet? Gnome? Elf? Just an illusion? I don't know, but that's my story.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 02:45 AM
also you will find alot of stories about gnome like creatures around the world the indians have the apple throwing "yobongo", the scandinavian have gnomes, many other european areas have fairies, or sprites, i think the greeks had fables about little people as well

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:37 PM
I remember reading a while back that belief in elves and fairies or huldufólk is still quite widespread in Iceland. Various polls have suggested that the majority of Icelanders are at the very least undecided on the issue.
Here's a link about it:

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:42 PM
I read two days ago that in south of France, elves were real but they weren't fantasy characters.. they were nobles people, or people affiliate with nobles.
In one of the old south of France dialect it means "higher"...

I try to find back the link !

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 03:03 AM
My mother, growing up in the mountains of PA, told me something interesting not too long ago when I started researching such things. When she'd be trying to fall asleep with her window open, she swears she heard voices outside of her window. Sort of coming from the woods no more than 25 yards from her house. Anything from laughing to strait up conversation but never could make out what they said. Also something of interest, lots of books I've come across speak of faeries, nymphs, and elves coming from this area of legend along with gnomes, dwarfs, and leprechauns. I've also heard them called nature spirits.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 03:01 PM
If they're not real, then who keeps stealing just one of my socks from the dryer?

Please don't suggest it's my dog; she doesn't have thumbs.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 08:04 PM
As a Christain, I have some "strange" beliefs when it comes to such discussions, but I truthfully believe, all of these creatures of Fairie Lore did infact inhabit this earth, whether overtly or discretely. I also believe they are no longer here today.

You see, I just can not dismiss lore and legend of one people while accepting lore and legend from other peoples.

Nor can I just dismiss the similiarities in various distinct creatures as described by varying Lore and Legends as coinicidence.

I will say, I feel the same in respects to what the Bible offers as Noah's Flood. The Tale is a Global one with various stories all expressing the exact same thing.

Names and places change, but the "structure" is the same.

Likewise with Elves, and Dwarfs, and such. They are described in Legends and Lore around the world, with minor differences, but based upon the similiar structural form.

I do believe, many of these "Entities", if I may generalize them as such, may have some sorid origins, while some may even have been created "In the Begining" by GOD.

But I believe they are no longer free to do as the once did on this planet, much as the Nephilium and lessor gods and deities, (refered to as the Pantheon of the gods, or as I prefer to call them, the Fallen).

Whether, as some have speculated, they are the Sons of GOD, in the case of the Elves, is another matter. Not something I would consider, but it could be plausable. The Tall Blondes who preceeded the Egyptians in Lower Egypt may well fit the Elvish Mold. Who is to say? I guess the Elves and GOD in this case.

This is just my perspective and opinion. My own speculation on a subject, I truthfully believe is un-answerable at this time.



posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 05:58 AM
well ive been thinking lately more and more about an experience i had when i was very young, about 9 years old. it couldve been my imagination, but i felt and feel so strongly that what i saw was real. i can remember it perfectly. me, a friend, and my parents drove out to a rural area outside of the city i grew up in fora day trip. we stopped at a garage sale and i even remember that i bought a pair of red leather boots for $4. on the way home, driving down one of the country roads, i looked out the car window upon a house that was sitting at the bottom of the hill the road we were driving on was on. in the front yard, there were about 4 small elf/gnome like creatures. at first glance, they would appear and be dismissed as plastic garden gnomes, but to this day, i swear up and down that i saw one of them walking toward the others. it was as plain as day, i know what i saw and i know what i remember. i dont believe it was my imagination.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 11:07 PM
I don't believe these creatures exist.

They are likely just from stories, to entertain people.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 02:20 PM
I dont know if they do exist or not... but... My mum and I used to walk our dogs for hours in some very remote places in Somerset England, we would go deep into woods well off any paths etc following streams and deer tracks etc...

One day we were deep in a wood that had no paths leading into it at all and no houses close by just fields surrounding it, we followed a stream and after about 20 mins of walking we came across a small round stone building, it was about 2 ft in diameter and about 18 inches high, it had a conical slate roof pointed at the top and a small opening about 10 inches by 6 inches at the 'front' we squatted down and looked inside and inside was a heap of feathers and a small candle stub.

Mum and I both backed off immediately quite shocked and got away from the little building as fast as our legs could carry us! After going home and talking about it we decided to take a camera and go back the next day. The next day we returned and followed the stream as before right out to the other side of the woods... No little 'house'
we went back regularly for YEARS and never ever saw the little 'house' again... I have no idea what we saw but I do know that there was no trace of it the next day and it was a well built little house.

So I've never been really sure what to make of it, Mum (we are originally from Cornwall) is convinced it was a gnome or pixie house that we stumbled on.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 02:25 PM
There have been skeleton discoveries of gnomes but i am not sure about elves though there have been discoveries of centaurs which is quite interesting. Perhaps elves live on the same level as the fae above our own.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by greentree89
There have been skeleton discoveries of gnomes but i am not sure about elves though there have been discoveries of centaurs which is quite interesting.
any actual evidence for these discoveries?

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:54 AM
I am brand new here but I feel Ive got to put in my two cents on this topic. I have come to believe in the exisitance of several so called mythical creatures. Sadly for me personally this is a real streach. Now there may have been really small people a very long time ago and somewhere remians of those people could probally be found but I do not see how now in these times they could exisit and no one even know about it.

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