posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 09:17 PM
These comments were left by people whose primary language is obviously not English. I'm not mocking them. I admire their grasp, shaky as it may be,
of the language.
On a video about ghosts:
Some peoples dont believe or dont now that real ghost can be real paranormal\supenatural. Do you beleive in paranormal? Some people dont beleive
in paranormal, or just anything.
On a video about controlling hypertension:
My blood pressure is 130\82 in Cuba
Funny...this was on a video about Hawaii:
I am sex with the naked !!
Video about the history of Santa:
sana claws for americans who want beleeve in man in skies forever
Alien abduction video:
when those alien visiting certain place especially kidnap people..they have procedure.\ First procedure..turn on EMP so people can't record the
event 2nd. Make sure no human around seeing their activity(remember..they can feel human being in distance).\ 3rd. Do it with silent
and quick..
This person really took offense when it was suggested that octopi were a type of fish:
Idiot! Octopus not fish but some other kind animal. Idiot! They r other animal. They r not fish Idiot!