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Time to flip the script on TPTB... and how to do it

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posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 06:34 PM
I think we can all agree that things here on our lovely little planet just aren't so darn lovely at the moment. TPTB has done a pretty damned respectable job keeping us all jammed up, divided and distracted while they are off celebrating their respective wealth. Here in the U.S., our founding fathers warned us not to get involved with the world's shenanigans... and even crafted a document intended to keep us out of that whole mix. We ignored them. Here we are.

Now, for those of you that may say that our Constitution is a dated document that no longer should apply... you are probably listening to the MSM tell you that. TPTB would love nothing more than to re-write that document in their own image... I think we need the sensibility of that document today, more than ever!

So, Mr. Genius-man, how do you propose to do that. Simple. Flip the script.

How do they control us? Manipulate us? Get us to keep voting for them?

Love and fear.

(I will use this only as an example... not for debate)What compels parents to get their kids vaccinated? Love and fear. They love their children and fear that, if they get ill, they may die. It is human nature. They use our love for other against us, by instilling fear to ensure compliance. The MSM then rams it down our throats... it is conditioning. It is control.

How many people love to be entertained by their televisions, and fear what would happen if the cable went out?

How many of us love our communities, but fear our government?

It's time to get TPTB to start fearing us, lest they lose what they love... money, power, ego, whatever it is that drives them...

In this country, that begins by de-constructing this monstrosity of a Federal Government and sending power back to the States... where it had intended to be all along. This country was founded on the the States as their own, independent Republics joined in a Union for the common good of all.

Now, we are 50 States that just seem to be stuck together under the rule of new, less royal tyrants...

So, how does reclaiming States Rights do any good?

I will use the EPA, as an example.

This is not a power enumerated to the Feds, so it returns to the States. If an individual State desires to keep their environment clean (and they will...), they will take care of any problems locally, in their own backyards and working with their own neighbors. Disputes between the States would be mediated at a Federal level and no more.
For this example, the States need only ban the EPA and its agents within their borders... then enforce it with your local Sheriff's. Moreover, if you do have an idiot dumping chemicals, it will probably get much more scrutiny as you and your State environmental folks drink the same water.

Now, you anti-gun folks are gonna hate to hear this... the ONLY way this works is an armed citizenry. The framers knew this, and the media wants us to forget that.

The States know best how they want their citizenry educated, employed, etc. because those are local issues. If you don't like the politics and laws of your State, you can always move. Want to live in a "Nanny State"? Move to New York. Maybe personal freedoms are more your thing... move to Arizona. Looking for a welfare check? Check out California. Hate guns? Move to Illinois!

The ultimate equalizer. Decentralization makes TPTB irrelevant. We now send them to Washington only in our interests. If they feel a need to start killing folks in far off lands, they can COME HOME to their States and sell it to us in person... explain to our faces why more of our kids need to die; and lay out the corporate sponsors as well... we'll let ya know what we think... You want to send how much of our money where? Probably less likely to happen...

Many states have already begun this process (Oklahoma jumps very quickly to mind); many more need to really get involved. It begins locally. Let your State delegates now know that their employment may be ending very soon if they don't take their constituents seriously.

It is a process that will have to be incremental (that is how they got us... a little at a time). The States need just outlaw one federal instrument at a time... and the harder the Feds push back, the more we make them fear us. There aren't all that many of THEM after all, being elite and such does come with a horrible numbers disadvantage...

This absolutely can happen, and in the information age is still a possibility. It just takes getting folks to start calling their local representation, and letting them know just how pissed off and fed up we really are...

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 08:37 PM
It's to late to stop voting but its to early to start shooting. They've got us where they want us.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 08:44 PM
Why do these types of threads only include the US when talking about TBTB, NWO etc?

If there is some nefarious plan by shadow governments going on, it's global otherwise the term new WORLD order is the dumbest title ever given.

Just like American media, even conspiracies are US centric.

So small minded.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 08:47 PM
Great post for awareness, thank you for sharing.
It does appear "impossible" to reverse the situation but there are just so many unknown variables it is good to have a little faith that something could be happening and we just are not ware it is right in front of us.
Like this post for example, it is doing something to create critical mass of awareness.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 08:48 PM

Why do these types of threads only include the US when talking about TBTB, NWO etc?

If there is some nefarious plan by shadow governments going on, it's global otherwise the term new WORLD order is the dumbest title ever given.

Just like American media, even conspiracies are US centric.

So small minded.

See the symbol past the illusion. Nations are created by "TBTB". They are loyal to their own greed nothing more.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by madmac5150

While your OP is well written, you come across as someone from 1860 Virginia. Our economy is now global, and 50 separate republics joined together simply cannot keep up. You simplify things to much.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 09:01 PM

Why do these types of threads only include the US when talking about TBTB, NWO etc?

If there is some nefarious plan by shadow governments going on, it's global otherwise the term new WORLD order is the dumbest title ever given.

Just like American media, even conspiracies are US centric.

So small minded.

ALL politics is local, be it the U.S., the U.K. etc... I just write what I know. Would you like me to "pull a Piers"?... ie. show up in your house to let you know what is wrong with it?

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 09:03 PM
I have seen a common thread here, The Federal Government is Bad, does not care for it's citizens, is in league with big business, and is corrupt; and the State and local governments are Good and protect it's citizens rights.

Please take the rose colored glasses off and read your history. Which State governments in the south championed integration instead of preventing it? Where was New York state when the Love Canal was happening? Why did not Pennsylvania prevent the massive corruption in the PA Department of Transportation, that left us with some of the worst roads for years. We here in Pennsylvania have had many scandals of local government.

State and Local Politicians are just as much out for their own interests, and want to impose their will on others, just like their big brothers in Washington.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 09:06 PM

reply to post by madmac5150

While your OP is well written, you come across as someone from 1860 Virginia. Our economy is now global, and 50 separate republics joined together simply cannot keep up. You simplify things to much.

I think the 50 States would fair just fine... give the people of this country a little credit; when it comes time to "pony up", we always do... besides, with ecommerce and these wonderful interwebz, we have a fine asset to use that they didn't. The only reason the States don't handle those things for themselves is because the Feds make too much money in the deal. Start closing their wallets...

The Constitution is not a simple document. It is an elegant document; ie. The beauty of an idea characterized by minimalism and intuitiveness while preserving exactness and precision...
edit on 25-1-2014 by madmac5150 because: Big words make me yawn

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 09:08 PM

I have seen a common thread here, The Federal Government is Bad, does not care for it's citizens, is in league with big business, and is corrupt; and the State and local governments are Good and protect it's citizens rights.

Please take the rose colored glasses off and read your history. Which State governments in the south championed integration instead of preventing it? Where was New York state when the Love Canal was happening? Why did not Pennsylvania prevent the massive corruption in the PA Department of Transportation, that left us with some of the worst roads for years. We here in Pennsylvania have had many scandals of local government.

State and Local Politicians are just as much out for their own interests, and want to impose their will on others, just like their big brothers in Washington.

...and the Federal courts allowed the guilty parties to line their pockets, and walk away from it...

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by madmac5150

I don't believe the gradual and unlikely erodent of federal powers with a guaranteed lobbyist position on the horizon is anything to fear.

I do believe being hung from a rope in city center while your family watches is something to fear.

If someone stole 50% of my paycheck from my wallet or hacked my phone to listen to my daughters conversation, I would have no problem ending their life. I fail to understand how an extrapolation of several degrees and a positive news cycle changes the 'home of the brave' into complacent 'love and fear 10 year planners'.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by slunteri

First, you can't cut them all off at once. Too much of a shock to the system. I do suggest we start with the most corrupt; the NSA, the BATF, the IRS and the EPA. Intelligence gathering belongs to the military. The BATF does not need to exist at all... it became irrelevant when Prohibition ended. The government can bill the states, based on population and what they need. Locals are more than capable of taking care of their own backyards.

If they do show up on a State's border that has deemed them nullified, THEN you show the true power of the 2nd Amendment when you meet them in force. You think TPTB want to witness a bloodbath like that in today's day and age? Probably not. State Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies should be all it takes...

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 08:28 PM
I have one other idea we can throw into this mix... To promote a little more fiscal responsibility, I propose an amendment that would tighten the purse strings significantly. For any spending bill outside of the standard budget (ie. foreign aid to countries that hate us, F-16s to Egypt... the fun stuff like that) the districts of Senators voting YES will be taxed directly. Districts of Senators voting NO will not be taxed.

Several things could happen here, but I bet the most significant will be people getting involved with their representatives on a much more local level. Want to see a senator's phone bank blown to bits? Propose some more spending...

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 02:42 PM

I have one other idea we can throw into this mix... To promote a little more fiscal responsibility, I propose an amendment that would tighten the purse strings significantly. For any spending bill outside of the standard budget (ie. foreign aid to countries that hate us, F-16s to Egypt... the fun stuff like that) the districts of Senators voting YES will be taxed directly. Districts of Senators voting NO will not be taxed.

Several things could happen here, but I bet the most significant will be people getting involved with their representatives on a much more local level. Want to see a senator's phone bank blown to bits? Propose some more spending...

This! This is GENIUS!!!

And all governmental pensions of persons above a certain pay grade should be nullified; no more Congresscritters getting lifetime full blown pensions and health care after serving one term while they voted to cut the rest of us off at the knees with more debt than an indentured servant used to have to pay off.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 10:46 PM

Out of the Box was fortunate to get the OP of this thread to be a guest for an interview on the episode airing Monday, February 17th. Thanks, madmac5150 for providing your insights on "How to do it".

You can visit the ATS Live Forum on the above date to find the thread for Season 2, Episode 6, in which madmac5150 shares his insights on what could possibly a feasible solution to combating TPTB.

posted on Feb, 15 2014 @ 11:53 PM
For the US: reinstate the Glass Steagall Act, quit outsourcing jobs, end the fed reserve, eliminate the fed income tax, end the corrupt Alphabet gov agencies (IRS, NSA, EPA, Etc), get the media to do their f*cking jobs, cut gov pensions.

For Canada: Reform the senate (Make them elected not appointed), get out of the british commonwealth (We're big boys now we dont need mommy and daddy telling us how to handle our policies), legalize pot nation wide.


posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 11:05 PM
Just finished listening to the show.


to OP for articulating his stance so well.

I agree decentralization is the key to the future, and giving the state back their power from the fed gov is a good approach.

Personally am taking this same outlook in a different sector, with the same high hopes.

Congrats on a successful thread and show!

S + F

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 11:35 PM

Just finished listening to the show.


to OP for articulating his stance so well.

I agree decentralization is the key to the future, and giving the state back their power from the fed gov is a good approach.

Personally am taking this same outlook in a different sector, with the same high hopes.

Congrats on a successful thread and show!

S + F

Thanks so much

Personally, I have always had a difficult time listening to myself on the radio... I thought I sounded like a goob

I had a blast, though, and will be on next week's show as well... might even stick around for awhile

edit on 18-2-2014 by madmac5150 because: My cat made me

posted on Feb, 18 2014 @ 12:22 AM
..they've got us where they want us, that's true enough (starred)
but we don't ever want to LET them drive us to the point where we want to "start shooting"

they "own" everything
or they think they do..
there's not much you can do anymore
can't go bush and build a log cabin
can't even fish w/out a license these days
and why would you want to?
with all the toxic materials in the water

so let them have the whole ruined world if they want it
and let them point guns at us just because we exist and oppose their plans
let them have it all

everything was black before i was born and if everything is just black when i'm dead at least i wouldn't have screwed up the only worthwhile thing there was in all the blackness - life!

..they don't seem to "get" that

posted on Feb, 18 2014 @ 02:17 AM

I'd forgotten how accurate this song was. I didn't really appreciate what it was all about before, but now it's terribly clear.

"It Was an Inside Job" by Don Henley

While you were sleeping They came and took it all away
The lanes and the meadows The places where you used to play
It was an inside job
By the well-connected
Your little protest
Summarily rejected
It was an inside job
Like it always is
Chalk it up to business as usual

While we are dreaming
This little island disappears
While you are looking the other way
They'll take your right to own your own ideas

And it's an inside job
Favors collected
Your trusted servants
Have left you unprotected

It was an inside job
Like it always is
Just chalk it up To business as usual
You think that you're so smart
But you don't have a clue
What those men up in the towers
Are doing to me and you

And they'll keep doin' it and doin' it
And doin' it and doin' it And doin' it
and doin' it And doin' it and doin' it
Until we all wake up
Wake up, wake up, wake up,
wake up ...

I know what I've done wrong
I am acquainted with the night
I know how hard it is
To always walk out in the light

And it's an inside job
To learn about forgiving
It's an inside job
To hang on to the joy of living
They know the road by which you came
They know your mother's maiden name
And what you had for breakfast
And what you've hidden in the mattress
Insect politics Indifferent universe
Bang your head against the wall But apathy is worse
It's an inside job It's an inside job It's an inside job

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