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Ok, this is weird ! ...What is this paper in my pocket ?!

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posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 03:57 PM
As if it isn't odd enough that someone actually wrote something down - on a piece of PAPER...I mean really, how weird can this get?

Hopefully it isn't laced with something - unless you are up for that sort of thing.

I'd hand it off as quickly as possible into some other poor sap's unsuspecting jacket pocket.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 04:04 PM

reply to post by CosmicDude

The message says:

CosmicDude -

"The fate of the world lies in your hands now!
Request an audience with the pontiff in Isreal.
Tell his holiness that you are the DEFENDER!
Take the information he gives you and spread the news
for three days and nights. You must not fail!
So it is written, so it shall be done."

Ummm, you can't drop a bomb like this and suddenly disappear from the chat... How did you determine this? Do you speak the language? Did you recognize it? Did you use some translator? This went from a weird note left in CosmicDudes pocket to something so much more bizarre... And to see others confirming this passage makes it that much creepier...

CosmicDude- I do not know what to make of this. Was the note found in pants you recently wore or were they put away for a while and you just noticed??

S&F for being intrigued and confused and scared and curious and scared and scared and what the hell? and Justin Bieber got a DUI.....

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 04:44 PM

reply to post by CosmicDude

The message says:

CosmicDude -

"The fate of the world lies in your hands now!
Request an audience with the pontiff in Isreal.
Tell his holiness that you are the DEFENDER!
Take the information he gives you and spread the news
for three days and nights. You must not fail!
So it is written, so it shall be done."

This can only mean an Hindu saw ginger cow got some rage and tried to troll someone in the Iberian peninsula, after all the inquisition was stronger there.

If not, good luck CosmicDude you are our only hope

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

Hahahahhaaaa That last paragraph made me laugh so much. Thanks for cheering me up

But in regards to the note, I'm pretty freaked out and wary to what I'm about to write. It has pretty much stuck with me for 11 years. I had this friend who had a pretty nasty accident on a construction site in which he fell from scaffolding and ended up in a coma for 7 months. Prior to knowing anything about the coma, he once said to me about the accident and that he got up and walked away from it. It wasn't until I spoke to his brother when I learned what really happened.

Anyway, from the day he recovered he was able to look at people and tell them things that they once thought was secret. Either to a close friend or kept their secrets to themselves. He became quite a phenomenon were I lived but he quickly became a recluse as he was sick and tired of being tortured by people wanting to know their futures. I was one of a very select few that he wanted to keep in contact with.

A few months after 9/11 my friend got pretty hammered on beer and was babbling some nonsense when I called to his home. He looked at me in a weird way as if he discovered I was someone to fear. He dragged me into the hallway and asked me to follow him into the living room. He stood there and said these precise words to me:

"You have it to. What you have only a select few will possess. But, there will come a time in which what you have will be shown to the world. Then and only then, those who mocked you, who used to push you around at school, who feel they can walk over you just for the hell of it will come to know who you are. They will ALL know. You are a defender. One that will fight and fall on the biggest stage of them all."

So, now you know why I have the heckles after reading this. All this time I've always believed they were just a rambling from a very drunk man. Now, now I'm not so sure.
edit on 25-1-2014 by Xcellante because: Add a final note at the end.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 05:30 PM
Maybe the OP is now trembling in a closet somewhere, since he knows the translation was true, or, he is now trying to get that audience with the Pontiff.

This thread is beginning to take some interesting turns, with some bizarre past experiences added to it. Wonder where we will end up when all is said and done.

I am curious how long the coat sat before discovering this note. Or , where the note could have possibly been dropped on him. Would be a weird prank for friends to play on someone.

Can't even imagine what I would do in this situation. Probably just ponder on it for awhile, or always wonder about it. I doubt I would Do anything though. How about you folks?

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 05:34 PM

reply to post by CosmicDude

The message says:

CosmicDude -

"The fate of the world lies in your hands now!
Request an audience with the pontiff in Isreal.
Tell his holiness that you are the DEFENDER!
Take the information he gives you and spread the news
for three days and nights. You must not fail!
So it is written, so it shall be done."

I'm not so sure. A couple of the characters are repeated in the note but this doesn't translate in the above.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by CosmicDude

It may have shown up very recently, as the word pontiff is also used for the Pope, and he announced on the 5th of this month a planned visit to Israel in late May, which does not happen too terribly often.

A Defender is a secret oath bound catholic society:
edit on 25-1-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 05:52 PM
Are we 100% sure that we're not looking at the Contra code?

UP, UP, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A?????

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

This went from a weird note left in CosmicDudes pocket to something so much more bizarre... And to see others confirming this passage makes it that much creepier...

They were obviously playing along with the joke... christ some people in this thread are unbelievably naive.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Ok, since I'm naive, would you care to tell us all what it says?

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

I don't know what is says, but I do know it doesn't say:

"CosmicDude - The fate of the world lies in your hands now! Blah blah blah..."

It doesn't take a genius to work out that was a joke, I just cannot believe how many people didn't get the joke.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Ok, so you have no clue and are just making assumptions... Thanks for chiming in with your ultimate knowledge of debunkery, but offer nothing else... So are you saying on page 1 TdawgRex was joking/lying about when he put that into the google translator?

So, if the guy wrote that the paper said a arabic prayer or maybe a grocery list would that be more believable? I just don't get why people are so quick to eliminate the possibility of it being true. Did you speak to the guy who wrote that? Do you know for a fact he was joking? Not saying he was or wasn't, but jumping to the conclusion he was, just because it seems "so far out there" doesn't sit well with me... I also know of people on this site who believe Jesus Christ walked on water, and a bunch of other crazy things from the Bible. Should we write that all off too?
edit on 25-1-2014 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-1-2014 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 07:15 PM

reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Ok, so you have no clue and are just making assumptions... Thanks for chiming in with your ultimate knowledge of debunkery, but offer nothing else...

She has a legitimate point. We have one person who "translated" this not and another who "corroborated" what it said, but both offered no other explanation whatsoever. What script is it written in? What language is it written in? HOW, precisely, do these two people know what it says? WHY should we trust them? How did they come to know the language? At least the first person had to make something up. The second person could be any one of us. Look how easy it is:

"It means exactly what he said."

See? What kind of proof is that? Unless we get someone who is willing to put a little more effort in explaining this it would be best to treat this as bogus.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by schuyler

I get what you're saying, I just think that if you make a definitive claim that it's not true you should at least find the answers... It would be like me looking at all UFO incidents and giving it no chance of being real and just stating "no way, impossible"...
edit on 25-1-2014 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 07:21 PM
Ok, let me try to reply a few questions and clarify this a little more...

A few weeks ago before taking this jacket to the laundry, my wife and my daughter found this paper among other papers I had in my pockets.
We don't know of anyone capable of writing this. I honestly have no clue at all on how this came to my pocket, what language is it and what it says. Also never told anyone about this but this has been in my head since it happened so I decided to post it here to see if anyone could help me to decifrate it.
Now, sorry but I still don't believe in the translation posted above coz if true it would be insanely weird and BELIEVE me: I'M NOT JOKING.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by CosmicDude

"If" that is HIndi writing, as some have suggested, I'm pretty sure THIS MEMBER and also THIS MEMBER live in areas where HIndi is spoken and should be able help you.

edit on 25-1-2014 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 07:32 PM
I did a bit of digging, and aside from learning a bit about optical character recognition tools, all I could extract from the text (try translating from Hindi and Arabic - not sure what else to try, but Hindi was the auto-suggestion) was the following:

>>From Google:

Let's do. Often -: -, o Huँhuँ is inaccurate (whether 1, unhappy
5 Shchapri Je 'were worth it. _ Is the

519 Chu Gri m in Sh -, 6 am - Ddi ruling _ Te Th
Ra - .. - .. -. - Dde 13. . Chan 80

>>And from Bing:

Should ', ॰ often-:-o hunhun, (, 1, unhappy
5 were "jhe & shchapri. Is _.

Choose "organize manpower in gri 519 s-6 at work:-ddi dha _ Te th
रा-..-..Dde-.-13. Chan 80

The optical character recognition tool I used can be found here

Few words with any sense to them - at least to me. Tough to scan a crinkly piece of paper and get a good digital recognition, I suppose. Be much easier if we had a resident ATS'er who could actually read and confirm what it says.

ETA: So, maybe I'm becoming a bit obsessed but I did the scan again. Got the following output Hindi text:

हूँ ' है - न्दी हुँ है झे है हैं
जाड:::.:: ८.३. य-, है, ट्वेमृ
किं". ३७" ३ " ' ५८८८८- च९१ब"९६९त्९न्द्र _ हैं
3३३३।' . हूँ न""""", हूँ
हूँ चं/रै जी " । थे क्वे " १ . है
ट्ठे है " ब्यो ४५ ४ /स्मृ३ तै च्ची ३
क्या एँ _..र्ण , ३ ३ क्ष ८ स" को ३
दृ । है ९८१ है है है-तरी-
४५५५८ दु. ओ ८' प पृ ५५१ बटा" -५ ' .. 13८,
-…-……दृ-गृस्जि"३३"३३९ट्वे३"" दृ सै ८3"

Translated by Google to:

I am '- the Ndi'll find is that Je
Jad :::. :: 8.3. State - is Tvemri
Films. "37" 3 "," 58888 - f 91 B "969 Quick 9 Ndra are _
3333. " . I'm not "" "" "I
I am Chan / Rai Ji. "The Quay" 1. Is
Tte "the description 45 4 / Smri 3 Tae Chchi 3
What s _ .. Arn, Number 3, 3 x 8 ", 3
Scene. Is the 981's - Tari -
45 558 du. O 8 'The earth over 551 "-5' .. 138,
- ... - ...... Scene - Grisji "33" 339 Tve 3 "" military scene 83 "

By the way, I'm just using the second photo provided (not sure which one is up) - but this is just getting more weird for me...The Quay? I am Chan? Rai Ji?

I have to stop now...I'll let you guys chew on this thing.

edit on 25-1-2014 by kalunom because: more info

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by kalunom

I've been working with that OCR also.
I came up with the same translation, so I cleared up the text thinking that might yield better results

But no luck, as far as I can tell.
Here is some of it (parts couldn't be recognized in the OCR) from Google translate:

Yenkyann 'Clint Nisi Gli I-25
Clinn in the Redra 2 youn
Drihnacl Dyirddhant contracts. Yicki o 'Buddha'
Drindprasi Mvanushcha cooked Hanmansmmri Nuwrdvi
ट्वेंत्विर्तिहैंगृ Hokindri Dahaka
If Kiyen
Good Ruzzaje

Looks like gibberish to me. Either the OCR tool is not accurate or the person who wrote that note has sloppy hand writing.

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by kalunom

'the earth over' ?!?!

'military scene' ?!?!?

posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by kalunom

This language looks like it might be Punjabi. Its looks close to Hindi. Might be a Punjabi song or prayer? But it looks like the writing was put on the paper when it was already worn and weathered. The writing fits the damage to the paper.

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