posted on Jan, 25 2014 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by sparrowstail
Burn crickets and grasshoppers with magnifying glass when you were a kid?
I've never been an evil sadistic hater of living things.
Nor do I go out of my way to kill one. Only when they decide to invade my privacy whilst I'm using the little girl's room or about to take a bite
of my hamburger and one decides he wants to share it uninvited.
I just don't feel guilty when I squish a bug that's invaded my space.... I know there's 600,000,000,000 many more were that one came from. So no
feelings of being an asshat for thinking I'm endangering a species or anything. Those little buggers far outnumber us by a long shot. We'll be
long gone and buried before they ever will be.
FYI: There's an estimated 925,000 named different types of species of insects in the world thus far, out of a probable 5 million species in
existence. You don't need to be a mathematician to figure out that there's at least a gazillion little creepy crawlies walking across your forehead
at night while your sawing logs dreaming about skydiving with Sean Connery...
So in my mind when the SHTF, it'll be the damn bugs that take over the world. I'm just doing us all a favor by taking 'em out one at a time.