You are not alone, useless killing is useless, even when it comes down to a bug.
I am afraid of spiders( don't know why, i just am), and for many years i killed them when i saw one.
Now, ten years or so ago, i was sitting in my bed with a book, and a tiny house spider came walking over my arm, i immediately killed it.
One hour or so later i looked up, and there on my knee was a huge house spider staring at me with it's many eye's.
My first thought was to kill it, but then something happened to me.
I realized that the huge spider was propably the mother of the small spider i had killed earlier, and now it was just sitting there wishing that it
could kill and eat me.
We where staring at each other for like five min. while judging who would make the first move.
I then decided to let the bugger live, and took it outside to live and make some more baby spiders.
That changed my view on bugs, and have never on purpose killed a bug since.
It is also why you will most of the time see a spider in my avatar, to remind me of that episode of my life, it really changed me to become a better
I am though still afraid of spiders, still don't know why
edit on 25-1-2014 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)
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25-1-2014 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)